An image for managing ACL in the CFEI stack, the image consists of two parts.
The first part is the Kafka Security Manager written by simplesteph ( It watches an acls.csv file. In this file access control rules can be written, this way it's possible to limit a user's access to the kafka cluster. For example it's possible to limit both read and write access to specific topics. This manager requires a kerberos keytab for the zookeeper in which acls are written in the kafka / zookeeper stack.
The second part is an API for writing new rules to the acls.csv file remotely via http endpoints. The API works by entering an API Key during startup. This API Key has to be provided in order to be able to write new rules.
This docker-compose file show the deployment of the container
version: "3"
image: cfei/acl-security-manager
container_name: acl-manager
- 9000:9000
ACL_API_KEY: cfei-key
Terms explained A 'superuser' is a user which has access to everything in the kafka cluster. A 'principal' is the username of a kerberos keytab
In the following examples the host is and the port is 9000.
This endpoint creates a superuser. The api key provided during the container setup is required here.
"apiKey": "cfei-key",
"principalName": "examplecfeiuser"
- 403: "API key incorrect"
- 201: "Super user successfully created"
This endpoint writes a new rule to the access control list. TODO
This endpoint fetches all rules for a single user (principal name) TODO
This endpoint updates a single rule TODO
This endpoint deletes a single rule TODO
: The DNS-resolvable zookeeper url to authorize and store acls in. This environment variable supports a comma seperated list of zookeeper urls. Note: CFEI kafka setup by default adds a chroot /kafka to zookeeper. Therefore this should include /kafka if you use our CFEI kafka setup. Required. -
: The port on which the API will listen for connections. Required. -
: The API key to use. This can be used for everything in this image, so store it safely! Required. -
: The URL to use when the image fetches the zookeeper keytab from a kerberos server. The URL has to point to an HTTP POST Endpoint. The image will then supply the values of 'ACL_KERBEROS_API_ZOOKEEPER_USERNAME' and 'ACL_KERBEROS_API_ZOOKEEPER_PASSWORD' to the POST request. Required if a keytab is not provided through volumes. -
: The username to use when fetching the zookeeper keytab. Required if a keytab is not provided through volumes. -
: The password to use when fetching the zookeeper keytab. Required if a keytab is not provided through volumes. -
: The kerberos realm which will be used in keytabs. Required. -
: The DNS-resolvable hostname to use which the kerberos server is identified by. It should be set to the FQDN of the server on which kerberos is running on. Required. -
: Public DNS of the kerberos server to use. Required. -
: The image can create super users during startup. Super users in kafka has access to all topic and cluster actions. This environment variable has to be a comma-seperated string of kerberos principal names. (example:ACL_INIT_SUPERUSERS: "zookeeper,kafka,dashboardserver,dashboardinterface,elonmusk"
). -
: If this is set, ACL security manager will extract all already defined acls from the zookeeper/kafka cluster which you then can use as the source of truth afterwards. This is useful if your ACL-Security-Manager is restarted or go down and you lost your acls.csv file.
: Two important files reside in this directory. Both the zookeeper keytab which is used to write acls and also the acls.csv file. You can provide your own keytab and acls.csv file which the image will use instead of creating it's own. -
TODO: API Logging
TODO: Add support for https