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A high-level idiomatic Rust wrapper around Pdfium, the C++ PDF library used by the Google Chromium project.


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This branch is 260 commits behind ajrcarey/pdfium-render:master.

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Idiomatic Rust bindings for Pdfium

pdfium-render provides an idiomatic high-level Rust interface to Pdfium, the C++ PDF library used by the Google Chromium project. Pdfium can render pages in PDF files to bitmaps, load, edit, and extract text and images from existing PDF files, and create new PDF files from scratch.

    use pdfium_render::prelude::*;

    fn export_pdf_to_jpegs(path: &str, password: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), PdfiumError> {
        // Renders each page in the PDF file at the given path to a separate JPEG file.

        // Bind to a Pdfium library in the same directory as our Rust executable;
        // failing that, fall back to using a Pdfium library provided by the operating system.

        let pdfium = Pdfium::new(
                .or_else(|_| Pdfium::bind_to_system_library())?,

        // Load the document from the given path...

        let document = pdfium.load_pdf_from_file(path, password)?;

        // ... set rendering options that will be applied to all pages...

        let render_config = PdfRenderConfig::new()
            .rotate_if_landscape(PdfBitmapRotation::Degrees90, true);

        // ... then render each page to a bitmap image, saving each image to a JPEG file.

        for (index, page) in document.pages().iter().enumerate() {
                .as_image() // Renders this page to an image::DynamicImage...
                .as_rgba8() // ... then converts it to an image::Image...
                    format!("test-page-{}.jpg", index), 
                ) // ... and saves it to a file.
                .map_err(|_| PdfiumError::ImageError)?;


pdfium-render binds to a Pdfium library at run-time, allowing for flexible selection of system-provided or bundled Pdfium libraries and providing idiomatic Rust error handling in situations where a Pdfium library is not available. A key advantage of binding to Pdfium at run-time rather than compile-time is that a Rust application using pdfium-render can be compiled to WASM for running in a browser alongside a WASM-packaged build of Pdfium.

pdfium-render aims to eventually provide bindings to all non-interactive functionality provided by Pdfium. This is a work in progress that will be completed by version 1.0 of this crate.


Short, commented examples that demonstrate all the major Pdfium document handling features are available at These examples demonstrate:

  • Rendering pages to bitmaps.
  • Text and image extraction.
  • Document signature introspection.
  • Document attachment creation and introspection.
  • Document concatenation.
  • Page object introspection.
  • Page annotation introspection.
  • Creation of new documents and new pages.
  • Creation of page objects for text, paths, and bitmaps.
  • Multi-page tiled output.
  • Watermarking.
  • Thread safety.
  • Compiling to WASM.

What's new

Note: Upcoming version 0.8.0 will include a breaking change. The PdfDocument::pages() function, which currently returns an owned PdfPages instance, will be changed so that it returns an immutable &PdfPages reference instead. A new PdfDocument::pages_mut() function will return a mutable &mut PdfPages reference. It will no longer be possible to retrieve an owned PdfPages instance. For more information on the motivation behind this change, see ajrcarey#47.

Version 0.7.28 removes the PdfPageObjects::take_*() functions, since upstream bugs in memory handling in Pdfium render them unreliable; adds the PdfPageObject::is_cloneable() and PdfPageObject::try_clone() functions, allowing most path, text, and image page objects to be cloned; adds the PdfPageObjectGroup::retain(), PdfPageObjectGroup::retain_if_cloneable(), PdfPageObjectGroup::is_cloneable(), and PdfPageObjectGroup::try_clone_onto_page() functions, allowing a group of page objects to be cloned onto a destination page; adds the examples/ example that demonstrates the new functionality; and fixes a bug in the propagation of a page's content regeneration strategy from the page to its collection of page objects collection and to any PdfPageObjectGroup objects created from that page objects collection.

Version 0.7.27 adjusts the WASM example to take into account upstream packaging changes in the WASM builds of Pdfium published at, and adds the image crate feature, making the image crate an optional dependency instead of a mandatory one.

Version 0.7.26 fixes a lifetime bug in the Pdfium::load_pdf_from_bytes() function, adds the sync crate feature, providing implementations of the Send and Sync traits for the Pdfium struct that allow it to be shared across threads safely, and adds implementations of the std::fmt::Display and std::error::Error traits to the PdfiumError enum so that it can be used by error handling libraries such as anyhow.

