- Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ
- Talking C++: An Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup
- C++ Korea
- basiccpp - BASIC in C++
- joinc
- C++ 강의
- C++언어
- Google for Education
- 기억해두세요, 최고의 C++ 강의 5개
- 따라하며 배우는 C++ 강의 시리즈
- 모두의 코드 씹어먹는 C++ 강좌 계획
- SoEn (구 winapi.co.kr)
- C++ Core Guidelines
- Writing good C++14
- C++ 연산자 오버로딩 가이드라인 - 용균
- c++ samples - A repository of modern C++ code samples curated by the community
- Non-constant constant-expressions in C++
- cpphints.com
- Adding Compile-Time Type Checking to Printf
- An Intuitive Use-Case For Monadic Bind And Kleisli Composition
- Compiling GCC 5 on OS X
- New C++ features in GCC 12 | Red Hat Developer
- A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1
- Using Monads in C++ to Solve Constraints
- Monoids, Monads, and Applicative Functors: Repeated Software Patterns - YouTube
- Publishing Effective Modern C++, Part 1
- Publishing Effective Modern C++, Part 2
- Can C++ become your new scripting language?
- Ndc2014 시즌 2 : 멀티쓰레드 프로그래밍이 왜 이리 힘드나요? (Lock-free에서 Transactional Memory까지)
- The tadpole operators explained
- What Are C, C++, and Java Used For?
- C++: Uniquely addressed
- Common x86 Calling Conventions
- Return Value Optimization
- the new boston c++
- C++ in the modern world
- Diving into C++ internals of node
- Modern C++ as a Better Compiler
- Modern Embedded Software Needs Modern C++ Programming - YouTube
- Some awesome modern C++ features that every developer should know
- Crawling Billions of Pages: Building Large Scale Crawling Cluster (part 1)
- Fear of Macros
- Higher Order Macros in C++
- A dbg(…) macro for C++
- C++ Futures at Instagram
- Going from lock-free to wait-free
- C++’s Rule of Zero
- Functional C++ - Kevlin Henney
- Object Theft Etiquette in C++: methods with a side of &&
- Interactive C++ compiler
- Translating Haskell to C++ metaprogramming
- Determinism with fixed point math
- Programmatic access to the call stack in C++
- A garbage collector for C and C++
- High-performance garbage collection for C++ · V8
- Static if resurrected
- Return Value Optimization
- Additional C/C++ Tooling
- Code-Pointer Integrity
- std::shared_ptr's secret constructor
- Automated reasoning in F#, Scala, Haskell, C++, and Julia
- Should I Use Signed or Unsigned Ints?July 27, 2015
- C++ Internals :: STL vector, Part I
- C++ Internals :: STL vector, Part II
- C++ Internals :: STL vector, Part III
- 2차원 vector 읽어내고 구축하는 방법만 알아봅시다
- How We Beat C++ STL Binary Search
- STL — Standard Template Library
- Learning C++: The STL and the vector Class
- The big STL Algorithms tutorial: Introduction | Sandor Dargo's Blog
- “New” Value Terminology - Bjarne Stroustrup
- Traps detection during migration of C and C++ code to 64-bit Windows
- You Can Stop Writing Comments About Pointer Ownership
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 1: Basics
