- Awesome C
- C언어 공부법과 책추천
- Deep C (and C++)
- How to Learn C
- Learn C The Hard Way
- 완전 쉬운 C언어 레전드 : 네이버 포스트
- C언어 표준과 책의 기술 범위
- c언어
- SoEn (구 winapi.co.kr)
- Learn-C.org
- C Tutorial
- C Programming Language 문법
- comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
- State of the art of random double generation
- Writing Bug-Free C Code
- joinc
- 시험에만 보이는 C언어, 시스템 프로그래밍 기법
- Coroutines in C with Arbitrary Arguments
- Coroutines in C
- Metaprogramming custom control structures in C
- How fast can we fsync
- Death To C
- A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1
- Undefined Behavior - AnyDoc
- Beyond the PDP-11: Architectural support for a memory-safe C abstract machine
- Implementing a Virtual Machine in C
- Understanding C by learning assembly
- Assembly’s Perspective of C
- vnev.me/implementing-a-programming-language-in-c-part-1
- What Are C, C++, and Java Used For?
- Writing Efficient C and C Code Optimization
- How to optimize C and C++ code in 2018 | by Iurii Krasnoshchok | Medium
- Don't Learn C the Wrong Way
- Common x86 Calling Conventions
- the new boston - c
- Exploring the Tension in Software Abstractions
- Fear of Macros
- Being Sneaky in C
- c puzzles
- Implementing a Virtual Machine in C
- C Traps and Pitfalls
- What is a "good" memory corruption vulnerability?
- Fun with UB in C: returning uninitialized floats
- What is C in practice? (Cerberus survey): Analysis of Responses
- A garbage collector for C and C++
- Writing a Simple Garbage Collector in C
- How does C compute sin() and other math functions?
- Optimizers Anonymous – 1st step is admitting you (probably) don’t have a problem
- Additional C/C++ Tooling
- Code-Pointer Integrity
- Pointers Are Complicated, or: What's in a Byte?
- Pointers Are Complicated II, or: We need better language specs
- Function overloading in C worked gcc 4.9.2 on Redhat6
- Hooking C Functions at Runtime
- Eliminating the Call Stack to Save RAM
- Strange C Syntax
- Practical memory safety for C
- Should I Use Signed or Unsigned Ints?July 27, 2015
- Almost Always Unsigned | Almost Always Unsigned
- C언어 : int의 크기 (몇몇 C언어 책이나 글의 오류를 잡자)
- Advanced metaprogramming in C
- Smashing the heap by overflowing the stack
- String and Array Utilities
- "(null)" is a bad idea
- Unexpected Places You Can And Can’t Use Null Bytes
- The Underhanded C Contest
- Embedding LuaJIT in 30 minutes (or so)
- Using the cleanup variable attribute in GCC
- "C" Programming Language: Brian Kernighan - Computerphile
- About size_t and ptrdiff_t
- Accessing unaligned memory
- Traps detection during migration of C and C++ code to 64-bit Windows
- Underhanded C 2015
- emulating exceptions in C
- JPL Institutional Coding Standard for the C Programming Language
- C Programming Substance Guidelines
- K&R C
- Language Design: Building a Modern C, Round 1 – owensd.io
- Language Design: Declarations – owensd.io
- Memory-safe Execution of C on a Java VM
- Object-oriented techniques in C
- Struct Iteration through (Ab)use of the C Preprocessor
- FreeBSD Userspace Coredumps
- Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code -- how and why?
- 8-bit number to binary string ("01011010")
- Why C and C++ are Awful Programming Languages
- counting up vs counting down
- C/C++ tip: How to get the physical memory size of a system
- ISO C와 ISO C++의 차이
- 시저 암호(Caesar cipher, 카이사르 암호) , C언어 소스
- 언어 자료구조 알고리즘/C 디딤돌 자료구조와 알고리즘
- C언어 - 소켓 프로그래밍(Server & Client 문자열 주고 받기) 예제
- 소켓 프로그램 소스 샘플(서버, 클라이언트)
- C로 배우는 자료구조 및 여러가지 예제 실습
- 동적 라이브러리(shared library)와 Linker/Loader 이해하기
- Executable shared ELF files
- downman.tistory.com/category/응용/TCPIP
- for문으로 보는 캐시 메모리
- C로 미분방정식을 풀어보았다
- 독하게 시작하는 C 프로그래밍
- 최호성의 C 프로그래밍
- 명강의로 완성하는 C
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- Beej's Guide to C Programming
- The GNU C Library Reference Manual
- The C Library Reference Guide
- DNS Query Code in C with linux sockets
- C/PYTHON Socket 기초 1 - 간단한 http 서버 만들기 | 개발자 Story | SKT Enterprise socket
- A Very Simple HTTP Server writen in C
- Writing a simple Web Server in C
- Simple TCP/IP web server
- Building Another Website, This Time in C | by Robert W. Oliver II | Sourcerer Blog apache http server
- Can You Write a C Program Without a Main Function ? Here is How
- How to write a good C main function | Opensource.com
- What does gcc main.c do?. Table of Contents | by Connor Brereton | Medium compile 과정
- Main is usually a function. So then when is it not?
