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mli spec + some extra specs
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Ryan Richardson committed Apr 25, 2019
1 parent daf2c9d commit 6ad68c1
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Showing 7 changed files with 135 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions command.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,4 +22,8 @@ type command =
exception Empty
exception Malformed

(**[parse string] is the command type which a player wants to be acted upon.
It takes in a string and converts it to a type of command.
Raises: Empty if no command given or just whitespace;
Malformed if not a recognized command;*)
val parse: string -> command
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ let stringify_bid_ask (market : t) =
(string_of_int ^ "@" ^
(string_of_int market.currbidask.ask)

(**[get_timestamp market] is the value of the timestamp in the market *)
let get_timestamp (market : t) =

42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions marketmaker.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,14 +42,56 @@ type receive_transaction = {
transaction : bidask;

(**[init_market game] is the initial state of the market after a [game] is
started. It initializes all fields to its starting values and marks
the "trade_type" field in the record as "init". *)
val init_market : string -> t

(**[get_timestamp market] is the value of the timestamp in the market *)
val get_timestamp : t -> int

(**[transaction market trade] is the new state of the marketmaker after a trade.
It takes in a type t [market] and a [trade] and sets a new inventory,
bidask, timestamp, orderbook and curr_profit for the marketmaker.
We update the timestamp here.
val transaction : receive_transaction -> t -> t

(**[generate_receive_transaction timestamp trade_type bid ask] returns a
transaction variant with the given arguments. *)
val generate_receive_transaction : int -> string -> int -> int ->

(**[stringify_bid_ask market] is a string of the current bid and ask. *)
val stringify_bid_ask : t -> string

(** [get_outstandingshares market] returns the outstanding shares of the
market maker's state [market]. *)
val get_outstandingshares : t -> int

(**[increment_timestep market] is a type t [market] with the timestamp
incremented. *)
val increment_timestep : t -> t

(**[display_data state] is a unit with side-effects of displaying data about
transactions and the currents status of the player and market.
This uses ANSITerminal to pretty-print the market maker's statistics.
It currently includes the following data:
- Current Bid/Ask
- Spread
- Timestamp
- Current Profit
- # Coins accumulated
val display_data : t -> unit

(** [stringify_bidask_history market] returns a history of past market markets
as seen in [market] state. *)
val stringify_bidask_history : t -> unit

(** [exchange_mm_excess market sum_dice] will return a new market.t object
with excess/deficient shares of camlcoin swapped for cash in accordance
with the true market value, [sum_dice]. The final excess coins will be 0
(invariant). *)
val exchange_mm_excess : t -> int -> t
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions parse.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,29 @@ val fermi_json : t
val oth_situation : situation
val first_situation : situation
(* END *)

(**[from_json json] is a type t with values from the [json] file. *)
val from_json : Yojson.Basic.t -> t

(** [get_question data] returns a question from the [data] variant *)
val get_question : t -> string

(** [get_answer data] returns an answer from the [data] variant *)
val get_answer : t -> string

(* [get_nth_situation index data] is the nth situation from json. *)
val get_nth_situation : int -> t -> situation

(* [get_event_from_situation sit] is the event from a situation. *)
val get_event_from_situation: situation -> string

(* [get_effect_from_situation sit] is the effect from a situation. It's an
option indicating if it it causes the price to rise or to fall *)
val get_effect_from_situation : situation -> (string * string) option

(**[get_intro data] results in the ascii introduction string being printed from
the json. *)
val get_intro : t -> unit

(** [show_dice n] returns a string indicating a dice with visible face [n]. *)
val show_dice : int -> string
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,11 @@ let rec roll_list (num:int) (acc: int list) : (int list) =
roll_list (num - 1) ((1 + 5)::acc)

(**[get_player_roll d] gives the number the player rolled *)
let get_player_roll (d:dice_data) : int = d.player_roll

(**[mega_roll num_opp] gives dice data based on how many traders the player
is going against *)
let mega_roll (num_opp:int) : dice_data =
let playroll = ( 5) + 1 in
let other_list = roll_list num_opp [] in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +174,7 @@ let rec ask_acc (lst : Marketmaker.bidask list) acc =
| [] -> List.rev acc
| h::t -> ask_acc t (h.ask::acc)

(**[text_capture market] prints out "Trace" when called *)
let text_capture (market : Marketmaker.t) =
print_endline "Trace";
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions stats.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,13 +19,38 @@ type dice_data = {
sum_rolls : int;

(**[mega_roll num_opp] gives dice data based on how many traders the player
is going against *)
val mega_roll : int -> dice_data

(**[get_player_roll d] gives the number the player rolled *)
val get_player_roll : dice_data -> int
(**[to_float_list lst] is a list of floats converted from the string list
[lst] *)
val to_float_list : string list -> float list

(**[get_mean] is the mean of the values in lst. *)
val get_mean : float list -> float

(**[get_variance lst] is the variance of the values in [lst]. *)
val get_variance : float list -> float

(**[last_three_lsr lst] is the prediction of the next values based on the least
squares of the last three values in [lst].*)
val last_three_lsr : int list -> float

(**[get_graph market trader] is a record of the bids and asks put by the player,
the types of trades made and the true value of the security. It takes in
a [market] type t and a [trader] type t*)
val get_graph : Marketmaker.t -> Trader.t -> graph_data

(**[text_capture market] prints out "Trace" when called *)
val text_capture : Marketmaker.t -> unit

(**[linear_reg_cheat market] is the linear regression of the bids or asks in
the market based on what the market has seen more of. *)
val linear_reg_cheat : Marketmaker.t -> dice_data -> float

(**[chebyshev_like_var var] Uses the normal variance of a float list, and
calculates chebyshevs variance *)
val chebyshev_like_var : float -> float
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion trader.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,9 +48,49 @@ type trader_players = {
ai2 : t;

(**[init_trader hidden identifier] initalizes a trader record with hidden number
[hidden] and id equal to [identifier] *)
val init_trader : int -> string -> t

(**[make_trade trader transaction] is an option either of Some new type t trader
(or the old trader depending on whether the trader will accept the
marketmaker's bid for the security) or None which indicates whether trade
was accepted.
AI Description:
This is one AI choice where the trader will trade according to the trader's
current positions. We describe the trader to be "flaky" as the trader does
not want to hold excess shares, but still wants to participate in trades.
The trader will sell shares after accumulating a certain amount and will
buy shares if deficient. In addition, the trader will purchase shares if
the current offer is less than the average holding.
This AI is meant to mimic a trader with small starting capital.
val make_trade : t -> transaction -> (t * string) option

(** [make_trade_dumb trader transaction] is an option either of Some new type
t trader (or the old trader depending on whether the trader will accept the
marketmaker's bid for the security) or None which indicates whether trade
was accepted.
AI Description:
[make_trader_dumb] is described as "dumb" because the trader does not keep
track of its holdings. It looks at its hidden number and calculates the
expected value of the sum of all remaining dice. It then transacts according
to this calculated expected value, without keeping track of its holdings.
This is meant to simulate a perfect trader who only trades according to EV.
val make_trade_dumb : t -> transaction -> (t * string) option

(**[make_transaction timestamp bid ask order_type] returns a variant transaction
that takes in a [timestamp], [order_type] and a [bid] and [ask]. *)
val make_transaction : int -> int -> int -> string -> transaction

(** [contention_for_trade traders_data trans] will return an option indicating a
single transaction, indicating the outcome for the market maker's bid/ask.
It randomly choses a trader from all traders who are willing to transact.
If no traders want to transact, it returns None.
val contention_for_trade: trader_players -> transaction -> (t * string) option

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