I got an introduction into MongoDB/Express and I wanted to create something with the new knowledge. This would never be a live application, because it isn't secure and everyone could edit. But that's something I will try to learn next.
I tried to imagine a practical use case of what I have learned and came up with this menu page. On this page you can add, edit or delete dishes from the menu.
Because I didn't learn about authentication and deploying such website, I made a screen capture of my localhost:
It was the first time creating a project with a database on my own. The main goal was to repeat what I have learned without looking at the tutorials (which I didn't have to do) and I tried to ignore the code I have written while following the introduction course. What I learned:
More about the dialog element
How to collect multiple items for an array with a html form
Working with MongoDB, ExpressJS in general
As I already said, there is no security implemented at all, which wouldn't be the best move :)
Some sort of authentication, where a non-authenticated user just sees the menu. And a certain role can see the add/edit/delete functionalities
If I add a dish it appears at the bottom of the list. It would be nice if a user could edit the order
The input list for the array of ingredients could be better.
It was nice to discover how mongoDB works and what is possible even with limited knowledge.