- A General Overview of What Happens Before main() - Embedded Artistry
- practice - C Struct Hack
- 12 ≦ x ≦ 0, 12 ≦ x ≦ 7
- Making C Less Dangerous
- seoulworkshop.org/tag/Embedded_C
- C 프로그래밍: 현대적 접근
- C언어 빌드 과정 (build process)
- 타입 추론 사용하기
- C 타입 시스템 제대로 알고 가기 · 잇창명 개발 블로그 "malloc 한 번으로 다차원 배열 동적 할당하기"
- Home-grown bytecode interpreters
- Another one bites the apple! OS X bug hunting
- C 프로그래밍 언어가 여전히 최고인 이유 : 개발언어 일대일 비교
- C에 대해서 잘 아시나요?
- Why const Doesn't Make C Code Faster
- P99 - Preprocessor macros and functions for C99 and C11
- Using pseudo-terminals (pty) to control interactive programs
- Floating point oddity
- Infectious Executable Stacks
- How to write better (game) library
- char와int 비교/치환
- Linux containers in 500 lines of code
- Building a Linux Shell in C. The best way to understand something is… | by Josef Goodyear | Medium
- Tutorial - Write a Shell in C • Stephen Brennan
- 배열 원소 삽입 삭제 패턴만 익혀봅시다
- The C Beginner's Handbook: Learn C Programming Language basics in just a few hours
- Getting started with C programming: a lightning-fast start for absolute beginners | The Not Café - Enjoy Technology
- embedding binary objects in c
- christmas-obfuscated-C
- The Ten Commandments for C Programmers (Annotated Edition)
- C언어 예제 디지털 시계 만들기 예제 Center
- Why is there a "V" in SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault?
- C - Mac에서 C Programming하는 방법 : 네이버블로그 xcode
- 3차원 도넛을 콘솔에 그리기
- Exploring mullender.c - A deep dive into the first IOCCC winner :: LainSystems
- The problem with C | cor3ntin
- C’s Biggest Mistake - Digital Mars
- 흔한 C 프로그래밍 오류 4가지, '그리고 5가지 대처법' - CIO Korea
- 수십 년째 요지부동, 'C 언어'가 왕좌 지키는 이유 - CIO Korea
- Étude in C minor
- GTK4 for Graphical User Interfaces
- Gtk4-tutorial/Readme.md at main · ToshioCP/Gtk4-tutorial
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- Fun with conversion-operator name lookup – Arthur O'Dwyer – Stuff mostly about C++
- 함수 오버로딩 : 클리앙
- 헤더(header) 파일이란? 헤더 파일 개념 정리 - 로스카츠의 AI 머신러닝
- It's raymarching march!
- 이벤트 기반 프로그래밍 | 10분 TV
- 초보 탈출 #4 - 함수 호출의 원리 및 재귀호출 | 10분 TV
- Parsing Protobuf at 2+GB/s: How I Learned To Love Tail Calls in C
- Your ABI is Probably Wrong
- To Save C, We Must Save ABI | The Pasture
- 함수의 극한 구하는 프로그램 만들기(C언어) | 수성비 전자방
- Why I still like C and strongly dislike C++ « Kostya's Boring Codec World
- My toy renderer, part 1: Keep it simple
- (12) Joe Zbiciak's answer to Can someone post a simplified C program for AI algorithm, and what type of hardware will be typically used? - Quora
- 그래서, 스택이랑 힙이 뭔데?
- C 언어 퀴즈
- C Runtime Overhead
- Some sanity for C and C++ development on Windows
- Switch Case Statement in C | Control Statements | Lec 60 | C Programming Tutorials - YouTube
- Implementing cosine in C from scratch - Austin Z. Henley
- Brian Robert Callahan
- A Census of Minecraft Servers
- Bjørn Borud | Writing new system software
- philosophers bonus 프로세스간 통신
- everything you ever wanted to know about terminals
- What is A Void Function In The C Programming language?
