Cairo 1.0 library for hashing with RIPEMD-160.
In your Scarb.toml :
ripemd160 = { git = "" }
In a .cairo file :
// Import the module
use ripemd160::{RIPEMD160Context, ripemd160_hash, ripemd160_context_as_array};
fn hash_something() {
// Message to hash
let message: ByteArray = "My string to hash";
// Hash and return the hashed message in a struct
let context: RIPEMD160Context = ripemd160_hash(@message);
// Get your hash in a ByteArray
let hash_bytes: ByteArray = context.into();
// Get your hash in an u256
let hash_u256: u256 = ripemd160_hash(@message).into();
// Get your hash via function (_as_bytes and _as_u256 also working)
let hash_array: Array<u32> = ripemd160_context_as_array(@context);
Tips for gas optimization are welcome.
- Follow Conventionnal Commits rules
- Ensure all tests pass with
scarb test
- Format the code with
scarb fmt