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IOCCC submit tool

This is the mechanism to upload submissions to an open International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC).


You **MUST setup the python environment** before you run any of the commands in test mode.

All of examples assume you have cd-ed into the top directory where you cloned the submit tool repo.

First, make sure to clean out the cache and then build the python virtual environment:

make clobber all install

Now, in each tab/terminal window/console you need to do something (like running the server and then in another tab/terminal window/console, creating a new user and password), you should run the following:

source venv/bin/activate

IMPORTANT: all of the below examples in this document assume that you have executed the above commands.

NOTE: if you see something like this, (this was observed in macOS Sequoia 15.2):

WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 24.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

you could try running the command, but if you see something like (this was also observed in macOS 15.2):

Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: pip in /Users/cody/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages (24.3.1)

it should be okay (NOTE: do NOT run the command as root!).

NOTE: to tell if the environment is activated, look for the text (venv) before your prompt (the PS1 variable).

bin/ - the submit tool

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

To run the IOCCC submit tool server interactively on the command line:


NOTE: If the ./bin/ is not executable, try: python3 ./bin/

The initial output will look something like (timestamps, text colour, and PIN will vary):

$ ./bin/
 * Serving Flask app 'iocccsubmit.ioccc'
 * Debug mode: on
2024-12-22 20:17:29.306: werkzeug: INFO: WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
2024-12-22 20:17:29.306: werkzeug: INFO: Press CTRL+C to quit
2024-12-22 20:17:29.306: werkzeug: INFO:  * Restarting with stat
2024-12-22 20:17:29.482: werkzeug: WARNING:  * Debugger is active!
2024-12-22 20:17:29.489: werkzeug: INFO:  * Debugger PIN: 344-196-068

.. where the last blank line is not a command line but rather the server running.

NOTE: Do NOT put the bin/ application into background, that

NOTE: in macOS you might see an alert asking you if you wish to allow the program to bind and listen to the addresses and port. If you wish to proceed you will need to allow it.

While bin/ is running, open a browser at (this works under macOS):


.. or do whatever the equivalent on your system to enter this URL into a browser, (alternatively you can copy and paste it into your browser):

In your browser, it should look something like:

IOCCC submit server index page

At the console (where the server is running), you should see something like:

2024-12-20 22:48:53.589: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:48:53] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-12-20 22:48:53.612: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:48:53] "GET /static/ioccc.css HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-12-20 22:48:53.613: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:48:53] "GET /static/ioccc.js HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-12-20 22:48:53.616: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:48:53] "GET /static/ioccc.png HTTP/1.1" 200 -

After logging in, should see something like:

2024-12-20 22:49:10.521: ioccc: INFO: login: success: username: -your-username-here-
2024-12-20 22:49:10.528: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:49:10] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2024-12-20 22:49:10.536: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:49:10] "GET /static/ioccc.css HTTP/1.1" 304 -
2024-12-20 22:49:10.537: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:49:10] "GET /static/ioccc.js HTTP/1.1" 304 -
2024-12-20 22:49:10.537: werkzeug: INFO: - - [20/Dec/2024 22:49:10] "GET /static/ioccc.png HTTP/1.1" 304 -

When needed, to deactivate the above python environment from the submit server top level directory, make sure the server is no longer running and then execute:

rm -rf __pycache__ venv

bin/ - usage message

The usage message of the ./bin/ is as follows:

usage: [-h] [-i ip] [-l logtype] [-L dbglvl] [-p port] [-t appdir]

IOCCC submit server tool

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -i, --ip ip          IP address to connect (def:
  -l, --log logtype    log via: stdout stderr syslog none (def: stderr)
  -L, --level dbglvl   set log level: dbg debug info warn warning error crit critical (def: info)
  -p, --port port      open port (def: 8191)
  -t, --topdir appdir  path of a correctly application tree version: 2.2.0 2024-12-22

For command line interactive debugging with only high level warnings and errors sent to stdout, try:

./bin/ -l stdout -L warning

For more verbose interactive debugging to stderr, try:

./bin/ -l stderr -L debug

NOTE: An unknown -l logtype results in the default -l stdout when run as a command, or to -l syslog when imported / run as application under wsgi.

NOTE: An unknown -L dbglvl results in the default -L info being used.

NOTE: When logging with syslog, the local5 facility is used.

NOTE: Unless your syslog service it configured to send local5 facility to some place useful, -l syslog won't do anything useful.

NOTE: On some systems, the syslog service is handled syslogd(8) and on others by rsyslog(8). See syslog.conf(5) or rsyslog.conf(5) details on how to configure syslog.

WARNING: On some systems, the lack of a proper syslog service may cause bin/ to crash due to bogons in the SysLogHandler python implementation.

