Table of Contents
TLSPU Cookie Policy is a Plone package (add-on) providing simple a simple solution to comply with the so called "European Cookie Law".
In 2011 the European Parliament passed into European Law the ePrivacy Directive (The so called "European Cookie Law").
One of the effects of this law is that anyone who runs a website which sets cookies (Such as Plone sites may) is breaking the law if they fail to notify (And get permission) for these cookies to be set.
TLSPU Cookie Policy is a simple add on for your plone sites which displays a customisable message which enables you to comply with the "Implied Consent" variant which has been adopted into law in certain EU countries.
For sites outside of the EU, or targetting non-EU users it's a reasonable idea to inform your users of the fact your site sets cookies so this may still be useful to you.
Tested with
- Plone 4.2.x (
- Plone 4.1.x (
Should also work with
- Plone 4.0.x (
- Plone 3.3.x (
To enable this product, on a buildout based installation:
Edit your buildout.cfg and add
to the list of eggs to install[buildout] ... eggs = tlspu.cookiepolicy
Since Plone 3.3 is not is necessary to explictly inform plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe to install the ZCML slug
After updating the configuration you need to run the ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system.
Go to the 'Site Setup' page in the Plone interface and click on the 'Add/Remove Products' link.
Choose the product TLSPU Cookie Policy (check checkbox at its left side) and click the 'Activate' button.
Go to the 'Site Setup' page in the Plone interface and click on the 'Cookie Policy' link -- under Add-on Configuration.
There you can configure how TLSPU Cookie Policy will behave.
Go to the 'Site Setup' page in the Plone interface and click on the 'Add/Remove Products' link.
Choose the product TLSPU Cookie Policy, which should be under Activated add-ons, (check checkbox at its left side) and click the 'Deactivate' button.
You may have to empty your browser cache and save your resource registries in order to see the effects of the product installation.
The source code is hosted at
Development of this product was sponsored by :
- Adrian Hungate - Idea and implementation.
- Maurits van Rees - General improvement and Dutch translations.
- David Carter - Fix bug killing javascript where cookiepolicy is disabled