Generating risk scores is becoming more common, but what do they mean? Here, we are putting together a website with context around risk scores, the different types, how they translate into different populations, and publications. Also, we are creating a series of notebooks that can be deployed in a containerized Binder to calculate risk scores for your own data, linked on the website.
In the future, plans include incorporating a calculator directly into the website, but we saw merit in developing both these sections individually.
Notebook Binder: Coming Soon!
- Mary B. Makarious, NIA, NIH
- Anni Moore, NIA, NIH
- Eric Yu, McGill University
- Bernabe Bustos, Northwestern University
- Ignacio Juan Keller Sarmiento, Northwestern University
- Mohammad Dehestani, University of Tübingen
- Hui Lui, University of Tübingen
Online README:
Google Drive:
- Website Team:
- Updates and maintains the website
- Helps updating the GitHub README to meet Hackthon deadlines
- Helps with the other teams responsibilities
- Help design IPDGC presentation
- Content Curating Team:
- Look through papers/publications
- Look through online resources
- Consolidate statistics we can report
- Think of interesting ways to visualize the data in a meaningful way
- Help design IPDGC presentation
- Code Development Team:
- Look through online resources that go through how to calculate these things
- Start putting together a notebook in Jupyter
- Calculate quartiles based on META5 data
- Help design IPDGC presentation
- Website Team:
- Mary
- Bernabe
- Content Curating Team:
- Mary
- Eric
- Bernabe
- Ignacio
- Code Development Team:
- Mo
- Hui
- Eric
- Mary
- Anni
- Publish draft website
- Running PRSice on French Canadian dataset
- Running PLINK on French Canadian dataset
- Adding R Script to GitHub repository
- Adding notebook to GitHub repository
- Cleaning up scripts and adding context
- Generating some visualization plots for PLINK PRS
- Generating binder for scripts
- Literature search to Anni's doc
- Clean up literature search for website
- ???
- Finish filling in website
- Polish up code
- Generate binder
- Add general PD section to website
- Incorporating other features of the disease into calculations?
- Incorporating other diseases
- Making calculators for other types of PRS calculations
- Making it possible to generate PRS for single samples
- Generate tables reporting PRS for each disease
- SampleID | PD_PRS | AD_PRS | PSP_PRS