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 2: A specialized allocator
- Meeting C++ - A independent C++ Conference, and the attempt to establish a european network for C++
- Joint Allocations in C++
- New C++ Features – Move Constructor and Move Assignment
- copy elision - 복사 생성자는 생략될 수 있다
- Stack, Heap, Pool
- C++: Deleting destructors and virtual operator delete
- Busting C++ myths: virtual function calls are slow
- The C++ FQA is on GitHub
- C++ Frequently Questioned Answers
- Neural Net in C++ Tutorial
- Substring search algorithm
- Multiple Arrays, One Allocation, Generically: MultiArray
- Compile-time RNG tricks
- Rant: On the std::experimental::variant to come
- An introduction to C++'s SFINAE concept: compile-time introspection of a class member
- The Little Things: Speeding up C++ compilation — The Coding Nest
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 1: Basics
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 2: A specialized allocator
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 3: Going lock-free
- Job System 2.0: Lock-Free Work Stealing – Part 4: parallel_for
- Covariance and Contravariance in C++ Standard Library
- Breaking all the Eggs in C++
- C/C++ tip: How to get the physical memory size of a system
- ISO C와 ISO C++의 차이
- C++ in Competitive Programming: I/O
- Modern C++ - This project is a wiki explaining how to write Modern C++ code from the ground up
- C++계의 록스타, 스콧 마이어스
- en.cppreference.com
- Best C++ Code Formatter/Beautifier
- Python-like C++ decorators
- 이것이 C++이다
- nullptr 구현하기 전격 해부
- 한번 보고 바로 활용하는 GoF 디자인 패턴
- NDC 2017 하재승 NEXON ZERO (넥슨 제로) 점검없이 실시간으로 코드 수정 및 게임 정보 수집하기
- www.modernescpp.com
- lvalue와 rvalue
- C++ moves for people who don’t know or care what rvalues are 🏘️ | by Topher Winward | Medium
- glvalue와 prvalue
- 왜 c++은 복잡한 value category를 가지게 됐는가 xvalue, glvalue, prvalue
- object는 언제 생성돼서 언제 소멸되는가 - storage
- c++의 상호참조 릭이 자바에서 발생하지 않는 이유
- array to pointer decay
- 포인터 구분해서 쓰기 - span, owner
- 스트롭스트룹 교수님과의 대화: "C++ 배우는데 C를 먼저 배울 필요 없어요"
- C++로 함수형 언어 Scala 흉내 내기
- memory barrier - 메모리 접근의 순서 보장하기
- as-if rule - 소스에 적힌 순서대로 실행되지 않는 이유
- not_null - null이 될 수 없는 값 구분하기
- C++ 다중 상속 생각
- c++과 python간 shared memory 연동
- Lifetime Safety: Preventing Leaks and Dangling
- RAII는 무엇인가
- NDC 2018 유체역학 엔진 개발기
- Microcontrollers in Micro-increments : A Test-driven C++ Workflow for Embedded Systems
- C++ and Embedded Systems, Part 1: ETL vs STL Algorithms
- Write floating point variable information with sign, exponent and significand
- Livestream: Getting Started with C++
- Contract design by contract
- 팁 – 검색 표로 함수 호출하기
- 내가 쓰는 C++1x: Conditional Variable
- AwesomeCppTemplate
- Thundering Herds & Promises
- 가상 함수 포인터에 관한 고찰
- 채팅 서버 개발로 알아보는 C++의 기술들
- Never trust a programmer who says he knows C++
- c++ sort 의 비교함수가 true만 리턴할 때 어떤 일이 일어날까요?