Version 0.7.25 adds the PdfPageAnnotation::objects() function, allowing inspection of all page objects attached to an annotation, and the PdfPageInkAnnotation::objects_mut() and PdfPageStampAnnotation::objects_mut() functions, allowing adding page objects to, and removing page objects from, ink and stamp annotations.

Version 0.7.24 adds bindings to Pdfium functions related to individual segments of a Path page object, and adds the PdfPagePathObjectSegments and PdfFontGlyphs collections to the high-level interface, along with functions for retrieving path segments for individual font glyphs and page path objects.

Binding to Pdfium

pdfium-render does not include Pdfium itself. You have several options:

  • Bind to a dynamically-built Pdfium library provided by the operating system.
  • Bind to a dynamically-built Pdfium library packaged alongside your Rust executable.
  • Bind to a statically-built Pdfium library linked to your executable at compile time.

When compiling to WASM, packaging an external build of Pdfium as a separate WASM module is essential.

Dynamic linking

Binding to a pre-built Pdfium dynamic library at runtime is the simplest option. On Android, a pre-built is packaged as part of the operating system (although recent versions of Android no longer permit user applications to access it); alternatively, you can package a dynamic library appropriate for your operating system alongside your Rust executable.

Pre-built Pdfium dynamic libraries suitable for runtime binding are available from several sources:

If you are compiling a native (i.e. non-WASM) build, and you place an appropriate Pdfium library in the same folder as your compiled application, then binding to it at runtime is as simple as:

    use pdfium_render::prelude::*;

    let pdfium = Pdfium::new(

A common pattern used in the examples at is to first attempt to bind to a Pdfium library in the same folder as the compiled example, and attempt to fall back to a system-provided library if that fails:

    use pdfium_render::prelude::*;

    let pdfium = Pdfium::new(
            .or_else(|_| Pdfium::bind_to_system_library())
            .unwrap() // Or use the ? unwrapping operator to pass any error up to the caller

Static linking

If you prefer to link Pdfium directly into your executable at compile time, use the optional static crate feature. This enables the Pdfium::bind_to_statically_linked_library() function which binds directly to the Pdfium functions included in your executable:

    use pdfium_render::prelude::*;

    let pdfium = Pdfium::new(Pdfium::bind_to_statically_linked_library().unwrap());

As a convenience, pdfium-render can instruct cargo to link a statically-built Pdfium library for you. Set the path to the directory containing your pre-built library using the PDFIUM_STATIC_LIB_PATH environment variable when you run cargo build, like so:

    PDFIUM_STATIC_LIB_PATH="/path/containing/your/static/pdfium/library" cargo build

pdfium-render will pass the following flags to cargo:


This saves you writing a custom yourself. If you have your own build pipeline that links Pdfium statically into your executable, simply leave the PDFIUM_STATIC_LIB_PATH environment variable unset.

Note that the path you set in PDFIUM_STATIC_LIB_PATH should not include the filename of the library itself; it should just be the path of the containing directory. You must make sure your statically-built library is named in the appropriate way for your target platform (libpdfium.a on Linux and macOS, for example) in order for the Rust compiler to locate it.

Depending on how your Pdfium library was built, you may need to also link against a C++ standard library. To link against the GNU C++ standard library (libstdc++), use the optional libstdc++ feature. pdfium-render will pass the following additional flag to cargo:


To link against the LLVM C++ standard library (libc++), use the optional libc++ feature. pdfium-render will pass the following additional flag to cargo:


Alternatively, use the link-cplusplus crate to link against a C++ standard library. link-cplusplus offers more options for deciding which standard library should be selected, including automatically selecting the build platform's installed default.

pdfium-render will not build Pdfium for you; you must build Pdfium yourself, or source a pre-built static archive from elsewhere. For an overview of the build process, including a sample build script, see ajrcarey#53.

Compiling to WASM

See for a full example that shows how to bundle a Rust application using pdfium-render alongside a pre-built Pdfium WASM module for inspection and rendering of PDF files in a web browser.

Certain functions that access the file system are not available when compiling to WASM. In all cases, browser-specific alternatives are provided, as detailed at the link above.

