Cmsutils for Django is a bundle of models and templates for Django projects in need of some Content Management System features.
Usually, web applications have several common features like, breadcrumbs, ldap authentication, visual widgets, etc. Cmsutils project collects all these common features.
This project was abandoned and has been forked by intelligenia.
Last master branch is updated to Django 1.8 version while 0.6.6 version only works until 1.5.
To install this application:
#. Put it in a directory cmsutils inside your project.
#. Include 'cmsutils'
in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
- Generic parameters from database.
- Generic reusable forms based on newforms.
- Generic views and templates for things like deleting objects.
- Breadcrumb templatetag.
- Messagebox.
- Merging and compressing JS and CSS.
- LDAP authentication.
- Cache backends.
- Other useful template filters and tags.