- Updated Regularly- Latest Release: 8/25/2020
- Created by jam#3515 or jamxu88 on github
- Lightweight, easy to host and setup
- Est. Max Memory usage- 90MiB
- Made in Discord.js
- NodeJS and NPM (Distrubuted Together)
$ npm install [email protected] fetch mathjs cheerio request oxford-dictionary-api urban-dictionary jikan-node
$ npm install pm2 -g
PM2 must be installed globally to work properly.- Discord.js (Version 11.5 or earlier for self-bots, self-bots are depreciated in version 11.6 and later.)
- Fetch
- Math.js
- Cheerio
- Request
- Oxford Dictionary API (Not known to function, used in under development non-functional define command)
- urban-dictionary
- jikan-node
- Optional: Git- Git makes everything easier to do with their CLI
- Optional: PM2- PM2 will automatically restart the bot when errors happen.
- Weather Command (US Zipcodes)
- GC/Server Logging
- Mock Case
- Embeded Messages
- Dice Roll
- Random Number Generator
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Magic 8 Ball (Ask Jenna)
- Calculator
- PFP Retrieval
- Some hidden features ;)
- Urban Dictionary Lookup
- Clear Chat
- MyAnimeList Search (Manga, Anime)
- ETA September Features:
- Modulizing the entire bot (Priority)
- Blacklist (Priority)
- Select random from list
- Translate
- Food/Recipe Lookup
- Nutrition, full recipes
- Stock market viewer
- Polling/Voting
- No ETA Features
- Russian Roulette
- Fighting Game
- Dictionary Command
- Possible Future Features
- Chess
- Step-by-step AI Math Solver (Wolfram Alpha, Symbolab, etc.)
- Gambling Commands
- Blackjack
- Roulette
- Yahtzee
- Slots
- Abandoned Features
- Google Search/Image Search
- Might revist, but using Google's search results is difficult
- GC Music Bot
- Simply not possible
- Google Assistant API
- Kinda weird not worth the effort
- Gify/Tenor GIFs
- Both desktop and mobile versions of discord now support this in client.
- Google Search/Image Search
Development will begin to slow down in 2021. Jenna for GC will begin to close up and be set for final release in Q1 2021.
- This will only be the beta version of Jenna for Servers. It will only have a few basic server-only features upon first release.
Server Only Features:
- Moderation Commands
- Purgatory/Verification Channel/Anti-Bot/Anti-Raid
- Basic Captcha
- Application Settings
- Global fighting stats
- With economy
- Reddicord
- Do Not Disturb
- AdminAlert
- Support Ticket System
- Music bot
- Fully customizable
If you really want to follow Jenna's development, you can view the testnet in this server https://discord.gg/KPaf6en
- Bot crashes upon Group Chat name change or picture change (TypeError: channelClass is not a constructor)
- Bot crashes when attempting to send a direct message to non-friend users (DiscordAPIError: Cannot send messages to this user)
- Other misc. self-bot restrictions
- 9/1/2020- Anime and Manga Search is down due to a hosting issue, should be resolved soon.
- Bot crash issues can be solved easily through PM2 hosting or self-restarting dynos.
- None :)
- First, Download jconfig.json and jenna.js from the releases page.
- Next, you need to configure jconfig.json
- I can't tell you to self-bot... so head over to https://discord.com/developers/ and make a new application and bot
- Create a bot
- Where it says
in jconfig.js, enter the token within the quotes. - Get
from https://developer.oxforddictionaries.com/ logServerID
should be the channel ID of where you want logged messages to go. To get the channel ID, make sure you're in developer modeand right click on the channel and press Copy ID
- You must have a log server set up or else the bot will not work. If you don't want one, you must get rid of lines 29-34, and remove
|| message.channel.id === jconfig.logServerID
from line 27. jennaID
should be the Client ID found in your Developer Application
- I can't tell you to self-bot... so head over to https://discord.com/developers/ and make a new application and bot
- Now you're ready to begin the hosting process. Install the dependencies.
- Make sure all dependencies are installed in the same location and cd'd to where jenna.js is located.
- Make sure jenna.js, jconfig.json, and your node modules are in the same folder
- Invite your bot to your server- use https://discordapi.com/permissions.html to generate an invite link.
- For self hosting:
- Open a cd to where jenna.js, jconfig.json, and the node modules are located.
- For PM2-
$ pm2 start jenna.js
- For Stock Node-
$ node jenna.js
- Free 24/7 hosting:
- Heroku Offers a free 550 hours of hosting per month for your node apps and 1000 hours if you connect a card to your account.
- Tutorial
- And you're done!