To aid in generating PBS job scripts using CHPC queue parameters
To submit job scripts to the cluster from a web interface
To track and display queue and job status on the cluster
Extend capabilities to generate graphs from results
Check out git code directory
git clone https://github.com/inus/PBSwif.git
Create a python (tested on 3.9 and 3.11) virtual env, and activate
virtualenv Venv3
. Venv3/bin/activate
Install streamlit and optionally drmaa, to enable job submission.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that the DRMAA v1 library has to be compiled or installed on the submit host.
The library path can be provided via shell environment variable,
pip install drmaa
streamlit run app.py
Open browser on localhost:8501
Alternatively, when running on a remote/login node:
open a ssh tunnel, eg:
ssh -N -L 10000:localhost:8501 scp.chpc.ac.za