A personal project that I'm currently working on. I'll keep updating it until I feel satisfied with the code and it's features.
- PostgreSQL database with PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher
Create three tables with the following column names:
guild_id bigint,
channel_id bigint,
user_id bigint,
username character varying,
pp_raw double precision,
accuracy double precision,
pp_rank bigint,
pp_country_rank bigint,
country character varying
) ;
CREATE TABLE top_scores (
user_id bigint,
username character varying,
scores character varying
) ;
CREATE TABLE latest_score (
user_id bigint,
username character varying,
discord_user_id bigint,
pp_rank bigint
) ;
- Setup configuration
Create a vars.env file in the root directory where launcher.py is with this template:
osu_token='' # your osu! api token
discord_token='' # your discord api token
db='' # your PostgreSQL database name
login='' # your PostgreSQL database login
passw='' # your PostgreSQL database password
command_prefix='' # your bot command prefix symbol