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A Flutter plugin to use iOS 16.1+ Live Activities โ›น๏ธ & iPhone Dynamic Island ๐Ÿ๏ธ features


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flutter ios 16 live activities

A Flutter plugin to use iOS 16.1+ Live Activities & iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island features.

๐Ÿง What is it ?

This plugin uses the iOS ActivityKit API.

live_activities can be used to show dynamic live notification & implement dynamic island feature on iPhones that support it ๐Ÿ๏ธ

โš ๏ธ live_activities is only intended to use with iOS 16.1+ ! It will simply do nothing on other platform & < iOS 16.1

flutter ios 16 live activities dynamic island flutter ios 16 live activities lockscreen
flutter ios 16 live activities preview dynamic island flutter ios 16 live activities preview action

๐Ÿ‘ป Getting started

Due to technical restriction, it's not currently possible to only use Flutter ๐Ÿซฃ.

You need to implement in your Flutter iOS project a Widget Extension & develop in Swift/Objective-C your own Live Activity / Dynamic Island design.

โ„น๏ธ You can check into the example repository for a full example app using Live Activities & Dynamic Island

  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ Native

    • Open the Xcode workspace project ios/Runner.xcworkspace.
    • Click on File -> New -> Target...
      • Select Widget Extension & click on Next.
      • Specify the product name (e.g., MyAppWidget) and be sure to select "Runner" in "Embed in Application" dropdown.
      • Click on Finish.
      • When selecting Finish, an alert will appear, you will need to click on Activate.

create widget extension xcode

  • Add the "Push Notifications" capabilities for the main Runner app only!.

    enable push notification capabilities
  • Enable live activity by adding this line in Info.plist for both Runner and your Widget Extension.


enable live activities xcode

  • Add the "App Group" capability for both Runner and your widget extension. After you add the capability, check the checkmark next to the text field that contains an identifier of the form group.example.myapp. This identifier will be used later and refered to as YOUR_GROUP_ID.

    enable live activity

โ„น๏ธ You can check on this resource or here for more native informations.

  • Inside your extension ExtensionNameLiveActivity.swift file, you need to create an ActivityAttributes called EXACTLY LiveActivitiesAppAttributes (if you rename, activity will be created but not appear!)
struct LiveActivitiesAppAttributes: ActivityAttributes, Identifiable {
  public typealias LiveDeliveryData = ContentState // don't forget to add this line, otherwise, live activity will not display it.

  public struct ContentState: Codable, Hashable { }

  var id = UUID()
  • Create a Swift extension to handle prefixed keys at the end of the file.
extension LiveActivitiesAppAttributes {
  func prefixedKey(_ key: String) -> String {
    return "\(id)_\(key)"
  • Create an UserDefaults with your group id to access Flutter data in your Swift code.
// Create shared default with custom group
let sharedDefault = UserDefaults(suiteName: "YOUR_GROUP_ID")!

struct FootballMatchApp: Widget {
  var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
    ActivityConfiguration(for: LiveActivitiesAppAttributes.self) { context in
      // create your live activity widget extension here
      // to access Flutter properties:
      let myVariableFromFlutter = sharedDefault.string(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("myVariableFromFlutter"))!

      // [...]
  • ๐Ÿ’™ Flutter

    • Import the plugin.
    import 'package:live_activities/live_activities.dart';
    • Initialize the Plugin by passing the created App Group Id (created above).
    final _liveActivitiesPlugin = LiveActivities();
    _liveActivitiesPlugin.init(appGroupId: "YOUR_GROUP_ID");
    • Create your dynamic activity.
    final Map<String, dynamic> activityModel = {
      'name': 'Margherita',
      'ingredient': 'tomato, mozzarella, basil',
      'quantity': 1,

    You can pass all type of data you want but keep it mind it should be compatible with UserDefaults

Access Flutter basic data from Native ๐Ÿงต

  • In your Swift extension, you need to create an UserDefaults instance to access data:
let sharedDefault = UserDefaults(suiteName: "YOUR_GROUP_ID")!

โš ๏ธ Be sure to use the SAME group id in your Swift extension and your Flutter app!

  • Access to your typed data:
let pizzaName = sharedDefault.string(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("name"))! // put the same key as your Dart map
let pizzaPrice = sharedDefault.float(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("price"))
let quantity = sharedDefault.integer(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("quantity"))
// [...]