- 초보 탈출 #2 - 멀티 스레드 프로그래밍 1
- 초보 탈출 #3 - 멀티 스레드 프로그래밍 2 | 10분 TV
- Learn to debug code with the GNU Debugger | Opensource.com GDB
- 7 Top Tips for Debugging C++ | The CLion Blog
- C++ Development with Visual Studio Code
- How to write Clean, Beautiful and Effective C++ Code
- Windows Trampoline – Kudryavka Noumi
- Fast Virtual Functions: Hacking the VTable for Fun and Profit | by Caleb Leak | Medium
- Demystifying Virtual Tables in C++ – Part 1 Trivial Constructors | MartinKysel.com
- Demystifying Virtual Tables in C++ – Part 2 Non-virtual inheritance | MartinKysel.com
- Demystifying Virtual Tables in C++ – Part 3 Virtual Tables | MartinKysel.com
- Some awesome modern C++ features that every developer should know | by Mottakin Chowdhury | freeCodeCamp.org | Medium
- 이동 의미구조(Move Semantics) 주의할 점 | The Dream of Super Surplus Power
- Modern C++: Move Semantics - YouTube
- C++: The Good Parts
- How expensive is integer-overflow trapping in C++? – Daniel Lemire's blog
- Creating a console animation with C++ | by Evans Ehiorobo | How-Tos | Medium
- Ranges, Code Quality, and the Future of C++ | by Jason Meisel | Medium
- Encapsulation in C++ and C. Code examples of achieving and… | by Kateryna Bondarenko | Medium
- gflags (C++) uint32 지원 + ubuntu 16.04 – rein's world
- How C++ Resolves a Function Call
- A friendly guide to the syntax of C++ method pointers | Opensource.com
- Intel oneAPI and DPC++(heewook 2021 04 19 15 37 48) - YouTube
- 인텔맥 Big Sur에서 oneAPI환경 설정 (intel compiler / MKL / Time Profile) : 클리앙
- Papers and Presentations
- Improving Print Logging with Line Pos Info & Modern C++ - C++ Stories
- C++ 코드 품질 관리 비법 · Present
- Why We Need Build Systems - Sticky Bits - Powered by FeabhasSticky Bits – Powered by Feabhas
- Moving a project to C++ named Modules - C++ Team Blog
- String Hashing in C++ - DEV Community
- Performance Matters - YouTube
- Tips for formatting when printing to console from C++ | Opensource.com
- C++ Modules Might Be Dead-on-Arrival
- C++ at the end of 2021 - C++ Stories
- On finding the average of two unsigned integers without overflow - The Old New Thing
- Joe Zbiciak's answer to In C++, why do I get a 'Segmentation fault: 11' error when I attempt to access an array with more than 525 elements? - Quora
- Changing std::sort at Google’s Scale and Beyond – Experimental chill
- 10 Top Tips To Develop A C++ App In 2022
- “개발자가 수학에 투자하는 시간은 절대 낭비가 아닙니다” C++ 창시자 인터뷰 | 요즘IT
- Interactive Workflows for C++ with Jupyter | by QuantStack | Jupyter Blog
- The rule of three/five/zero - cppreference.com
- 기본은 3의 법칙으로 소멸자, 복사 생성자, 복사 할당 연산자 중 하나라도 선언했다면 나머지도 모두 선언해야 한다는 내용
- 5의 법칙은 여기에 이동 생성자와 이동 할당 연산자 추가
- 0의 법칙은 이들이 필요하지 않도록 설계한다는 내용
- perfect forwarding을 perfect하게 이해하기
- A New Era for C and C++? Goodbye, Rust? - YouTube
- 어설트(ASSERT) 꿀팁! 팀별·개인별로 관리하는 법" - YouTube #ifdef, environment variable
- 항상 flush를 해서 느린 c++ endl
- The year is 2017 - Is the preprocessor still needed in C++?