- NaN boxing or how to make the world dynamic - Blog by Piotr Duperas
- 왜 백악관은 C와 C ++를 쓰지말라는걸까? - YouTube
- C 프로그래밍: 현대적 접근
- 강좌: C 언어 코딩 도장
- 더북(TheBook): 모두의 C 언어
- 더북(TheBook): 실전 대비 C 알고리즘 인터뷰 1~3장만
- An Introduction to C & GUI Programming – the new book from Raspberry Pi Press
- Modern C
- clang
- Writing a basic clang static analysis check
- Clang by example: detecting unused functions
- How to compile C apps with musl and Clang
- Address Sanitizer
- Bitcode Demystified
- Emulating "defer" in C, with Clang or GCC+Blocks
- A simple defer feature for C
- Build Your Own Lisp
- Ubuntu에 Clang 9 설치하기 : 네이버블로그
- cldoc - clang based documentation generator for C and C++
- include-what-you-use - A tool for use with clang to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
- Zig Home ⚡ Zig Programming Language
- 홈 ⚡ Zig Programming Language
- Using Zig As Cross Platform C Toolchain
zig cc
: a Powerful Drop-In Replacement for GCC/Clang- How Uber Uses Zig - Motiejus Jakštys Public Record
- Zig in 30 minutes
- Intro to the Zig Programming Language • Andrew Kelley • GOTO 2022 - YouTube
- Expert Talk: Zig Programming Language & Linters • Andrew Kelley & Jeroen Engels • GOTO 2022 - YouTube
- Zig Build System & How to Build Software From Source • Andrew Kelley • GOTO 2023 - YouTube
- zig 설치하여 Visual Studio Code 개발환경 만들기 - Windows, Linux, macOS :: 멈춤보단 천천히라도
- C를 배우기 전에 이 영상을 보세요. - YouTube
- zig is the future of programming. here's why. - YouTube
- Zig vs Rust at work: the choice we made | Ludwig
- ziglings: Learn the Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs
- Source Maps are an Insufficient Debugging Format for the Web
- 5 common bugs in C programming and how to fix them | Opensource.com
- stong/how-to-exploit-a-double-free: How to exploit a double free vulnerability in 2021. 'Use After Free for Dummies'
- Logging C Function Calls
- Learning C with gdb
- Debugging with GDB: a real life example
- QEMU + GDB로 디버깅 환경 조성
- A browser-based frontend for GDB
- 우리집에 GDB 있는데… 메모리 보고갈래?
- Looking for debugger
- Extreme Debugging – Squanderingtime/Chris Chandler
- 오픈소스에서 원하는 코드 쉽게 찾기 (feat. GDB)
- gdb-dashboard
- GDBFrontend - an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger
- onlinegdb.com
- rr Instant replay: Debugging C and C++ programs with rr | Red Hat Developer
- Updated list of my GNU Make articles
- Using Landlock to Sandbox GNU Make
- blog.jgc.org/2015/04/the-gnu-make-book-probably-more-than.html
- The one line you should add to every makefile
- How security flaws work: The buffer overflow
- What is a Makefile and how does it work?
- Want to know the easiest way to save time? Use
! - Makefiles in 2019 — Why They Still Matter
- Makefile Tutorial By Example
- Makefile로 스크립트 관리하기 | DevelopersIO
invisible-island.net add, atac, autoconf, bcpp, byacc, c_count, cdk, cindent, conflict, cproto, dbmalloc, ded, dialog, diffstat, flist, luit, lynx, mawk, ncurses, rcshist, reflex, tin, vile, vttest, xterm
bestline: ANSI Standard X3.64 Teletypewriter Command Session Library
"cint" is a C/C++ interpreter which has following features
Collections-C - A library of generic data structures including a list, array, hashtable, deque etc
liblfds, a portable, license-free, lock-free data structure library
ACT: low-level API call tracer windows
callcatcher: collect functions/methods defined and subtract called/referenced
cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems
crun: A fast and lightweight fully featured OCI runtime and C library for running containers
excel_to_code - Converts some excel spreadsheets (.xlsx, not .xls) into C
gcc src.c -pg; ./a.out; gprof a.out gmon.out > result
- gprof 사용법 (예제 중심으로...)
no time accumulated
system call을 많이 쓰는 경우 user call에서 실제로 드는 시간이 별로 없어서 발생할 수 있다고 하는데, 실제로는 user call이 대부분인 경우도 발생하는 듯
Graph-Reply - A graph based REPL that saves to and loads from disk
first-cc-gcc: The first C compiler made to work under modern GCC
H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 server https://h2o.examp1e.net
Heman is a C library of image utilities for dealing with height maps and other floating-point images
httpserver.h - Single header library for writing non-blocking HTTP servers in C
Hunter - CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++
# cmake 디렉토리 아래에 HunterGate.cmake 파일을 복사해 둡니다. include("cmake/HunterGate.cmake") HunterGate( URL "https://github.com/ruslo/hunter/archive/v0.7.0.tar.gz" SHA1 "e730118c7ec65126398f8d4f09daf9366791ede0" ) # Boost 라이브러리를 사용하기 위해 패키지를 찾는 과정입니다. hunter_add_package(Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem iostreams) find_package(Boost CONFIG REQUIRED system filesystem iostreams) # 내 프로젝트 타겟에 링크하는 방법입니다. target_link_libraries(<타겟> Boost::system Boost::filesystem Boost::iostreams)
Hyperscan is a high-performance multiple regex matching library
image-unshredding reconstruct photographs whose columns have been shuffled
indent: Indent and Format C Program Source beautifier
- CentOS에 기본 설치되어 있음
- ‘-br’ ‘--braces-on-if-line’
- ‘-brf’ ‘--braces-on-func-def-line’
- ‘-npcs’ ‘--no-space-after-function-call-names’
- ‘-npsl’ ‘--dont-break-procedure-type’
- ‘-tsn’ ‘--tab-sizen’
indent -kr -brf -ci2 -cli2 -i2 -l80 -nut
= -brf + Google c style settings for gnu indent?
