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More stable alternative to podio's jquery.mentionsInput plugin, which is currently unmaintained.

Advantages over jquery.mentionsInput:

  • Many issues are solved
  • Input styles are copied to highlighter automatically
  • Support for both textarea and input tags
  • Support for WYSIWYG editors
  • Hidden-input with markuped text created automatically
  • Uses jQuery UI autocomplete
  • The code is much smaller

Solved issues of jquery.mentionsInput:

  • Adding spaces before mention shows overlay
  • Scrolling to bottom inside textarea moves text, but not highlights
  • Typing email adress activates mentions
  • Inserting same mentions multiple times
  • Prepopulate input with text


For this plugin to work you need to include jQuery Autocomplete to your page.

var data = [
    {value: 'alex', uid: 'user:1'},
    {value: 'andrew', uid: 'user:2'},
    {value: 'angry birds', uid: 'game:5'},
    {value: 'assault', uid: 'game:3'}

$('textarea').mentionsInput({source: data});

Remote datasource (ajax):

$('textarea').mentionsInput({source: ''})

The url is given a query paremeter term, like and must return a json list of matched values (like the above).

Calling a method:

$('textarea').mentionsInput('setValue', 'Hello, @[Alex](user:1)');

Getting value: $('textarea').mentionsInput('getValue') -> Hello, @[Alex](user:1) $('textarea').mentionsInput('getRawValue') -> Hello, Alex

Don't use textarea value directly, because it contains special characters, used by plugin internally. Always use methods.



Data source for the autocomplete. See jQuery Autocomplete API for available values.

Source data is an array of objects with uid and value properties: [{uid: '123', value: 'Alex'}, ...]. If you want to display an icon in dropdown list, you can add an image property to objects in the array.


Delay for autocomplete to start searching. Default value is 0. More info in jQuery Autocomplete API


Char which trigger autocomplete, default value is '@'


If this is true, first item is automatically focused in the dropdown. Default is true.



Returns marked up value.


Returns value without any markup


Takes marked up value as an argument. For example 'Hey, @[alex](user:1)'. You can also represent mentions as objects, instead of manually marking them up: $textarea.mentionsInput('setValue', 'Hey, ', {name: 'alex', uid: 'user:1'})


Returns an array of all mentions contained within the text, like this:

  {name: 'alex', uid: 'user:1'},
  {name: 'andrew', uid: 'user:2'}


Clears value. Note that you must use this method insted of manually clearing value of the input


Destroys current instance of the plugin