- Infinite monkey - Nico Brailovsky's blog: C++ exceptions under the hood
- P2544R0: C++ exceptions are becoming more and more problematic
- Failing Successfully: Reporting and Handling Errors - YouTube
- C++ Cheat Sheets & Infographics | hacking C++
- David Vandevoorde's answer to How do you generate a random number between 1 and 6 in C++? - Quora
- auto_ptr
- const
- const_cast
- switch
- template
- C++: A jump table with a template device
- Template Code Bloat Revisited: A Smaller make_shared
- Stupid Template Tricks: Super Template Tetris
- The fixed_point Class Template
- Dependency Injection in C++ Using Variadic Templates
- Stupid Template Tricks: Template Assembler
- Template Comparison
- 'Random Enough' Compile Random With Templates
- Using Variadic Templates cleanly
- Variadic template
- C++ 템플릿 스터디
- Back to Basics: Templates (part 1 of 2) - Bob Steagall - CppCon 2021 - YouTube
- vector
- volatile
- CppIndia Async in C++ by Oliver Esser - YouTube
- Asynchronous I/O and Coroutines for Smooth Data Streaming - Björn Fahller - ACCU 2022 - YouTube
- The downsides of C++ Coroutines | reductor’s blog
- eznetpp - This is an asynchronous network library for C++ programmers
- MozPromise: A Better Tool for Asynchronous C++
- 알고리즘 문제해결을 위한 C/C++ 기초
- 더북(TheBook): 모던 C++ 입문 1장만
- 더북(TheBook): C++14 STL 철저 입문 1~3장만
- 더북(TheBook): 스프링 부트 코딩 공작소 2~5장만
- 더북(TheBook): 코딩 테스트를 위한 자료 구조와 알고리즘 with C++ 1~3장만
- The C++ Standard Library
- C++ Template Note
- The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
- Modern C++ Cookbook
- Refactoring
- A Tour of C++, Third Edition
- Forcing code out of line in GCC and C++11
- Simple C++11 metaprogramming
- Futures for C++11 at Facebook
- Immutable serialisable data structures in C++11
- Lambda expressions in C++ 11/14
- New C++ features – lambdas
- Back to Basics: Lambdas from Scratch - Arthur O'Dwyer - CppCon 2019 - YouTube
- The Advanced Guide To Lambda Expression In C++ Software
- gtkmm now uses C++11
- Why You Have to Learn Modern C++
- New C++ Features – templated rvalue References and std::forward
- 5 Useful Things in C++11
- c++11
- The Biggest Changes in C++11 (and Why You Should Care)
- C++ Has Become More Pythonic
- 이벤트 + 락 = Eventable Lock 클래스
- enum class
- 류광의 번역 이야기 :: g++ 11에서 C++20 헤더 단위 사용하기
- C++17 Key Features Summary - Ver 2
- C++17 표준 라이브러리의 std::string_view 소개
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- std::optional: 언제, 어떻게, 그리고 왜
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- std::any: 언제, 어떻게, 그리고 왜
- C++17 표준 라이브러리의 std::variant 소개
- C++17 표준 라이브러리의 파일 시스템 라이브러리 소개
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- ‘기차모델’로 갈아탄 ‘C++17’이 가져온 변화는?
- Modern C++17 Tricks for Competitive Programming
- TIL – C++ 폴드 표현식과 쉼표 연산자
- C++ - std::variant - jacking75
- 오랜만에 C++ : 같은 구조, 다른 데이터 다루기 variant
- C++ Weekly C++20 - YouTube
- fast_io - a C++ io exception-safe RAII library based on C++ 20 Concepts. It is at least 10 times faster than cstdio than iostream
- C++ 새 기술표준 연말 공개…모듈·코루틴 등 적용 - ZDNet korea
- C++ 20, 최종 기술 승인 획득··· 모듈 및 코루틴 등 추가 - CIO Korea
- postgame :: 신박한 c++20 1/2
- postgame :: 신박한 c++20 2/2
- How C++20 Changes the Way We Write Code - YouTube
- An Improved Thread with C++20 - ModernesCpp.com
- All C++20 core language features with examples | Oleksandr Koval’s blog
- Functional Parsing in C++20 - YouTube
- C++20: Define the Concept Regular and SemiRegular – MC++ BLOG 타입 분류 체계
- CppCon 2014: Jeff Garland "Rebuilding Boost Date-Time for C++11"
- CppCon 2015: Scott Wardle “Memory and C++ debugging at Electronic Arts”
- CppCon 2015: John Farrier “Demystifying Floating Point"
- CppCon 2019 Presentation Materials
- CppCon 2020 Plenary Talks - YouTube
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: SICP - YouTube
- C++ Developer Learns Rust (aka Oxidizing C++ Skills For Fun and Profit) - YouTube
- C++ 20: Reaching for the Aims of C++ - YouTube
- Type and Resource Safety in Modern C++ - YouTube
- Extending and Simplifying C++: Thoughts on Pattern Matching Using 'is' and 'as' - YouTube
