output target improvements/fixes
TypeScript 3.9.3
Rollup 2.10.9
Requires NodeJS >= 10.13.0
import-format: text and url format import param (4f1f39a )
add focusin and focusout event declarations (#2436 ) (0d730d6 ), closes #2435
Performance Improvements
compiler: do not build hydrated in dev mode (#2448 ) (8e65201 )
transpile: skip component.d.ts formatting (#2304 ) (e3f2700 )
Bug Fixes
runtime: schedule update when value change in ref() (54ee75f )
emit private types in local component.d.ts (#2447 ) (9d444ff ), closes #2440
cli: fix --version and --help flags (40baa54 )
compiler: components without mode should never get mode suffix (#2445 ) (11e1ccb )
compiler: use transformed css to check changed imports of globalStyle (#2422 ) (7742a87 )
dev-server: allow no trailing slash for custom base url (0fae632 )
compiler: disable const class optimization (eac02cb ), closes #2462
custom-elements: generate types for ce build, fix import paths (22f3f23 )
transform: always update lazy class declaration (6dd59b3 )
ts: ts resolve failedLookupLocations fix (30203b8 )
spellcheck: put an any on it (#2476 ) (1418c04 )
custom-elements: fix copy tasks (d810649 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.