This project aims at providing a complete toolkit to build M2M applications.
This project relies on Apache v2 license (
This project has been created by the LIG laboratory Adele team of Grenoble University. The main contributors are
- Adele team
- Orange Labs
- appstore: Contains the iCasa store sources.
- dependencies: Contains packages of used dependencies such as ROSE and Cilia.
- distribution: Contains distributions.
- doc: Contains documentation about development environment setup.
- parent: Contain the global build configuration including licensing information.
- platform: Contains technical services and device drivers used by the applications and distributions.
- portal: Contains the iCasa web portal sources.
- tests: Contains integration tests.
- Install jdk 6 (NOT java 7 !!!)
- Unzip one of the distribution
- Execute PRODUCT file (or PRODUCT.bat file on Windows)
Install all build prerequisites. Then add the following maven repositories to your project pom.xml file.
<name>icasa - Release</name>
<name>icasa - Snapshot</name>
- install Maven 3.x
- install jdk 6 (NOT java 7 !!!)
Use the following command to compile the project
mvn clean install
The project is built every week on the following continuous integration server :
<name>icasa - Release</name>
<name>icasa - Snapshot</name>
- major changed when there are modification or addition in the functionalities.
- minor changed when minor features or critical fixes have been added.
- revision changed when minor bugs are fixed.
If you want to contribute to this project, you MUST follow the developper guidelines:
- Use Sun naming convention in your code.
- You should prefix private class member by an underscore (e.g. : _bundleContext).
- All project directory names must be lower case without dots (you can use - instead of underscores).
- All packages must start with fr.liglab.adele.icasa
- All Maven artifact group id must be fr.liglab.adele.icasa
- All maven artifact id must not contain fr.liglab.adele.icasa and must be lower case (cannot use underscore, prefer dots)
- All maven project pom.xml file must inherent from parent pom (group id = fr.liglab.adele.icasa and artifact id = platform-parent)