- Your New Mental Model of constexpr - Jason Turner - CppCon 2021 - YouTube
- Lessons Learned from Packaging 10,000+ C++ Projects - YouTube
- Real-time Programming with the C++ Standard Library - YouTube
- GoingNative 2013 C++ Seasoning - YouTube
- C++ Seasoning
- 원시 루프를 사용하지 마세요no raw loop 라는 원칙
- 원시 루프란 ‘반복문에 구현된 알고리즘보다 함수가 더 큰 목적을 수행하는 경우의 해당 반복문’
- 함수에 반복문 대신 표준 라이브러리 함수를 가져다 쓸 수 있다면 라이브러리를 써서 코드를 정리하도록 권장
- C++ Seasoning
- Can C++ be 10x Simpler & Safer? - Herb Sutter - CppCon 2022 - YouTube
- CLion
- Dev-C++ Home - Dev-C++ Official Website
- Socket.IO C++
- C++11 서버 라이브러리
- C++ 프로그래밍에 요긴한 라이브러리 7종
- C++ 프로그래밍의 감초··· ‘인기 라이브러리 8선’ - CIO Korea
- cpp-lit: Time to #include standard library and other C++ headers
- abseil.io
- Atria - A toolkit for modern C++ development
- autosetup - A build environment "autoconfigurator"
- Blasien - Valid, literal XML in C++ with Blasien
- Boost
- Boost.Asio
- Blaze is an open-source, high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic
- Brunsli - a lossless JPEG repacking library
- C++ Matrix in terminal
- Cat :: C++14 functional library
- Checksum
- Chocolat The educational programming language for learners including the concepts of lexer,parser and interpreter
- "cint" is a C/C++ interpreter which has following features
- Cling - C++ Kernel for Jupyter with Cling
- Conan - C/C++ package manager
- command-interface: Add a command-line interface to any C++ program
- Cppcheck C/C++ 정적 분석 도구, Cppcheck - 넷마블 기술 블로그
- cpp_reflection - Simple reflection system in C++
- CppMem: Interactive C/C++ memory model
- cpp-tips: Collection of small tips and tricks for C++
- CRC32 12-wide CRC32
- crypto++
- date: A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header
- Discohash - A super fast and simple hash. 5GB/s serial (depending on hardware)
- dwarfs: A fast high compression read-only file system
- EASTL stands for Electronic Arts Standard Template Library. It is an extensive and robust implementation that has an emphasis on high performance
- easyexif - A tiny ISO-compliant C++ EXIF parsing library
- Eigen
- EigenRand: fastest random distribution generator for Eigen
- enkiTS: A permissively licensed C and C++ Task Scheduler for creating parallel programs. Requires C++11 support
- Evenk - A C++ library for concurrent programming
- eXtendedMirror - A simple and powerful C++ reflection system
- Folly Futures - Futures for C++11 at Facebook
- fmt: A modern formatting library
- fredbuf: The textbuf which drives fred
- FTXUI: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface
- Gecode - a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications
- Google Robots.txt Parser and Matcher Library
- gperftools - Main gperftools repository
- GSL: Guidelines Support Library
- GSL Lite: Guidelines Support Library for C++98, C++03 and C++11 up
- HOIST: Strong Source Identity Library for C++
- imgui: Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- IncludeOS - A minimal, service oriented, includeable library operating system for cloud services
- KySync - efficient way to distribute new data which makes use of older (but similar) data that you may already have present locally
- Lemon - an LALR(1) parser generator for C or C++
- Libcox - an ANSI-C Library which permit cross platform system calls and standard utilities among different operating systems via a system of commands similar to the standard UNIX one and backed by the native OS API
- libdivide: Official git repository for libdivide: optimized integer division
- libgraphqlparser - A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs
- lyra: A Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression
- Mach7 - Pattern-matching library for C++
- meow_hash: Official version of the Meow hash, an extremely fast level 1 hash
- MetroHash: Faster, Better Hash Functions
- mih - Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing
- mold: A Modern Linker
- nn - Non-nullable pointers for C++
- NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory
