Basic Requirements
Install CUDA 11.0 and download CuDNN ( After downloading copy all the files to CUDA installed location. Install Bazel 3.1.0 “”
Download “bazel-3.1.0-windows-x86_64.exe”
Make Bazel folder and copy the “exe” file and rename it as “bazel.exe”
Add “bazel.exe” to the system path. Environment variable Path “C:\bazel”
Setting environment variable(System variable) BAZEL_VC(Variable name): C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC BAZEL_VS(Variable name): C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community BAZEL_SH(Variable name): C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe
Download Tensorflow r2.4 from "" Unzip the file. Configure the Tensorflow with install CUDA 11.1 Run “”. Configure according to A,B,C,D,E,F steps
A) First it asks location of Python. Press Enter to leave default value:
B) Then it asks about XLA JIT support. Press “n”:
C) Then it asks about ROCm support. We don’t need it if we choose CUDA support. Press “n”:
D) Then it asks about CUDA support: Press "Y"
E) Then Please specify optimization flags to use during compilation when bazel option "--config=opt" is specified [Default is /arch:AVX]: /arch:AVX2
F) Last question is about eigen. Press “y”.
Run “D:\tensorflow-r2.4>bazel --output_base=D:/AI/tensorflow-r2.0 build --config=opt //tensorflow:tensorflow.dll”
After “INFO: Build completed successfully, 8708 total actions” In my case....
"D:\tensorflow-r2.4\bazel-bin\tensorflow” will have the “Tensorflow.dll”
Expected time to build : 15-20min