This app allows to you expose azdo areas to users without account. The goal is to provide easy/unauthenticated read/write access to certain parts of your azure devops backlog.
- Url/PAT per space
- Filters
- [/] Add KeyVault configuration, allow setting keyvault values
- Add extension method in glow for minimal api
- Add health check?
- Test in prod environment
- Pipeline issue, "parameter cannot be empty", probably app insights key or keyvaultname
- Install Wizard
- Allow configuring ClientSecret (and maybe ClientId, TenantId)
- "Installmode" flags
- AAD Integration for admin routes
- Sortings
- Remove need for custom configurations
Preqrequesites: dotnet 6, node/npm, postgreSQL
git clone --recursive
edit /app/Properties/launchSettings.json
and adjust ConnectionString (connectionstring to your postgreSQL database, ), azdo:PAT (azure devops personal access token) and azdo:OrganizationBaseUrl (url of your azure devops organization)
"profiles": {
"sample-fs": {
"commandName": "Project",
"launchBrowser": true,
"applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5002;",
"environmentVariables": {
"ConnectionString": "User ID=postgres;Password=xxx;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=xxx;Pooling=true;Connection Lifetime=0;",
"azdo:PAT": "xxx",
"azdo:OrganizationBaseUrl": ""
cd app
dotnet watch run
In a second terminal
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
npm run bootstrap
npm run tsc
cd app/web
npm run start
open localhost:5002/admin
and create a Space
. Than click link to join space
and enter a name. Now you should be able to see the previously configured azure devops areas and create tasks.