Access Flutter files like pictures from Native ๐Ÿงต

  • In your map, send a LiveActivityFileFromAsset, LiveActivityFileFromUrl or LiveActivityFileFromMemory object:

You can use the factory .image() to use options like resizing image.

final Map<String, dynamic> activityModel = {
  'txtFile': LiveActivityFileFromAsset('assets/files/rules.txt'),
  'assetKey': LiveActivityFileFromAsset.image('assets/images/pizza_chorizo.png'),
  'url': LiveActivityFileFromUrl.image(
    imageOptions: LiveActivityImageFileOptions(
      resizeFactor: 0.2


โ„น๏ธ Use LiveActivityFileFromAsset to load a file from your Flutter asset.

โ„น๏ธ Use LiveActivityFileFromUrl to load a file from an external url.

โ„น๏ธ Use LiveActivityFileFromMemory to load a file from the memory (from a Uint8List object).

โš ๏ธ File like picture need to be in a small resolution to be displayed in your live activity/dynamic island, you can use resizeFactor to automatically resize the image ๐Ÿ‘.

  • In your Swift extension, display the image:
if let assetImage = sharedDefault.string(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("assetKey")), // <-- Put your key here
  let uiImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: shop) {
  Image(uiImage: uiImage)
      .frame(width: 53, height: 53)
} else {
  • To display a txt file content:
let ruleFile = sharedDefault.string(forKey: context.attributes.prefixedKey("txtFile"))! // <-- Put your key here
let rule = (try? String(contentsOfFile: ruleFile, encoding: .utf8)) ?? ""

// [...] display the rule txt string variable here

Communicate between native ๐Ÿงต and Flutter ๐Ÿ’™

In order to pass some useful data between your native live activity / dynamic island with your Flutter app you just need to setup URL scheme.

โš ๏ธ It's recommended to set a custom scheme, in this example, la is used but keep in mind, you should use a more personalized scheme.

ex: for an app named Strava, you could use str.

  • Add a custom url scheme in Xcode by navigating to Runner > Runner > URL Types > URL Schemes

add url scheme xcode

  • In your Swift code, just create a new link and open to your custom URL Scheme
Link(destination: URL(string: "la://")!) { // Replace "la" with your scheme
  Text("See order")

โš ๏ธ Don't forget to put the URL Scheme you have typed in the previous step. (str:// in the previous example)

  • In your Flutter App, you need to init the custom scheme you provided before
  appGroupId: '', // replace here with your custom app group id
  urlScheme: 'str' // replace here with your custom app scheme
  • Finally, on the Flutter App too, you just need to listen on the url scheme Scheme
_liveActivitiesPlugin.urlSchemeStream().listen((schemeData) {
  // do what do you want here ๐Ÿค—

Update Live Activity with push notification ๐ŸŽฏ

You can update live activity directly in your app using the updateActivity() method, but if your app was killed or in the background, you canโ€™t update the notification...

To do this, you can update it using Push Notification on a server.

  • Get the push token:
    • Listen on the activity updates (recommended):
      _liveActivitiesPlugin.activityUpdateStream.listen((event) {
          active: (activity) {
            // Get the token
          ended: (activity) {},
          unknown: (activity) {},
    • Get directly the push token (not recommended, because the token may change in the future):
      final activityToken = await _liveActivitiesPlugin.getPushToken(_latestActivityId!);
  • Update your activity with the token on your server (more information can be found here).

To set matchName for a specific notification, you just need to grab the notification id you want (ex. 35253464632) and concatenate with your key by adding a _, example: 35253464632_matchName.

That's it ๐Ÿ˜‡

Push-to-Start Live Activities (iOS 17.2+) ๐Ÿš€

iOS 17.2 introduces the ability to create Live Activities remotely via push notifications before the user has even opened your app. This is called "push-to-start" functionality.

Check Support

First, check if the device supports push-to-start:

final isPushToStartSupported = await _liveActivitiesPlugin.allowsPushStart();
if (isPushToStartSupported) {
  // Device supports push-to-start (iOS 17.2+)

Listen for Push-to-Start Tokens

To use push-to-start, you need to listen for push-to-start tokens:

_liveActivitiesPlugin.pushToStartTokenUpdateStream.listen((token) {
  // Send this token to your server
  print('Received push-to-start token: $token');
  // Your server can use this token to create a Live Activity
  // without the user having to open your app first

Server Implementation

On your server, you'll need to send a push notification with the following payload structure:

  "aps": {
    "timestamp": 1234,
    "event": "start",
    "content-state": {
      "currentHealthLevel": 100,
      "eventDescription": "Adventure has begun!"
    "attributes-type": "AdventureAttributes",
    "attributes": {
      "currentHealthLevel": 100,
      "eventDescription": "Adventure has begun!"
    "alert": {
      "title": {
        "loc-key": "%@ is on an adventure!",
        "loc-args": [
          "Power Panda"
      "body": {
        "loc-key": "%@ found a sword!",
        "loc-args": [
          "Power Panda"
      "sound": "chime.aiff"

The push notification should be sent to the push-to-start token you received from the pushToStartTokenUpdateStream. Your server needs to use Apple's APNs with the appropriate authentication to deliver these notifications.

