Pub/Sub system overhaul
This update simplifies the Android pub/sub system for Ionic Portals, addressing the issue of Plugin subscriptions not being properly disposed when a Portal is dismissed. More details on usage can be found here. Key improvements include:
Utilizing Capacitor for Event Handling:
We now use Capacitor for event publishing, simplifying unsubscribing with provided handles, eliminating the need for arbitrary integers. -
Introducing PortalsPubSub Class:
A new PortalsPubSub class allows scoping events to specific portals, enhancing system organization.
Portals now uses Capacitor 5
This release also moves Portals to Capacitor 5.
Web Vitals moved to a Plugin
And finally we have moved WebVitals into a plugin that can be registered for each Portal. Usage can be found here.
What's Changed
- feat!: BREAKING Overhauls to the pub/sub system by @Steven0351 in #39
- feat: capacitor 5 updates by @carlpoole in #42
- feat!: BREAKING Make WebVitals a Plugin by @Steven0351 in #45
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-portals-android/commits/0.8.0