“Automate the boring stuff with Python” for Population Genetics
Filter and prune pre-imputed data to generate principal components.
geno_path = quality controlled bfiles pre-impution
out_path = name/location of principal component output
exclusion_region = problematic area in the genome. Hg19 regions file included in github files.
import subprocess
def generate_PC(geno_path, out_path, exclusion_region):
# step= "GENERATING PCs"
# print(step)
#Make sure to use high-quality SNPs
bash1 = 'plink --bfile ' + geno_path + ' --maf 0.01 --geno 0.05 --hwe 1E-6 --exclude range ' + exclusion_region + ' --make-bed --out filter'
# Prune out unnecessary SNPs (only need to do this to generate PCs)
bash2 = 'plink --bfile filter --indep-pairwise 1000 10 0.02 --out prune'
# Keep only pruned SNPs (only need to do this to generate PCs)
bash3 = 'plink --bfile filter --extract prune.prune.in --make-bed --out prune'
# Generate PCs
bash4 = 'plink --bfile prune --pca 20 --out ' + out_path
bash5 = 'rm filter* prune*'
cmds = [bash1, bash2, bash3, bash4, bash5]
for cmd in cmds:
subprocess.run(cmd, shell = True)
To determine optimal number of PCs to use as covariates.
out_path = same out_path used in the generate PCs step.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def scree_plot(out_path):
df = pd.read_csv(out_path + ".eigenval", delimiter="\t", names=['eigenvalues'])
df['pc'] = df.index+1
plt.plot(df.pc, df.eigenvalues, 'ro-', linewidth=2)
plt.title('Scree Plot')
plt.xlabel('Principal Components')
plt.ylabel('Percent (%) Variance Explained')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, max(df.pc)+1, step=1))
# Generate a covariate file
import pandas as pd
# Read .eigenvec file (from plink) and rename columns
pcs = pd.read_csv("FILTERED.eigenvec", names=('FID', 'IID', 'PC1', 'PC2', 'PC3', 'PC4', 'PC5', 'PC6', 'PC7', 'PC8', 'PC9', 'PC10', 'PC11', 'PC12', 'PC13', 'PC14', 'PC15', 'PC16', 'PC17', 'PC18', 'PC19', 'PC20'), delimiter = '\s+')
# Read .fam file and rename columns
pheno = pd.read_csv("RAW_test.fam", names=('FID', 'IID', 'PAT', 'MAT', 'SEX', 'PHENO'), sep = '\t')
# Combine the .fam file with the .eigenvec file
pheno_pcs = pd.merge(pheno, pcs, on=('FID', 'IID'), how='left')
# Save the combined file
pheno_pcs.to_csv(r'covar.txt', header=True, index=False, sep='\t', mode='a')
To run the script:
python3 covariate_test.py
To run the GWAS itself, just edit the below commands and execute!
export BFILE=“Type in the prefix of the input file for plink”
export REGRESSION_MODEL=“Type in the regression model you would like to use, e.g. for binary outcomes please write logistic”
export COVARIATES_LIST=“Type in the covariates you would like to use, separated by commas e.g. Sex,Age,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5”
export OUTPUT_FILE_NAME=“Type in the name you want your output file to have”
export PLINK_PATH=“Type in the path to plink e.g. /Applications/plink_mac_20200428/ or /usr/bin/”
python3 call_plink_gwas.py -conf_file plink_gwas_config_1.txt