Atomic encapsulates and augments a browser's native querySelectorAll function.
Note: Atomic is complete, but is still in 'beta' and is subject to issues/changes.
- Adds some selector shortcuts, and some functionality that querySelectorAll couldn't normally handle
- A fallback function can be assigned, for when querySelectorAll fails or isn't available
- Selector results can be returned in selector order, instead of DOM order
- Selector results are cached whenever possible, with options to clear the cache or to not cache at all
- Provides a simple DOM ready event handler
- Selector results are returned as an Array
As You Wish Public License
Copyright (c) 2012 Craig Pierce [email protected]
Use and/or distribute exact copies of this license as you wish.
Use and/or distribute exact copies of any works covered by this license as you wish.
Modify any works covered by this license as you wish, so long as you:
- Retain for attribution all applicable copyrights and/or authorship notices.
- Use and/or distribute all resulting works under at least the same licenses as the originating work.