๐Ÿ“˜ Documentation

Name Description Returned value
.init() Initialize the Plugin by providing an App Group Id (see above) Future When the plugin is ready to create/update an activity
.createActivity() Create an iOS live activity String The activity identifier
.createOrUpdateActivity() Create or updates an (existing) live activity based on the provided UUID via customId String The activity identifier
.updateActivity() Update the live activity data by using the activityId provided Future When the activity was updated
.endActivity() End the live activity by using the activityId provided Future When the activity was ended
.getAllActivitiesIds() Get all activities ids created Future<List<String>> List of all activities ids
.getAllActivities() Get a Map of activitiyIds and the ActivityState Future<Map<String, LiveActivityState>> Map of all activitiyId -> LiveActivityState
.endAllActivities() End all live activities of the app Future When all activities was ended
.areActivitiesEnabled() Check if live activities feature are supported & enabled Future<bool> Live activities supported or not
.allowsPushStart() Check if device supports push-to-start for Live Activities (iOS 17.2+) Future<bool> Whether push-to-start is supported
.getActivityState() Get the activity current state Future<LiveActivityState?> An enum to know the status of the activity (active, dismissed or ended)
.getPushToken() Get the activity push token synchronously (prefer using activityUpdateStream instead to keep push token up to date) String? The activity push token (can be null)
.urlSchemeStream() Subscription to handle every url scheme (ex: when the app is opened from a live activity / dynamic island button, you can pass data) Future<UrlSchemeData> Url scheme data which handle scheme url host path queryItems
.dispose() Remove all pictures passed in the AppGroups directory in the current session, you can use the force parameters to remove all pictures Future Picture removed
.activityUpdateStream Get notified with a stream about live activity push token & status Stream<ActivityUpdate> Status updates for new push tokens or when the activity ends
.pushToStartTokenUpdateStream Stream of push-to-start tokens for creating Live Activities remotely (iOS 17.2+) Stream<String> Stream of tokens for push-to-start capability

๐Ÿค” Questions

Do I have to code in Swift?

Yes you need to implement your activity in Swift but no worries, there is a lot of cool tutorials:

I have an issue when building my app on iOS: Error (Xcode): Cycle inside Runner; building could produce unreliable results.

This error occurs due to a build script ordering issue. Follow this guide to resolve it.

I can't see my live activity when I create it...

It can be related to multiple issues, please be sure to:

  • App Groups Capability: Set up the App Groups capability for BOTH the Runner and your extension targets.
  • Same App Group: Use the SAME app group for both the Runner and extension targets.
  • Push Notification Capability: Verify that the Push Notification capability is enabled for the Runner target.
  • ActivityAttributes Definition: In your extensionโ€™s ExtensionNameLiveActivity.swift file, ensure you create an ActivityAttributes named EXACTLY LiveActivitiesAppAttributes.
  • Asset Size Limit: Images in live activities must be under or equal 4 KB. Use the resize factor argument to reduce image size if necessary.
  • Supports Live Activities: Be sure to set the NSSupportsLiveActivities property to true in Info.plist files for BOTH Runner and your extension.
  • iOS Version Requirement: The device must run iOS 16.1 or later.
  • Device Activity Check: Confirm that the areActivitiesEnabled() method returns true on your device.
  • Minimum Deployment Target: Confirm that the extensions deployment target is not set lower than your devices.

Is Android supported?

Currently, no, but the plugin does not crash when run on Android. This means you can safely install it in a hybrid app.

Simply call areActivitiesEnabled() before creating your activity to ensure it can be displayed on the user's device. ๐Ÿ˜Š

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Contributions

Contributions are welcome. Contribute by creating a PR or an issue ๐ŸŽ‰.

๐ŸŽฏ Roadmap

  • Inject a Widget inside the notification with Flutter Engine?
  • Migrate to Swift Package Manager.
  • Support push token.
  • Pass media between extension & Flutter app.
  • Support multiple type instead of String (Date, Number etc.).
  • Pass data across native dynamic island and Flutter app.
  • Pass data across native live activity notification and Flutter app.
  • Cancel all activities.
  • Get all activities ids.
  • Check if live activities are supported.


A Flutter plugin to use iOS 16.1+ Live Activities โ›น๏ธ & iPhone Dynamic Island ๐Ÿ๏ธ features








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