WARNING: Use of -t appdir will likely fail unless you have the directory tree under appdir setup properly.

bin/ - use of pylint

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:


FYI: Under macOS we installed pylint via pipx:

sudo pipx --global install pylint

In case you don't have pipx, you can install Homebrew in macOS and then install pylint by running:

brew install pipx

bin/ - IOCCC user management

The usage message of the ./bin/ is as follows:

usage: [-h] [-t appdir] [-a USER] [-u USER] [-d USER] [-p PW]
                       [-c] [-C] [-g SECS] [-n] [-A] [-U] [-l logtype]
                       [-L dbglvl]

Manage IOCCC submit server password file and state file

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -t, --topdir appdir  app directory path
  -a, --add USER       add a new user
  -u, --update USER    update a user or add if not a user
  -d, --delete USER    delete an exist user
  -p, --password PW    specify the password (def: generate random password)
  -c, --change         force a password change at next login
  -C, --nochange       clear the requirement to change password
  -g, --grace SECS     grace seconds to change the password (def: 259200)
  -n, --nologin        disable login (def: login not explicitly disabled)
  -A, --admin          user is an admin (def: not an admin)
  -U, --UUID           generate a new UUID username and password
  -l, --log logtype    log via: stdout stderr syslog none (def: syslog)
  -L, --level dbglvl   set log level: dbg debug info warn warning error crit
                       critical (def: info) version: 2.2.0 2024-12-22

Add a new user

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

An example in how to add a new user:

./bin/ -a username -l stderr

The command will output the password in plain-text.

One may add -p password to set the password, otherwise a random password is generated.

Remove an old user

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

For example, to add a user called username:

./bin/ -d username -l stderr

Add a random UUID user and require them to change their password

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

To generate a username with a random UUID, a temporary random password, and a requirement to change that temporary password within the grace period:

./bin/ -U -c -l stderr

The tool will output the username and temporary random that has just been added to the etc/iocccpasswd.json IOCCC password file.

bin/ - manage IOCCC open and close dates

The bin/ tool is used to query or set the IOCCC open and close dates.

Set the staring and/or ending dates of the IOCCC

The starting and ending dates of the IOCCC control when ./iocccsubmit/ allows for submission uploads.

The usage message of the ./bin/ is as follows:

usage: [-h] [-t appdir] [-s DateTime] [-S DateTime] [-l logtype]
                     [-L dbglvl]

Manage IOCCC submit server password file and state file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --topdir appdir   app directory path
  -s, --start DateTime  set IOCCC start date in YYYY-MM-DD
                        HH:MM:SS.micros+hh:mm format
  -S, --stop DateTime   set IOCCC stop date in YYYY-MM-DD
                        HH:MM:SS.micros+hh:mm format
  -l, --log logtype     log via: stdout stderr syslog none (def: syslog)
  -L, --level dbglvl    set log level: dbg debug info warn warning error crit
                        critical (def: info) version: 2.2.0 2024-12-22

NOTE: When neither -s DateTime nor -S DateTime is given, then the current IOCCC start and end values are printed.

Set both the start and the end dates of the IOCCC

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

Example of setting an open and close date:

./bin/ -s "2024-05-25 21:27:28.901234+00:00" -S "2024-10-28 00:47:00.000000-08:00" -l stderr

bin/ - modify a slot comment

NOTE: You must setup python the environment BEFORE running any of the command(s) below:

To set / change the status comment of a user's slot:

./bin/ 12345678-1234-4321-abcd-1234567890ab 0 'new slot status' -l stderr

The usage message of the ./bin/ is as follows:

usage: [-h] [-t appdir] [-s DateTime] [-S DateTime] [-l logtype]
                     [-L dbglvl]

Manage IOCCC submit server password file and state file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --topdir appdir   app directory path
  -s, --start DateTime  set IOCCC start date in YYYY-MM-DD
                        HH:MM:SS.micros+hh:mm format
  -S, --stop DateTime   set IOCCC stop date in YYYY-MM-DD
                        HH:MM:SS.micros+hh:mm format
  -l, --log logtype     log via: stdout stderr syslog none (def: syslog)
  -L, --level dbglvl    set log level: dbg debug info warn warning error crit
                        critical (def: info) version: 2.2.0 2024-12-22

Python Developer Help Welcome

Python ๐Ÿ is not the native language of the IOCCC judges. As such, this code may fall well short of what someone fluent in python would write.

We welcome python developers submitting pull requests to improve this code โ€ผ๏ธ

All that we ask is that your code contributions:

  • be well commented, or at least better commented than our code
  • pass pylint 10/10 with a minimum of disable lines
  • work as good, if not better than our code
  • code contributed under the same BSD 3-Clause License


This code is based on code originally written by Eliot Lear (@elear) in late 2021. The IOCCC judges heavily modified Eliot's code, so any fault you find should be blamed on them ๐Ÿ˜‰ (that is, the IOCCC Judges :-) ). As such, YOU should be WARNED that this code might NOT work, or at least might not work for you.

The IOCCC plans to deploy an apache web server to allow IOCCC registered contestants to submit their mkiocccentry compressed xz tarball(s) that have been created by the mkiocccentry tool.

The IOCCC judges plan to work on this code prior to the next IOCCC.