nextgen itDAGENE frontend
Written using next.js, react-relay and graphql.
$ yarn
$ yarn schema:prod # replace 'prod' with 'dev' when running backend
$ yarn relay
$ yarn dev
$ # open http://localhost:8000
$ # To run against
$ RELAY_ENDPOINT= yarn dev
: graphql endpoint for relay (default:http://localhost:8000
: Public Sentry Raven DSNRAVEN_DSN
: Sentry Raven DSN
The source code is formatted with prettier, and use eslint for basic linting. To verify that your code is good to go, you have to execute the following commands:
$ yarn schema:prod
$ yarn relay
$ yarn lint
$ yarn test
$ yarn build
In order to run in production, you have to build and then server the SSR. This project ships
with a Dockerfile
meant for building and running the project.
$ yarn build
$ RELAY_ENDPOINT=... yarn start
$ # using docker
$ docker build -t itdagene/itdagene-webapp .