At the time of writing, the WASM builds of Pdfium at are compiled with a non-growable WASM heap memory allocator. This means that attempting to open a PDF document longer than just a few pages will result in an unrecoverable out of memory error. The WASM builds of Pdfium at are recommended as they do not have this problem.


Pdfium makes no guarantees about thread safety and should be assumed not to be thread safe. The Pdfium authors specifically recommend that parallel processing, not multi-threading, be used to process multiple documents simultaneously.

pdfium-render achieves thread safety by locking access to Pdfium behind a mutex; each thread must acquire exclusive access to this mutex in order to make any call to Pdfium. This has the effect of sequencing all calls to Pdfium as if they were single-threaded, even when using pdfium-render from multiple threads. This approach offers no performance benefit, but it ensures that Pdfium will not crash when running as part of a multi-threaded application.

An example of safely using pdfium-render as part of a multithreaded parallel iterator is available at

Optional features

This crate provides the following optional features:

  • bindings: uses cbindgen to generate Rust bindings to the Pdfium functions defined in the include/*.h files each time cargo build is run. If cbindgen or any of its dependencies are not available then the build will fail.
  • image: controls whether the image crate should be used by pdfium-render to provide page and page object rendering functionality. Projects that do not require page or page object rendering can avoid having to include the image crate in their binaries.
  • static: enables binding to a statically-linked build of Pdfium. See the "Static linking" section above.
  • libstdc++: links against the GNU C++ standard library when compiling. Requires the static feature. See the "Static linking" section above.
  • libc++: links against the LLVM C++ standard library when compiling. Requires the static feature. See the "Static linking" section above.
  • thread_safe: wraps access to Pdfium behind a mutex to ensure thread-safe access to Pdfium. See the "Multithreading" section above.
  • sync: provides an implementation of the Send and Sync traits for the Pdfium struct. This allows a Pdfium instance to be shared across threads. Requires the thread_safe feature.

The image, thread_safe, and sync features are enabled by default. All other features are disabled by default.

Porting existing Pdfium code from other languages

The high-level idiomatic Rust interface provided by pdfium-render is built on top of raw FFI bindings defined in the PdfiumLibraryBindings trait. It is completely feasible to use these raw FFI bindings directly if you wish, making porting existing code that calls FPDF_* functions trivial while still gaining the benefits of late binding and WASM compatibility. For instance, the following code snippet (taken from a C++ sample):

    string test_doc = "test.pdf";

    FPDF_DOCUMENT doc = FPDF_LoadDocument(test_doc, NULL);
    // ... do something with doc

would translate to the following Rust code:

    let bindings = Pdfium::bind_to_system_library().unwrap();
    let test_doc = "test.pdf";

    let doc = bindings.FPDF_LoadDocument(test_doc, None);
    // ... do something with doc

Pdfium's API uses three different string types: classic C-style null-terminated char arrays, UTF-8 byte arrays, and a UTF-16LE byte array type named FPDF_WIDESTRING. For functions that take a C-style string or a UTF-8 byte array, pdfium-render's binding will take the standard Rust &str type. For functions that take an FPDF_WIDESTRING, pdfium-render exposes two functions: the vanilla FPDF_*() function that takes an FPDF_WIDESTRING, and an additional FPDF_*_str() helper function that takes a standard Rust &str and converts it internally to an FPDF_WIDESTRING before calling Pdfium. Examples of functions with additional _str() helpers include FPDFBookmark_Find(), FPDFText_SetText(), FPDFText_FindStart(), FPDFDoc_AddAttachment(), FPDFAnnot_SetStringValue(), and FPDFAttachment_SetStringValue().

The PdfiumLibraryBindings::get_pdfium_utf16le_bytes_from_str() and PdfiumLibraryBindings::get_string_from_pdfium_utf16le_bytes() utility functions are provided for converting to and from FPDF_WIDESTRING in your own code.

Some Pdfium functions return classic C-style integer boolean values, aliased as FPDF_BOOL. The PdfiumLibraryBindings::TRUE(), PdfiumLibraryBindings::FALSE(), PdfiumLibraryBindings::is_true(), and PdfiumLibraryBindings::bool_to_pdfium() utility functions are provided for converting to and from FPDF_BOOL in your own code.

