Welcome to my portfolio website! This project showcases my work, skills, and experiences in the field of web development and frontend design.
About Projects Skills Contact
This website serves as a digital representation of my journey as a computer science student with a passion for frontend development. It offers insights into who I am, what I've worked on, and what I can bring to the table.
Browse through the projects section to see a collection of my work. Each project is accompanied by a brief description and a link to the live version or its repository. I take pride in the variety of projects I've tackled, and I'm constantly adding more to this section.
In the skills section, you'll find a list of the technologies and tools I'm proficient in. This includes languages, frameworks, and design tools that I use to create impressive user interfaces and web applications.
Interested in collaborating, discussing a project, or just saying hello? Feel free to reach out! You can find my contact information in the "Contact" section.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio website. I'm excited to share my work with you, and I hope you find it engaging and informative.# jamesmoseti.github.io