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Releases: iTwin/iTwinUI

@itwin/[email protected]

20 Feb 20:20
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Patch Changes

  • #2442: Removed a leftover @layer name, which was originally intended to support very old versions of iTwinUI.
  • #2443: Fixed bug in Modal where focus was sometimes jumping from a modal child to the modal itself.
  • #2431: Force text wrapping for long words. Affected components: Text, NonIdealState, Stepper, WorkflowDiagram.
  • #2446: Fixed background color in menus when the theme bridge is enabled.

@itwin/[email protected]

17 Feb 14:33
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Patch Changes

  • #2436: The theme bridge has been updated to handle the breaking changes introduced in @itwin/[email protected].
  • #2430: Fixed bug in SplitButton where the dropdownMenuProps.middleware prop was not respected.
  • #2430: Fixed a SplitButton bug where dropdownMenuProps was accidentally being added to the DOM.
  • #2430: Added missing div props in dropdownMenuProps's type for DropdownButton and SplitButton.

@itwin/[email protected]

11 Feb 14:26
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Minor Changes

  • #2387: Added support for React 19.

  • #2373: Added a theme bridge which adjusts iTwinUI v3 visuals to blend in with iTwinUI v5's new look-and-feel.

    To enable the theme bridge, use the future.themeBridge flag on <ThemeProvider>. See full documentation for more detailed instructions.

    Note: The theme bridge is still considered an alpha feature, so there may be breaking changes until it's stabilized.

  • #2391: Removed dependency on react-transition-group. Notable changes in components:

    • useToaster: Animations have been reworked to directly use the web animations API.
    • Dialog and Modal: Exit animations have been temporarily removed.
  • #2387: Bumped the minimum required versions of the following dependencies:

    • @tanstack/react-virtual to 3.13.0
    • @floating-ui/react to 0.27.4
    • classnames to 2.5.1

Patch Changes

  • #2429: Fixed an issue where disabled buttons were still causing form submissions. Affects Button, IconButton, and all other button components.
  • #2368: Fine-tuned the default Tooltip delay to { open: 100ms, close: 200ms }.
  • #2368: Added Tooltip delay grouping to components that use Tooltip internally. This prevents the tooltip from lingering when quickly hovering across different parts of the component.
    • Components affected: SideNavigation, Slider, Stepper, List.
  • #2373: Fixed an issue in InputWithDecorations and SearchBox where the component-level focus styling was colliding with global focus styling, leading to double focus outlines.

@itwin/[email protected]

22 Jan 21:05
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Patch Changes

  • #2407: Slightly increased --iui-opacity-5 in the light theme to increase its text selection background's contrast.

@itwin/[email protected]

22 Jan 21:05
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Patch Changes

  • #2411: Fixed Panels.Trigger not working in older React versions where useId is not available.
  • #2407: Increased contrast (i.e. opacity) of light theme's text selection background. This also affects some other opacities of other components (e.g. shadows and hover backgrounds).

@itwin/[email protected]

14 Jan 21:24
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Patch Changes

  • #2402: Fixed an issue in Tabs where it wasn't recalculating the active stripe position when a new tab was asynchronously added to the tablist.

@itwin/[email protected]

13 Jan 20:25
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Patch Changes

  • #2389: Fixed Table bug where parent rows had indeterminate checkboxes even when all sub rows were selected.
  • #2390: Fixed ThemeProvider bug of re-mounting its children and losing state when portalContainer is toggled between undefined and defined.
  • #2396: Fixed rare bug where icons in button components (e.g. Button, SidenavButton, etc.) were becoming 0 in width when less space was available.

@itwin/[email protected]

23 Dec 16:10
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Patch Changes

  • #2384: Fixed the syntax for react and react-dom version ranges declared in peerDependencies.
  • #2386: Fixed a visual issue in Tile.Name where a long string without spaces wasn't wrapping properly.

@itwin/[email protected]

18 Dec 19:57
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Patch Changes

  • #2378: Fixed folder variant Tile's broken layout when it has a long name.

@itwin/[email protected]

17 Dec 18:18
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Patch Changes

  • #2362: Select with "small" size now has the same height (24px) as other input elements with "small" size (e.g. ComboBox)
  • #2370: Fixed Panels animations not working in some rare cases.
  • #2374: Fixed HeaderButton's startIcon and endIcon fill color.
  • #2359: Tooltip now remains visible when hovered up to 4px outside its border.