Image pixel data in Pdfium is encoded in either three-channel BGR or four-channel BGRA. The PdfiumLibraryBindings::bgr_to_rgba(), PdfiumLibraryBindings::bgra_to_rgba(), PdfiumLibraryBindings::rgb_to_bgra(), and PdfiumLibraryBindings::rgba_to_bgra() utility functions are provided for converting between RGB and BGR image data in your own code.

Development status

The initial focus of this crate was on rendering pages in a PDF file; consequently, FPDF_* functions related to page rendering were prioritised. By 1.0, the functionality of all FPDF_* functions exported by all Pdfium modules will be available, with the exception of certain functions specific to interactive scripting, user interaction, and printing.

  • Releases numbered 0.4.x added support for all page rendering Pdfium functions to pdfium-render.
  • Releases numbered 0.5.x-0.6.x added support for most read-only Pdfium functions to pdfium-render.
  • Releases numbered 0.7.x aim to progressively add support for all Pdfium page object creation and editing functions to pdfium-render.
  • Releases numbered 0.8.x aim to progressively add support for all other Pdfium editing functions to pdfium-render.
  • Releases numbered 0.9.x aim to fill any remaining gaps in the high-level interface prior to 1.0.

By version 0.8.0, pdfium-render should provide useful coverage for the vast majority of common use cases, whether rendering existing documents or creating new ones.

There are 368 FPDF_* functions in the Pdfium API. As of version 0.7.28, 316 (86%) have bindings available in PdfiumLibraryBindings, with the functionality of the vast majority of these exposed through the pdfium-render high-level interface.

Some functions and type definitions in the high-level interface have been renamed or revised since their initial implementation. The initial implementations are still available but are marked as deprecated. These deprecated items will be removed in release 0.9.0.

If you need a binding to a Pdfium function that is not currently available, just raise an issue.