- Parallelizing the Standard Template Library - Grant Mercer
- Parallel STL
- PDF2JSON - a conversion library based on XPDF (3.02) which can be used for high performance PDF page by page conversion to JSON and XML format
- prof - Self-contained C/C++ profiler library for Linux
- projectM-visualizer/projectm: projectM - cross-platform music visualization. Open-source and Milkdrop-compatible
- Projucer - The Projucer is a comprehensive project management and code editing tool with a revolutionary C++ live coding environment which has full C++11 support
- PSkel - A high-performance framework for stencil computations
- pugixml - Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support http://pugixml.org
- PurritoBin: ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin
- Pythran is a Python to c++ compiler for a subset of the Python language, with a focus on scientific computing
- qd - Library for Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
- QT
- rockstar - Makes you a Rockstar C++ Programmer in 2 minutes
- ROOT - A modular scientific software framework. It provides all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage
- rv32i_jit: A super simple RV32i JIT, designed for ease of understanding and modification
- SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D
- available in c#, go, python, rust, ...
- sdsl - Succinct Data Structure Library 2.0
- Seastar is an advanced, open-source C++ framework for high-performance server applications
- SLED (Beta) - A responsive C++ editor that understands your code
- Snapcast - a multi-room client-server audio player, where all clients are time synchronized with the server to play perfectly synced audio
- SpaceCadetPinball: Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet
- SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages
- tachyon: Super Fast Open ZKP(Zero Knowledge Proof) library
- Templight - A C++ Template Metaprogram Debugger and Profiler
- TinyXML2 - a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs
- tvision: A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0, the classical framework for text-based user interfaces. Now cross-platform and with Unicode support
- Urho3D - Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine, HTML5 samples
- userver: userver
- vcpkg 설치 | 10분 TV
- video-conferencing-example: 화상회의 예제
- wxWidgets 설치 | 10분 TV
- Zapcc: a faster C++ compiler
- zertcore5 - C++11 Server framework provides many exciting features!
- ZLUDA: CUDA on Intel GPUs
- Giving a C++ compiler operators new and delete at build time is better than simply replacing malloc and free with the dynamic loader
- Joe Zbiciak's answer to In C++, what is the difference between the new operator and malloc() function (In general and especially for objects allocation)? - Quora
- Joe Zbiciak's answer to Is it bad practice nowadays to use “new” in C++? - Quora
- gperftools
- jemalloc -> c.md
- TCMalloc - Google's customized implementation of C's malloc() and C++'s operator new used for memory allocation within our C and C++ code
- Test Driven C++ - YouTube
- Ensuring Code Quality: Why Every C++ Developer Needs Unit Tests
- googletest
- Writing Multithreaded Applications in C++ (the right way) – DeathByTape
- Learn C++ Multi-Threading in 5 Minutes | by Ari Saif | HackerNoon.com | Medium
- Back to Basics: Concurrency (Multithreading Tactics in C++) - YouTube
- Back to Basics: Concurrency - YouTube
- C++ Threads for beginners. Hi guys and girls ;). I am going to… | by Gourav Dhar | Medium
- How to debug Linux multi threaded code - Greg Law - Meeting C++ 2024 - YouTube
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- “Hello World” in C++. I thought it would be easy. But it… | by Dalya Gartzman | codeburst
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- C++ : Complete Developer Guide — Part 1 | by Syed Khizaruddin | Jan, 2022 | Medium
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- Introduction to Programming in C++ - YouTube
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