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A better MQTT API for the browser

web-mqtt-client is a wrapper around the Eclipse Paho MQTT javascript client, and offers an improved programmatic API somewhat similar to MQTT.js in a much smaller package than the latter browserified. Further improvements will also be implemented as this library matures (see Roadmap below).

An example of this library in use is available on gh-pages, source code and resources for the example under the demo/ folder.

The event emitter implementations in this project are based on microevents.js.

Installation ------------
$ npm install web-mqtt-client
$ bower install web-mqtt-client

In addition to mqtt-client.js, you will also need to add mqttws31.js from Eclipse Paho to your html, eg.

<script src="path/to/mqttws31.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/mqtt-client.js"></script>

mqtt-client.js expects the globals from Eclipse Paho to be available when initialized, so the order of evaluation matters. When the scripts have been evaluated, web-mqtt-client is available through the MqttClient global.

API ---


An MQTT client is intialized with the call to new MqttClient, which accepts the following options:

var client = new MqttClient({
    host        : <required>, 
    port        : <required>,
    clientId    : <optional> - will be randomly generated if not provided,
    timeout     : <optional> - default 10,
    keepalive   : <optional> - default 30,
    mqttVersion : <optional>,
    userName    : <optional>,
    password    : <optional>,
    ssl         : <optional> - default false,
    clean       : <optional> - default true,
    will        : {
        topic   : <required>, 
        payload : <optional>,
        qos     : <optional> - default 0,
        retain  : <optional> - default false

The client exposes the following methods



Connect and disconnect to/from the broker specified when this client was initialized. client.connected tracks the current state.

client.subscribe(topic, qos, callback)

Subscribe to topic with qos, and optionally attach a callback to be fired when subscription is acknowledged. NB. if qos is 0 and a callback is provided, the callback will essentially only mean that the subscription request was delivered to the Paho library.

client.unsubscribe(topic, callback)

Unsubscribe from topic, callback will be fired when the broker acknowledges the request.

client.publish(topic, payload, options, callback)

Publish payload to topic, callback will be fired when the broker acknowledges the request. NB. if qos is 0 and a callback is provieded functionality is identical to the subscribe callback.

options are optional and can specify any of the following:

    qos    : <optional> - default 0,
    retain : <optional> - deafult false,

The client emits the following events
  • 'connect': client has connected to broker
  • 'disconnect': client was disconnected from broker for whatever reason
  • 'message': client received an MQTT message

Callbacks can be attached to these events through client.on or client.bind and removed with client.unbind.

client.on('connect', function() { console.log("hooraah, I'm connected"); });
client.on('disconnect', function() { console.log('oh noes!'); });
client.on('message', console.log.bind(console));

The callback attached to the message event will have the following parameters

client.on('message', function handleMessage(topic, payload, details) {
  // ..    
  • payload is either the UTF-8 encoded String in the message if parsed by Paho, or the payload as an ArrayBuffer
  • details is an object containing
    topic     : /* String */, 
    qos       : /* 0 | 1 | 2 */,
    retained  : /* boolean  */,
    payload   : /* payloadBytes */,
    duplicate : /* boolean */,

The meaning of the fields are explained in the Paho documentation.

Roadmap & Changelog -------------------


  • unit test setup
  • CI test configuration (travis)
  • eslint configuration
  • test coverage x
  • lightweight API documentation
  • publish demo to gh-pages


  • randomly generated clientIds
  • subscribe / unsubscribe API
  • event for incoming messages
  • publish API
  • lwt support
  • minfied build
  • public release npm/bower


  • better example in README
  • optional logging support
  • MQTT topic regex support
  • separate messages event API
  • extended connection lifecycle callbacks
  • reconnection callback
  • rewrite Paho Errors
  • proper linting config
  • integration tests against Mosca
  • test coverage x
  • filter subscription/unsubscription calls to broker if topic has other callbacks
  • filter sub/unsub is QoS-aware
  • automatic resubscription of topics on reconnect
  • optimize compression
  • provide sourcemaps

Notes -----
  • Paho documentation
  • promise support for methods? or example for wrapping
  • publish callback if qos 0 is essentially nothing more than a message that message has been delivered to Paho lib...
  • piggyback on Paho error reporting or do own validation?


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