Version history

  • 0.7.28: removes the PdfPageObjects::take_*() functions; adds PdfPageObject::is_cloneable() PdfPageObject::try_clone(), PdfPageObjectGroup::retain(), PdfPageObjectGroup::retain_if_cloneable(), PdfPageObjectGroup::is_cloneable(), and PdfPageObjectGroup::try_clone_onto_page() functions; adds examples/ example; fixes a bug in the propagation of a page's content regeneration strategy.
  • 0.7.27: adjusts examples/index.html to take into account upstream packaging changes in the WASM builds of Pdfium published at; adds the image crate feature.
  • 0.7.26: adds sync default crate feature providing Send and Sync implementations for Pdfium struct; adds Display and Error trait implementations to PdfiumError for anyhow compatibility; adjusts WASM example to account for upstream changes in Emscripten packaging of Pdfium WASM builds; corrects a lifetime problem in Pdfium::load_pdf_from_bytes() and deprecates Pdfium::load_pdf_from_bytes() in favour of Pdfium::load_pdf_from_byte_slice() and Pdfium::load_pdf_from_byte_vec(). Deprecated items will be removed in release 0.9.0.
  • 0.7.25: adds the PdfPageAnnotationObjects collection and the PdfPageAnnotation::objects(), PdfPageInkAnnotation::objects_mut(), and PdfPageStampAnnotation::objects_mut() functions to the high-level interface.
  • 0.7.24: adds bindings for FPDFClipPath_CountPathSegments(), FPDFClipPath_GetPathSegment(), FPDFPath_CountSegments(), FPDFPath_GetPathSegment(), and FPDFPathSegment_*() functions; adds PdfFontGlyphs and PdfPagePathObjectSegments collections to the high-level interface, along with accessor functions in PdfFont and PdfPagePathObject; adds the PdfPathSegments trait; introduces some infrastructure necessary for the future implementation of a PdfClipPath object; adds PdfPages::first(), PdfPages::last(), and PdfPage::fonts() convenience functions.
  • 0.7.23: removes some unnecessary mutable bindings in PdfBitmap; uses #[cfg(doc)] declarations to ensure cargo doc generates documentation for all functionality, irrespective of the platform.
  • 0.7.22: attempts to work around two problems in Pdfium's bitmap generation when retrieving processed renderings of page image objects. See ajrcarey#52 for more information.
  • 0.7.21: adds bindings for FPDF_GetPageAAction(), FPDF_GetFileIdentifier(), and all remaining FPDFDest_*() and FPDFLink_*() functions; adds PdfAttachment::len() and PdfAttachment::is_empty() convenience functions; adds libstdc++ and libc++ crate features; adds color conversion functions to PdfiumLibraryBindings; corrects bugs in color conversion when working with PdfPageImageObject, as detailed in ajrcarey#50; fixes a bug in the WASM implementation of FPDFAnnot_GetAttachmentPoints(); corrects some small typos in examples.
  • 0.7.20: adds bindings for FPDFPage_*Thumbnail*(), FPDFLink_*(), and FPDFText_Find*() functions; adds PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_bytes(), PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_file(), PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_reader(), PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_fetch(),
    PdfAttachments::create_attachment_from_blob(), PdfAttachments::delete_at_index(), PdfAttachment::save_to_writer(), PdfAttachment::save_to_file(), PdfAttachment::save_to_blob(), PdfPage::has_embedded_thumbnail(), PdfPage::embedded_thumbnail(), and PdfPage::boundaries_mut() functions to the high-level interface; renames PdfAttachment::bytes() function introduced in 0.7.19 to PdfAttachment::save_to_bytes().
  • 0.7.19: adds bindings for FPDFDoc_*Attachment*() functions; adds PdfAttachments and PdfSignatures collections to the high-level interface.
  • 0.7.18: adds convenience bindings() accessor functions to PdfDocument, PdfPage, PdfBitmap, PdfFont, and various other interfaces, thanks to an excellent contribution from; deprecates Pdfium::get_bindings() in favour of Pdfium::bindings() for consistency. Deprecated items will be removed in release 0.9.0.
  • 0.7.17: relaxes some unnecessarily restrictive lifetime bounds in PdfPageObjectPath.
  • 0.7.16: adds PdfPageObjects::create_path_object_bezier() and PdfPageObjectPath::new_bezier() convenience functions; corrects some typos in documentation.
  • 0.7.15: adds PdfPageAnnotationCommon::name(), PdfPageAnnotationCommon::contents(), PdfPageAnnotationCommon::author(), PdfPageAnnotationCommon::creation_date(), and PdfPageAnnotationCommon::modification_date() functions for working with annotations; adds PdfPageText::for_annotation() and PdfPageText::chars_for_annotation() for more easily extracting text and characters associated with annotations; adds examples/ and examples/; renames examples/ to examples/
  • 0.7.14: fixes a bug in the WASM implementation of FPDF_StructElement_GetStringAttribute(); pins required version of image crate to at least 0.24.0 or later to avoid incompatibility between the image::DynamicImage trait definitions in 0.23.x and 0.24.x; adds compatibility with web workers to the WASM implementation, thanks to an excellent contribution from
  • 0.7.13: adds transformation and clipping functions to PdfRenderConfig; adds bindings for FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithMatrix(); deprecates PdfRenderConfig::rotate_if_portait() in favour of the correctly-spelled PdfRenderConfig::rotate_if_portrait(). Deprecated items will be removed in release 0.9.0.
