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Docker image for Zookeeper images in relation to CFEI and SES

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How to use

A docker-compose file have been provided as an example.

This docker-compose demonstrates deployment of a single zookeeper instance on a machine. It is not recommended to deploy more than one zookeeper instance per hostmachine.

It is necessary to open ports on the host machine. 2181 (client connections) and 2888 + 3888 (zookeeper instances communication, the first port is for connection to leader and the second is for leader election)

version: "3"

    image: cfei/zookeeper
      - 2181:2181
      - 2888:2888
      - 3888:3888
      ZOO_ID: 1
      ZOO_PORT: 2181
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=,server.2=<<server_2_ip>>:2888:3888,server.3=<<server_3_ip>>:2888:3888

A few environment variabels are required for zookeeper to work properly in a cluster. Some environemnt variables can also be set but is not required as defaults work out of the box.


Configurations for a basic setup

  • ZOO_ID: A unique Id for each zookeeper instance in the cluster. This is used by zookeeper to know which of the servers defined in ZOO_SERVERS itself is.

  • ZOO_PORT: The port on which clients connects to zookeeper.

  • ZOO_SERVERS: A comma-separated list of all the zookeeeper instances in the cluster needs to be defined here, either with DNS-resolvable hostnames or IP-addresses. An element in the list follows this convention: server.<ZOO_ID>=<ip_address_of_server>:<leader_connection_port>:<leader_selection_port>. Note: It is possible to use wildcards here as can be seen in the docker-compose example where the zookeepers' own IP-address is

Other Configurations (TODO - Some of these have not been implemented yet, so default values are set)

  • ZOO_AUTHENTICATION: Authentication schema to use. Currently only Kerberos is supported. Set to 'KERBEROS' for a kerberus setup. Required for Kerberos setup.

  • ZOO_REMOVE_HOST_AND_REALM: This enables zookeeper to only enforce ACLs based on the principal name. This is very useful if you have a clustered setup with more than one zookeeper or if you have clients such as a kafka cluster with more than one broker. It enables clients and other zookeeper servers to have access to the same znodes if their principal has the same name. So if you have two kafka brokers with different hostnames but with the same principal name, they will be able to access the same content in zookeeper.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_API_URL: The URL to use when zookeeper fetches keytabs from a kerberos server. The URL has to point to an HTTP POST Endpoint. The image will then supply the values of 'ZOO_KERBEROS_API_USERNAME' and 'ZOO_KERBEROS_API_PASSWORD' to the request. Required for Kerberos Setup with a kerberos API.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_API_USERNAME: The username to use when fetching the keytab for zookeeper on KERBEROS_API_URL'. Required for Kerberos Setup with a kerberos API.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_API_PASSWORD: The password to use when fetching the keytab for zookeeper on 'KERBEROS_API_URL'. Required for Kerberos Setup with a kerberos API.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL: The principal that zookeeper should use from the kerberos server. This variable is needed when you want to supply your own zookeeper keytab. Required for Kerberos setup.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_PUBLIC_URL: Public DNS of the kerberos server to use. Required for Kerberos setup without the use of a kerberos API.

  • ZOO_KERBEROS_REALM: The realm to use on the kerberos server. Required for Kerberos setup.

  • ZOO_TICK_TIME: Time unit measured in miliseconds used in Zookeeper configurations such as ZOO_INIT_LIMIT. Default is 2000 miliseconds - 2 seconds.

  • ZOO_INIT_LIMIT: Amount of time in ticks for zookeeper followers to connect and sync to the leader. Default is 10 ticks.

  • ZOO_SYNC_LIMIT: Amount of time in ticks for followers to sync with leader. Default is 5 ticks.

  • ZOO_MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS: Max amount of clients allowed to connect to a single zookeeper instance. Default is 10. Used to prevent DoS attacks.

  • ZOO_MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT: Mininimum amouint of time that a client is allowed to negotiate with the server. Default is 2 times ZOO_TICK_TIME

  • ZOO_MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT: Maximum amouint of time that a client is allowed to negotiate with the server. Default is 20 times ZOO_TICK_TIME


  • /data/zookeeper: Zookeeper ZOO_ID is stored here. Zookeeper also stores database snapshots here which is made when the znode data structure is updated. ZooKeeper will use these snapshots to recover from faults in the event it goes down. This directory is therefore very important to store.

  • /datalogs/zookeeper: Zookeeper transaction logs. Before ZooKeeper creates a snapshot it makes sure to create a transaction log describing the update.



Kerberos setup with a kerberos API

When Zookeeper is configured with kerberos it is still possible for anonymous users to connect to zookeeper and to create/update znodes. See ACL Setup to avoid this vulnerability.

version: "3"

    image: cfei/zookeeper
    container_name: zookeeper
      - 2181:2181
      - 2888:2888
      - 3888:3888
      ZOO_ID: 1
      ZOO_PORT: 2181
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=,server.2=<<zookeeper2_ip>>:2888:3888,server.3=<<zookeeper3_ip>>:2888:3888
      ZOO_KERBEROS_PUBLIC_URL:  <<kerberos_public_dns>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_URL: <<kerberos_api_public_dns>>/<<post_keytab_endpoint_route>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_USERNAME: <<kerberos_zookeeper_principal_name>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_PASSWORD: <<kerberos_api_zookeeper_password>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_REALM: <<kerberos_realm>>

Kerberos setup without a kerberos API

The Zookeeper requires a provided keytab in /sasl/zookeeper.service.keytab when not using a kerberos API

version: "3"

    image: cfei/zookeeper
      - 2181:2181
      - 2888:2888
      - 3888:3888
      ZOO_ID: 1
      ZOO_PORT: 2181
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=,server.2=<<zookeeper2_ip>>:2888:3888,server.3=<<zookeeper3_ip>>:2888:3888
      ZOO_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL: <<zookeeper_kerberos_principal_name>>@<<kerberos_realm>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_PUBLIC_URL:  <<kerberos_public_dns>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_REALM: <<kerberos_realm>>
      - ./zookeeper.service.keytab:/sasl/zookeeper.service.keytab

ACL (Access Control Lists)

Here 'ZOO_REMOVE_HOST_AND_REALM' is set to "true".

version: "3"

    image: cfei/zookeeper
    container_name: zookeeper
      - 2181:2181
      - 2888:2888
      - 3888:3888
      ZOO_ID: 1
      ZOO_PORT: 2181
      ZOO_SERVERS: server.1=,server.2=<<zookeeper2_ip>>:2888:3888,server.3=<<zookeeper3_ip>>:2888:3888
      KERBEROS_PUBLIC_URL:  <<kerberos_public_dns>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_URL: <<kerberos_api_public_dns>>/<<post_keytab_endpoint_route>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_USERNAME: <<kerberos_zookeeper_principal_name>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_API_PASSWORD: <<kerberos_api_zookeeper_password>>
      ZOO_KERBEROS_REALM: <<kerberos_realm>>


Docker image for Zookeeper images in relation to CFEI and SES






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