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imanrep authored Jan 25, 2023
1 parent 70b3996 commit 3b3ea8c
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Showing 8 changed files with 3,227 additions and 0 deletions.
460 changes: 460 additions & 0 deletions IERC20.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

973 changes: 973 additions & 0 deletions PancakeSwap.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

408 changes: 408 additions & 0 deletions PancakeSwap/PancakeSwap.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,001 changes: 1,001 additions & 0 deletions PancakeSwap/PancakeSwapFunctions.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions PancakeSwap/PancakeSwapResponses.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

// swiftAbi
// Don't change the files! this file is generated!

import BigInt
import Foundation
import web3

public enum PancakeSwapResponses {
public struct WETHResponse: ABIResponse, MulticallDecodableResponse {
public static var types: [ABIType.Type] = [EthereumAddress.self]
public let value: EthereumAddress

public init?(values: [ABIDecoder.DecodedValue]) throws {

self.value = try values[0].decoded()

public struct factoryResponse: ABIResponse, MulticallDecodableResponse {
public static var types: [ABIType.Type] = [EthereumAddress.self]
public let value: EthereumAddress

public init?(values: [ABIDecoder.DecodedValue]) throws {

self.value = try values[0].decoded()

public struct getAmountsInResponse: ABIResponse, MulticallDecodableResponse {
public static var types: [ABIType.Type] = [ABIArray<BigUInt>.self]
public let value: [BigUInt]

public init?(values: [ABIDecoder.DecodedValue]) throws {

self.value = try values[0].decodedArray()

public struct getAmountsOutResponse: ABIResponse, MulticallDecodableResponse {
public static var types: [ABIType.Type] = [ABIArray<BigUInt>.self]
public let value: [BigUInt]

public init?(values: [ABIDecoder.DecodedValue]) throws {

self.value = try values[0].decodedArray()


16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"name": "swiftabigen",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Convert EVM Contract ABI from json to swift file",
"author": "imanrep",
"license": "ISC",
"bin": {
"swiftabi": "./start.js"
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions start.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')

const defaultProtocolFunction = (name, returnType, input, state) => {
return `func ${name}(contractAddress: EthereumAddress ${ => (`, ${}: ${data.type}`)).join('')} ${state ? '' : ",from: EthereumAddress, gasPrice: BigUInt"}) async throws -> ${state ? returnType.length <= 1 ? returnType[0].type : `(${, i) => (`${data.type}${returnType.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')})` : 'EthereumTransaction'}`
const defaultPublicFunction = (file, name, returnType, input) => {
return `public func ${name}(contractAddress: EthereumAddress ${, i) => (`, ${}: ${data.type}`)).join('')}) async throws -> ${returnType.length <= 1 ? returnType[0].type : `(${, i) => (`${data.type}${returnType.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')})`} {
let function = ${file}Functions.${name}(contract: contractAddress ${, i) => (`, ${}: ${}`)).join('')})
let data = try await client, responseType: ${file}Responses.${name}Response.self)
return ${returnType.length <= 1 ? 'data.value' : `(${, i) => (`data.value${i != 0 ? i : ""}${returnType.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')})`}

const defaultPublicPayableFunction = (file, name, input) => {
return `public func ${name}(contractAddress: EthereumAddress ${, i) => (`, ${}: ${data.type}`)).join('')}, from: EthereumAddress, gasPrice: BigUInt) async throws -> EthereumTransaction {
let tryCall = ${file}Functions.${name}(contract: contractAddress, from: from, gasPrice: gasPrice${, i) => (`, ${}: ${}`)).join('')})
let subdata = try tryCall.transaction()
let gas = try await client.eth_estimateGas(subdata)
let function = ${file}Functions.${name}(contract: contractAddress, from: from, gasPrice: gasPrice,gasLimit: gas${, i) => (`, ${}: ${}`)).join('')})
let data = try function.transaction()
return data
const defaultExtensionFunction = (name, returnType, input) => {
return `public func ${name}(contractAddress: EthereumAddress, ${, i) => (`${}: ${data.type}, `)).join('')} completionHandler: @escaping (Result<${returnType.length <= 1 ? returnType[0].type : `(${, i) => (`${data.type}${returnType.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')})`}, Error>) -> Void) {
Task {
do {
let ${name} = try await ${name}(contractAddress: contractAddress ${, i) => (`, ${}: ${}`)).join('')})
} catch {

const defaultResponse = (name, ret) => {
return `public struct ${name}Response: ABIResponse, MulticallDecodableResponse {
public static var types: [ABIType.Type] = [${, i) => (`${handleTypeResponse(data.type)}.self${ret.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')}]
${, i) => (`public let value${i == 0 ? "" : i}: ${data.type}\n `)).join('')}
public init?(values: [ABIDecoder.DecodedValue]) throws {
${, i) => (`self.value${i == 0 ? "" : i} = try values[${i}].${handleTypeResponse(data.type).includes(">") ? "decodedArray" :"decoded"}()\n `)).join('')}

