A simple API wrapper for sending emails with Gmail
Install via pip (recommended)
pip install gmailpy
Install from source
pip install git+https://github.com/iDutchy/gmailpy
First you need to create your client:
import gmailpy
client = gmailpy.Client("[email protected]", "P@$$w0rd")
await client.send(receiver, content, subject=None, bcc=None, attachment_bytes=None, attachment_name=None)
- Parameters:
- reveiver (string): The receivers email address
- content (string): The content of the email
- subject (string): The email subject. Defaults to "No subject"
- bcc (list): A list of other email addresses you want to send the mail to as BCC. Defaults to None
- attachment_bytes (byte array): Attach anything to the email. This has to be a byte array! When providing this, the attachment_bytes argument becomes required! Defaults to None
- attachment_name (string): The full name of the attachment. This has to contain the file extension too! e.g "dog.png". This is required when providing attachment_bytes. Defaults to None