Blogs, social media, news outlets, online patient forums, and other sources of online media have rapidly increased the sharing of disease experience. Parkinson's disease is no different; large communities of both patients and caregivers have found homes on the internet, sharing symptoms, drug responses, and general day to day life. Obtaining and processing this large amount of textual data can provide unique insights into the patient experience.
- Contributors:
- Hampton Leonard, NIA, NIH
- Manuela Tan
- Prabhjyot Saini
- Van Truong, NCI, NIH & Johns Hopkins University
- Irem Sarihan, Cleveland Clinic
- Fanny Casse
- Sentiment of PD on social media
- Building off of what was done with reddit last year
- Drug review data
- Sentiment of PD drugs, are there patterns or outliers
- Look at sentiment in headlines/articles relating to Parkinson’s,
- e.g. new treatments, and whether there is much continuity in these
- dashboard to display current sentiments around new treatments/news of PD
- Updating and building off of Reddit
- Hampton
- Manuela
- Drug review data
- Fanny
- Irem
- Sentiment in headlines/articles
- Van
- Prabhjyot
- Pipeline for text processing
- Dashboard
- takes an input of a dataframe with a column of text to be processed
- outputs frequency counts of words, trigrams, td idf matrix
- option of sentiment analysis?
(make this part better)
scraped pd subreddit for everything after 01-01-2012 to now
3033 posts
filter raw dataframe based on a number of things, drugs, clinical trials, etc
run through pipeline
sentiment analysis and compare
Dashboard for viewing different metrics taken from analyzed media text data