A series of Vue Components and Plugins that help speed up general app development. Currently implemented using Vuetify.
npm i rocketvueappframework --save-dev
In your app.js file (if you are using Laravel and mix):
import {AppFramework} from 'rocketvueappframework/framework';
And somewhere in you main app or main app layout blade file (if you are using laravel):
this.$dialog('Alert title','This is the <strong>message :)</strong>');
or a more advanced usage:
The width property is the size of the dialog in perc or pixels. ShowOverlay could be true or false.
this.$dialog('Confirm title','Are you sure?','40%',true,{
yes : 'Yes',
no : {label:'No',color:'accent'}
this.$dialog('Your answer',result+'');
this.$dialog returns a promise with the key of the button that was pressed. The result will be null if the message was dismissed without a button being pressed.
If a string is passed for the button, it will be displayed in primary color. Otherwise an object could be provided with label andcolor. Th color could either be primary, secondary, info, accent, warning or error (see Vuetify text color classes without the --text).
Form dialogs display a rocket form renderer in a dialog. It receives the following input:
- Dialog title
- Dialog instructions
- Rocket form renderer definition. Please refer to RocketFormRenderer in the RocketForm wiki,
- Data object resembling the definition
- Size in perc or pixels
- Whether to hide the overlay (true to show the overlay)
- Button object (optional) - Very Important The buttons that should trigger form validation should contain a key
. By default the dialog will have save and cancel buttons.
const builder=this.$rf.builder;
let def=[
let data={
name : 'Ian Rothmann',
email : '[email protected]',
mobile : '082 123 1234'
this.$formDialog('Register','Please enter your <strong>registration</strong> details',def,data, {
save : {label:'Save',color:'primary', validate:true},
cancel : {label:'Cancel',color:'accent'}
this.$dialog('Hallo '+response.data.name,'We will email you at: '+response.data.email);
this.$dialog('Sorry','We are sorry that you clicked '+response.btn);
Response is an object with valid
(boolean), btn
the key of the btn clicked and data
, the returned valid form data. Data is not returned if the button does not validate:true
This calls shows the top activity bar and calls document.location
this.$navigate('url here');
This displays an overlay with a Vuetify indeterminate circle progress at center screen.
this.$showloader('This is some status'); //status is optional
this.$loaderstatus('Almost there');
The messagetype could either be info, warning or error. This controls the color of the OK button. The default message type is info. The vertical (top, bottom), horizontal (left, right) and duration (milliseconds) parameters are optional, defualing to 4000 in upper right.
Sometimes you want to show that there is activity without blocking the UI (like the loader).
This will display an indeterminate progress bar at the top of the screen. You should add the activity with an id and remove it again when done. The framework will automatically hide the activity bar when no more activity is present.
Add and remove activity shows a indeterminate bar at the top. To update this bar with specific values, do not call $addactivity
, instead call:
where progressValue
is a number from 0
to 100
. You can keep calling it to update progress.
To hide the bar send a null value:
In you main app.js file:
This will configure an interceptor to automatically log activity when an ajax call is active.
When using VueBridge, you could install vuebridge-sessionsnackbar in app.js:
import {sessionStatusMixin} from 'rocketvueappframework/dist/mixins/vuebridge-sessionsnackbar';
and in your root app component:
mixins : [sessionStatusMixin],
In Laravel you could then use:
A snackbar will then be displayed upon page load.
Some of the vuetify components are wrapped in Rocket Wrapper components to provide a quicker API for using them. If you are using the framework plugin they are automatically imported, but they could also be imported separately. They are all prefixed with rw- (for Rocket Wrapped).
Please see the project wiki for a descripton of all wrapped components.
<rw-dialog title="Dialog title here" v-model="showDialog">
Content here
<div slot="actions">
<v-btn class="primary--text" flat>OK<v-btn>