A podcast feature that provides iTunes/RSS feeds and an HTML5 podcast player Podlove Web Player.
Commandline where $DRUPAL_ROOT is the root of your Drupal site:
cd $DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/libraries
curl -L 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/getid3/files/getID3%28%29%201.x/1.8.5/getid3-1.8.5-20110218.zip' > getid3-1.8.5-20110218.zip
unzip -d getid3 getid3-1.8.5-20110218.zip
rm getid3-1.8.5-20110218.zip
rm -rf getid3/demos
git clone https://github.com/isubit/luggage_podcasts_player.git
cd $DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/modules
# this specific version is required by views_rss_itunes
drush dl getid3-7.x-1.0
drush en getid3
cd luggage
git clone https://github.com/isubit/luggage_podcasts.git
drush en luggage_podcasts
As part of enabling luggage_podcasts, drush will have downloaded the jquery_update module. After enabling the feature, go to the jQuery update config page and set 'Default jQuery Version' to 1.8. The omega base theme used by suitcase requires jQuery.browser which was removed in 1.9.