Goal: The purpose of this repository and documentation is to demonstrate a buildchain implementation for the STM32F103C8 (STM32) microcontroller found on the STM32 Blue Pill dev board.
- CMake is used to generate the build tools. It is used to generate Makefiles that are then used to compile code.
- libopencm3 is used as a hardware abstraction library (HAL) for the STM32.
- FreeRTOS is the real-time operating system used. It exposes APIs like threads, queues, semaphores, mutexes, and other helpful constructs.
There are lots...
- STM32F103 CMake Template - Used as inspiration/source for a lot of CMake things
- libopencm3 Examples
- Bare-metal Example
- STM32 Blue Pill ARM development
- Blue Pill/Make/GCC Environment
- cmake-stm32
- Programming a microcontroller without an IDE
- STM32 Development without an IDE