  • 0.7.12: adds PdfPage::render_into_bitmap() and PdfPage::render_into_bitmap_with_config() functions for higher performance; deprecates PdfPage::get_bitmap() in favour of PdfPage::render(); deprecates PdfPage::get_bitmap_with_config() in favour of PdfPage::render_with_config(); deprecates PdfBitmapConfig in favour of PdfRenderConfig; deprecates PdfBitmap::render() as the function is no longer necessary. Deprecated items will be removed in release 0.9.0.
  • 0.7.11: adds the new WASM-specific PdfBitmap::as_array() function as a higher performance alternative to the cross-platform PdfBitmap::as_bytes() function, thanks to an excellent contribution from
  • 0.7.10: corrects some typos in documentation; adds additional constructors to PdfPageImageObject that apply a specified width and/or height at object creation time.
  • 0.7.9: adds retrieval of the list of image filters applied to a PdfPageImageObject; adds the PdfColorSpace enum; adds bindings for the FPDF_*Signature*(), FPDFSignatureObj_*(), and FPDF_StructTree_*() functions.
  • 0.7.8: adds image support to the PdfPageImageObject struct, the PdfPageObjects::add_image_object() and PdfPageObjects::create_image_object() functions, additional convenience functions for loading fonts from files and readers to PdfFont, and bindings for FPDF_VIEWERREF_Get*() functions.
  • 0.7.7: adds the thread_safe crate feature and the accompanying example in examples/
  • 0.7.6: adds retrieval of text settings on a character-by-character basis to the PdfPageText and PdfPageTextObject objects; adds PdfPageTextSegment and PdfPageTextChar structs to the high-level interface; adds retrieval of current transformation settings to all page objects; adds the PdfPageTextObject::scaled_font_size() function and renames PdfPageTextObject::font_size() to PdfPageTextObject::unscaled_font_size() as these names make clearer the differences between scaled and unscaled font sizes in text objects; adds bindings for all remaining FPDFText_*() functions.
  • 0.7.5: corrects a bug in error handling on Windows. See ajrcarey#24 for more information.
  • 0.7.4: adds the PdfPageGroupObject::remove_objects_from_page() function; renamed PdfPageObjects::delete_object() and PdfPageObjects::delete_object_at_index() functions to PdfPageObjects::remove_object() and PdfPageObjects::remove_object_at_index() as these names better reflect the underlying operation that occurs.
  • 0.7.3: corrects a bug in the implementation of PdfPages::append() introduced in 0.7.2.
  • 0.7.2: adds object groups for manipulating and transforming groups of page objects as if they were a single object, and the PdfPages::watermark() function for applying individualized watermarks to any or all pages in a document. Fixes a potential double-free bug in PdfFont::drop().
  • 0.7.1: adds path segment creation to the PdfPagePathObject object, convenience functions for quickly creating rectangles, ellipses, and circles, and the PdfPageObjects::add_path_object() function.
  • 0.7.0: adds PdfPermissions collection, adds document loading and saving support, adds initial creation and editing support for documents, pages, and text objects, and improves WASM document file handling.
  • 0.6.0: fixes some typos in documentation, updates upstream Pdfium WASM package source repository name.
  • 0.5.9: corrects a bug in the statically linked bindings implementation. Adjusted tests to cover both dynamic and statically linked bindings implementations.
  • 0.5.8: corrects a bug in the WASM implementation of certain FPDFAnnot_*() functions. Resolves a potential memory leak affecting the WASM implementation of various FPDF_*() functions.
  • 0.5.7: adds support for binding to a statically-linked build of Pdfium, adds bindgen and static crate features.
  • 0.5.6: adds pdfium_render::prelude, adds bindings for FPDFAnnot_*() and FPDFPage_*Annot*() functions, adds PdfPageAnnotations collection and PdfPageAnnotation struct to the high-level interface.
  • 0.5.5: fixes two bugs in the WASM implementation, one to do with colors, one to do with text extraction. See ajrcarey#9 and ajrcarey#11 for more information.
  • 0.5.4: changes default setting of PdfBitmapConfig::set_reverse_byte_order() to true to switch from Pdfium's default BGRA8 pixel format to RGBA8. This is necessary since the image crate dropped support for BGRA8 in version 0.24. See ajrcarey#9 for more information.
  • 0.5.3: adds bindings for FPDFBookmark_*(), FPDFPageObj_*(), FPDFText_*(), and FPDFFont_*() functions, adds PdfPageObjects, PdfPageText, and PdfBookmarks collections to the high-level interface.
  • 0.5.2: adds bindings for FPDF_GetPageBoundingBox(), FPDFDoc_GetPageMode(), FPDFPage_Get*Box(), and FPDFPage_Set*Box() functions, adds PdfPageBoundaries collection to the high-level interface.
  • 0.5.1: adds bindings for FPDFPage_GetRotation() and FPDFPage_SetRotation() functions, adds PdfMetadata collection to the high-level interface.
  • 0.5.0: adds rendering of annotations and form field elements, thanks to an excellent contribution from
  • 0.4.2: bug fixes in PdfBitmapConfig implementation.
  • 0.4.1: improvements to documentation and READMEs.
  • 0.4.0: initial release of minimal page rendering functionality.


A high-level idiomatic Rust wrapper around Pdfium, the C++ PDF library used by the Google Chromium project.







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  • Rust 84.3%
  • C 15.7%