- Store documents on the contact cart
- A document can be linked to more than one contact
- Version management with a document
- Custom search to find documents
There is an entity CRM_Documents_Entity_Document which contains all the information for a document. E.g. the linked contact ID's. Every document contains one or more CRM_Documents_Entity_DocumentVersion for a version of the document. A Document version contains a link to the file which is a civicrm_entity_file item.
See available hooks for the documentation of the hooks in this extension
This extension includes two Drupal modules
- views_civicrm_documents
- webform_civicrm_documents
- Search document by case type
- Store the user context upon search (e.g. for going back on a edit form)
- Removing document on a merge of duplicate contacts
- Add file type icons (such as pdf/doc etc...)
- Add tagging to to a document
- Search with tags
- Add hooks for linking documents to custum entities (e.g. campaigns)
- Add a connection with ownCloud for interacting with documents
- Add functionality to work together on a document with the webODF functionality