CLI Tool to run and tail a step function synchronously and persist event logs for the state machine execution on disk.
(Sample screenshot of terminal output)
- Running and monitoring step function execution directly from terminal or Jupyter notebook.
- In case of error, identifying the failed task and cause of error.
- Debugging by reading events log file and all the metadata about the failed task (for example input and output).
pip install stail
Starts a step function execution synchronously, tails the event history to the console and create a log file with all the events for the execution.
Log file is stored at stail_logs/[execution name (UUID)].log
stail run --arn [state machine arn] --input [input]
--arn State machine ARN
--input Input JSON to the state machine
stail run --arn arn:aws:states:<region>:<account_number>:stateMachine:<name> --input "{\"param\":\"hello\"}"
Displays the version.
stail version
Author: Iman Kamyabi
Feedback: [email protected]