This repository was based on a idea, Make my own Netflix clone. For this challenge i wanted to see all informations about a movie/tv and in same time see all trailers available.
- Add capacitor for Android conversion
- Add WPA Web progressive app for faster rendering
- All modern browsers (including mobile) with css media query
- Route maping for rendering mutliples pages with react router with parameters(dynamic route generation)
- Bootstrap modal
- GlobalStyle, and style.jsx and styled component
- Hooks and UseContext to synchronize data context
- TMDB Api , Omdb api
- Handle environment variable with .env
if someone can do the same for ios and push the app to the apple store, it will be awesome 💥 🐵
Clone Project :
git clone
Go to project directory :
cd NetflixClone_Capacitor_Android/
Install dependencies:
npm install
in the root project
Get API key from here
Change .env
file in root project and replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE
by your personnal themoviedb key
Run project:
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
I use Capacitor to convert React.js project to native Android project.
How to convert project to native app with capacitor :
you can handle native event in your project using capacitor bridge to handle or modify wanted behavior
Run this command on the root of the project
npm i @capacitor/core
npm i -D @capacitor/cli
npx cap init
npm i @capacitor/android
npx cap add android
npx cap sync
npx cap run android
Create a folder resources
in the root of your project with icon.png
and splash.png
npm install -g cordova-res
cordova-res android --skip-config --copy
Synchronize your project to update android project folder
npm run build
npx cap sync
Go to Android Studio to fix all images declination for devices
Watch the lastest trailers quickly and easily like a famous streaming app. Search for a movie/tv , show movie details like casting or production focus on user experience
MoviesTrailer app allows you to see trailers of all popular movies, primarily in your native language. Search for an actor or director..., get the filmography and the resume of an actor.Search any movie, find information about it and see the list of trailers for the same movie very easily. Make your own movie favorite list quickly
• Make you own movies list
• Link to watch movie with webtorrent
• Show actor or director filmography
• Casting of the movie
• Get similar movies
• Manage all main languages
• Get the reviews of a movie
• Get the list of provider for movies available in your country
• Results according to your preferred language
• View all upcoming movie trailers.
• Get a list of currently popular movies.
• Get a list of top rated movies.
• Search any movie with its information: title, rating, release date, language, genres, synopsis, production...
• Link to download movie with torrent