SSL proxy in rust using dynamic SSL termination (IE: loading SSL certs at runtime). Certificates are loaded from a directory based on domain name and cached in memory.
- add connection pooling to backend http clients
Example has a script to generate self-signed CA, certs and hosts file data for a handful of test domains.
# if you have openssl installed
make generate-certs
# use a docker container with openssl
make docker-generate-certs
Certs will be saved to certs/ssl
, the example is coded to load certs from this directory.
# add self-signed ca to trusted roots
# on ubuntu
sudo cp certs/ssl/ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rust-ssl-proxy-ca.crt
sudo update-ca-trust
# to remove, delete the certs and update trust
sudo rm -f /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/rust-ssl-proxy-ca.crt
sudo update-ca-trust
will contain a host entry for all test domains we generated certs for, add the contents to /etc/hosts
Open 3 separate terminal windows.
# use an nginx server for proxy destination on port 8080
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 nginx:alpine
# start the ssl-proxy on port 8443
cargo run --bin ssl-proxy --
# execute ssl curl commands to ssl-proxy
curl -i -v
curl -i -v
# ...
curl -i -v
curl -i -v
curl -i -v
# ...
curl -i -v