const handleInputFunctionResponse = (name, input) => {
return `public struct ${name}: ABIFunction {
public static let name = "${name}"
public let gasPrice: BigUInt?
public let gasLimit: BigUInt?
public var contract: EthereumAddress
public let from: EthereumAddress?
${ => (
`public let ${}: ${data.type}\n `
public init(
contract: EthereumAddress,
from: EthereumAddress? = nil,
gasPrice: BigUInt? = nil,
gasLimit: BigUInt? = nil${input.length ? "," : ""}
${, i) => (
`${}: ${data.type}${input.length - 1 == i ? '' : ','}\n `
) {
self.contract = contract
self.from = from
self.gasPrice = gasPrice
self.gasLimit = gasLimit
${, i) => (
`self.${} = ${}\n `
public func encode(to encoder: ABIFunctionEncoder) throws {
${, i) => (
`try encoder.encode(${})\n `
const handleType = (type) => {
switch (type) {
case "address":
return "EthereumAddress"
case "string":
return "String"
case "address[]":
return "[EthereumAddress]"
case "uint":
return "BigUInt"
case "uint8":
return "BigUInt"
case "uint256":
return "BigUInt"
case "uint256[]":
return "[BigUInt]"
case "int8":
return "BigUInt"
case "int256":
return "BigUInt"
case "bool":
return "Bool"
case "bytes32":
return "BigUInt"
throw `type data of ${type} is undefinied. please check again your abi`

const handleTypeResponse = (type) => {
switch (type) {
case "EthereumAddress":
return "EthereumAddress"
case "String":
return "String"
case "[EthereumAddress]":
return "ABIArray<EthereumAddress>"
case "[BigUInt]":
return "ABIArray<BigUInt>"
case "BigUInt":
return "BigUInt"
case "Bool":
return "Bool"
case "bytes32":
return "BigUInt"
throw `type data of ${type} is undefinied. please check again your abi`

function contractCall(name, funcName, func, input, state) {
if(state) {
return `public func ${funcName}(${, i) => (`${}: ${data.type}${input.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')}) async throws -> ${func.length <= 1 ? func[0].type : `(${, i) => (`${data.type}${func.length - 1 == i ? '' : ', '}`)).join('')})`}{
return try await (${name}Call?.${funcName}(contractAddress: contract${, i) => (`, ${}: ${}`)).join('')}))!
}\n `
}else {
return `
public func ${funcName}(${, i) => (`${}: ${data.type},`)).join('')} account: EthereumAccount) async throws -> String{
let gasPrice = try await client.eth_gasPrice()
let transaction = try await (${name}Call?.${funcName}(contractAddress:contract${, i) => (`,${}: ${}`)).join('')}, from: account.address, gasPrice: gasPrice))!
let txHash = try await client.eth_sendRawTransaction(transaction, withAccount: account)
return txHash
}\n `

function main(name, func, publicFunc, exFunc, f) {
return `
// swiftAbi
// Don't change the files! this file is generated!
import BigInt
import Foundation
import web3
public protocol ${name}Protocol {
init(client: EthereumClientProtocol)
${func.join("\n ")}
open class ${name}: ${name}Protocol {
let client: EthereumClientProtocol
required public init(client: EthereumClientProtocol) {
self.client = client
${publicFunc.join("\n ")}
open class ${name}Contract {
var ${name}Call: ${name}?
var client: EthereumClientProtocol
var contract: web3.EthereumAddress
init(contract: String, client: EthereumClientProtocol) {
self.contract = EthereumAddress(contract)
self.client = client
self.${name}Call = ${name}(client: client)
${f.join("\n ")}
extension ${name} {
${exFunc.join("\n ")}

function response(name, func) {
return `
// swiftAbi
// Don't change the files! this file is generated!
import BigInt
import Foundation
import web3
public enum ${name}Responses {
${func.join("\n ")}

function ABIFunction(name, func) {
return `
// swiftAbi
// Don't change the files! this file is generated!
import BigInt
import Foundation
import web3
public enum ${name}Functions {
${func.join("\n ")}

function handleInput(list) {
var res = []
for(let i = 0; i< list.length;i++) {
res.push({name:list[i].name, type:handleType(list[i].type)})
return res
function handleOutput(list) {
var res = []
for(let i = 0; i< list.length;i++) {
res.push({name:list[i].name, type:handleType(list[i].type)})
return res
function start() {
var name = process.argv.slice(2);
try {
}catch {
throw `${name[0]}.json is not found`
var raw = fs.readFileSync(`${name[0]}.json`);
var abi = JSON.parse(raw);

const totalFunction = []
const totalPublicFunction = []
const totalExtensionFunction = []
const totaldefaultFunction = []
const totalFunctionX = []
const call = []
abi.forEach(data => {
// if( == "WETH") {
if(data.type == 'function') {
if(!data.outputs[0]) return
if(!data.stateMutability == "nonpayable") return
const returnType = handleOutput(data.outputs)
call.push(contractCall(name,, returnType, handleInput(data.inputs), data.stateMutability == "view"))
totalFunction.push(defaultProtocolFunction(, returnType, handleInput(data.inputs), data.stateMutability == "view"))
if(data.stateMutability == "view") {
totalPublicFunction.push(defaultPublicFunction(name,, returnType, handleInput(data.inputs)))
}else {
totalPublicFunction.push(defaultPublicPayableFunction(name,, handleInput(data.inputs)))
if(data.stateMutability == "view") totalExtensionFunction.push(defaultExtensionFunction(, returnType, handleInput(data.inputs)))
if(data.stateMutability == "view") totaldefaultFunction.push(defaultResponse(, returnType))
totalFunctionX.push(handleInputFunctionResponse(, handleInput(data.inputs)))
// }

const mains = main(name, totalFunction, totalPublicFunction, totalExtensionFunction, call)
const res = response(name, totaldefaultFunction)
const abiFunc = ABIFunction(name, totalFunctionX)
if (!fs.existsSync(`./${name}`)){
fs.writeFile(`./${name}/${name}.swift`, mains, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
fs.writeFile(`./${name}/${name}Functions.swift`, abiFunc, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
fs.writeFile(`./${name}/${name}Responses.swift`, res, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Generate success!');

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