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BookStore - Demo project

Bookstore project consists of 8 primary microservices, one web application, and a load generator.
Purposes: demonstrating of Dynatrace capabilities in high-load and unhealthy environments

Note: to setup a Kubernetes-based environment from public docker images from GCR, please follow the instructions in the k8s/README file



  • Docker service (docker desktop) should be running

Ingress Controller

Install Ingress controller to enable WebApp access all microservices in your deployment

Docker Desktop: Using Helm
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

Note: Restart Docker Desktop after setting up ingress-nginx

Docker Desktop: Using kubectl

kubectl apply -f

Note: Restart Docker Desktop after setting up ingress-nginx

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace ingess-nginx `
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz


minikube addons enable ingress

Build on Linux/MacOS/WLS2

  • Go to k8s directory

  • execute, optionally providing otel token with the scopes of trace_otel_ingest, log_otel_ingest, metric_otel_ingest

      ./ [<tenantID>] [dev|sprint] [<otel_ingest_token>]

    the token can be base64-ed or open

Build on Windows

  • Go to k8s directory

  • execute, optionally providing otel token with the scopes of trace_otel_ingest, log_otel_ingest, metric_otel_ingest

       .\build_docker_all.bat [<tenantID>] [dev|sprint] [<otel_ingest_token>]



  • Set the public host name in ingress.yaml

      - host: kubernetes.docker.internal


  • Set your tenant's id and URL in configmap.yaml

      TENANT_ID: <tenant-id> ## for instance, fdg3423
      TENANT_LAYER: <layer> ## e.g. sprint or dev
      BOOKSTORE_BASE_SRV_URL: "http://<host_from_ingress>/api" ## e.g. BOOKSTORE_BASE_SRV_URL: "http://kubernetes.docker.internal/api"
      ## if you use Labmda function to randomize payment failure/success, please also set the following:
      DT_BANK_CHECK: "lambda" # lambda | rand
      AWS_LAMBDA_URL: <URL to the Lambda function> ## e.g. AWS_LAMBDA_URL: ""
  • Define instrumentation (OneAgent or Otel) for the microservices in config_agents.yaml

      <microservice>_agent: [oneAgent|otelAgent|none] # set for all *_agent records
  • Generate Tokens

    • OpenIngest token

      • Open Dynatrace UI > Manage > Access tokens

      • click on Generate new token

      • select Ingest OpenTelemetry traces in the scope

      • click Generate

      • convert the token to base64:

          echo -n <token> | base64 -w 0

        Note: on MacOS -w 0 is not needed

    • OneAgent token

      • Open Dynatrace UI > Manage > Access tokens

      • click on Generate new token

      • select PaaS integration - Installer download in the scope

      • click Generate

      • convert the token to base64:

          echo -n <token> | base64 -w 0

        Note: on MacOS -w 0 is not needed

    • Entities Read token (needed to send deployment events)

      • Open Dynatrace UI > Manage > Access tokens

      • click on Generate new token

      • select Read entities in the scope

      • click Generate

      • convert the token to base64:

          echo -n <token> | base64 -w 0

        Note: on MacOS -w 0 is not needed

    • Events Ingest token (needed for sending deployment events)

      • Open Dynatrace UI > Manage > Access tokens

      • click on Generate new token

      • select Ingest events in the scope

      • click Generate

      • convert the token to base64:

          echo -n <token> | base64 -w 0

        Note: on MacOS -w 0 is not needed

  • Put tokens in the secrets, secret.yaml file

    oneagent-token: <base64-ed OneAgent token (make sure you concatenated if it's multiline)>  
    otel-token: <base64-ed Otel token (make sure you concatenated if it's multiline)>  

deployment's yaml files

the yaml configurations for deployments need to be preconfigured. Use for that:

  • on-deploy agent installation images for Intel/AMD architecture, books namespace (default ns is bookstore):
./ -gyes -ax64 -n books
  • on-deploy agent installation images for ARMv8 architecture, books namespace (default ns is bookstore):
./ -gyes -aarm -n books
  • on-build agent installation images for Intel/AMD architecture, books namespace (default ns is bookstore):
./ -gpre -ax64 -n books
  • on-build agent installation images for ARMv8 architecture, books namespace (default ns is bookstore):
./ -gpre -aarm -n books
  • use non-instrumented images for Intel/AMD architecture, bookstore namespace (-n to override):
./ -gno -ax64
  • use non-instrumented images for ARMv8 architecture, bookstore namespace (-n to override):
./ -gno -aarm
  • reset the yaml-files:
./ -reset
  • "on deploy" vs "on build":
    • -gyes parameter makes OneAgent and Otel to be downloaded and configured on every pod start.
      • pros: you get the latest agent on every pod restart
      • cons: more traffic (download agents); more time for pod to start
    • -gpre parameter makes OneAgent and Otel to be a part of docker image.
      • pros: quicker to start, less traffic (agent is already in the image)
      • cons: to update the Agents you need to rebuild the docker images


Manual deployment

  1. Create namespace:

     kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
  2. Create configmaps:

     kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
     kubectl apply -f config_agents.yaml
  3. Create secrets:

     kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
  4. Create databases (unless you're using the k8s-databases project):

     kubectl apply -f databases.yaml
  5. Create all deployments and services:

     kubectl apply -f clients.yaml
     kubectl apply -f books.yaml
     kubectl apply -f carts.yaml
     kubectl apply -f storage.yaml
     kubectl apply -f orders.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ratings.yaml
     kubectl apply -f payments.yaml
     kubectl apply -f dynapay.yaml
     kubectl apply -f ingest.yaml
  6. Create the web app:

     kubectl apply -f web.yaml
  7. Setup Ingress:

     kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
  8. Delete the app:

     kubectl delete -f web.yaml
     kubectl delete -f clients.yaml
     kubectl delete -f books.yaml
     kubectl delete -f carts.yaml
     kubectl delete -f storage.yaml
     kubectl delete -f orders.yaml
     kubectl delete -f ratings.yaml
     kubectl delete -f payments.yaml
     kubectl delete -f dynapay.yaml
     kubectl delete -f ingest.yaml
     kubectl delete -f ingress.yaml
     kubectl delete -f databases.yaml
     kubectl delete -f secret.yaml
     kubectl delete -f config_agents.yaml
     kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml
     kubectl delete -f namespace.yaml

Automated deployment


./       # deploys databases and backend microservices
./ -web  # deploys everything including the web app
./ -nodb # won't touch the DB (restart of the DB causes data reset)
./        # undeploys microservices and the web app (DBs stay)
./ -all   # undeploys everything, including the DBs, configmaps



.\restart.bat       &REM deploys databases and backend microservices
.\restart.bat -web  &REM deploys everything including the web app
.\restart.bat -nodb &REM won't touch the DB (restart of the DB causes data reset)
.\delete.bat        &REM undeploys microservices and the web app (DBs stay)
.\delete.bat -all   &REM undeploys everything, including the DBs, configs

Connect to pod

kubectl exec -it <Pod_Name> -c <Container_Name> -- /bin/bash