infer - Open-sourcing Facebook Infer: Identify bugs before you ship
- infer Java, C, C++, Objective-C 코드의 버그를 찾아주는 정적 분석 도구
- 페이스북, 모바일 앱 디버깅 도구 오픈소스로 공개
- Inferbo: Infer-based buffer overrun analyzer
- RacerD: Compositional Static Race Detection - Meta Research 동시성 코드에서 발생하는 문제를 해결해주는 도구
jo - JSON output from a shell http://jpmens.net/2016/03/05/a-shell-command-to-create-json-jo
Kitsune - An efficient, general-purpose framework for dynamic software updating in C
Kore is an easy to use web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
Lexbor is development of an open source HTML Renderer library. https://lexbor.com
libfor - A very fast scalar implementation for Frame Of Reference integer compression
libgairq - A GObject based RESTful API library written in C for gathering Air Quality information
libsound - cross-platform audio input and output for real-time & consumer software
liburkel: Authenticated key-value store (i.e. an urkel tree)
libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs. https://libvips.github.io/libvips
libwebsockets.org lightweight and flexible C networking library
Miller is like sed, awk, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV
mpc is a lightweight and powerful Parser Combinator library for C
mpfr The GNU MPFR Library
musl - a new standard library to power a new generation of Linux-based devices
Nuklear: A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library
objdump / gobjdump (OS X)
patchelf: A small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
pijFORTHos - A bare-metal FORTH operating system for Raspberry Pi
progressbar - An easy-to-use C library for displaying text progress bars
RC is a dialect of C that adds safe, region-based memory management to C
rtty - Access your device's terminal from anywhere via the web
simple sparsehash - A simple re-implementation of Google's sparsehash as a learning excercise
Sioyek is a PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books
Skod is a (File|Transfer|Protocol) client for humans, easy to use and hackable
spectro-photo - Turns an image into an audio file. Image is visible on the spectrogram
startc is a minimal freestanding C runtime library for a 32-bit i386 PC
tinyosc - A minimal Open Sound Control (OSC) library written in C
vgpu_unlock: Unlock vGPU functionality for consumer grade GPUs
- How to Use the Plan 9 C Compiler
- A Smaller, Better compiler suite gcc, clang, tcc, pcc, 8cc
- A C Compiler for Stack Machines
- Why the C Language Will Never Stop You from Making Mistakes | The Pasture
- Comparing clang to other open source compilers
- Portability is Reliability – Evan Nemerson
- chibicc: A small C compiler
- CompCert: The CompCert formally-verified C compiler
- distcc: a fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler
- movfuscator - The single instruction C compiler
- Writing a Memory Allocator – Dmitry Soshnikov
- Beyond malloc efficiency to fleet efficiency: a hugepage-aware memory allocator | USENIX
- malloc의 size 인자값을 0으로 준다면
- jemalloc
- libpas at main · WebKit/WebKit
- malloc_geiger - a hook for malloc that plays geiger counter blips in proportion to the amount of calls to malloc as a way of knowing what an application does
- salmalloc - Custom malloc
- gprof, Valgrind and gperftools - an evaluation of some tools for application level CPU profiling on Linux
- prof - Self-contained C/C++ profiler library for Linux
- valgrind
- Difference between
andconst char*
?const char*
a mutable pointer to an immutable character/string- cannot change the contents of the location(s) this pointer points to
- conversion from
const char *
tochar *
is deprecated
char* const
an immutable pointer but the contents of location at which it points are mutableconst char* const
an immutable pointer to an immutable character/string
- tagged pointer - 포인터에 정보 담기
- c언어 문자열 경계 검사에 대한 몇 가지 이야기
- 포인터 이해하기 | 10분 TV
- kkamagui의 작업실 :: 미네소타 대학(University of Minnesota)에서 의도적으로 리눅스 커널(Linux Kernel)에 보안 위협을 초래했네요
- c++ - pointer comparisons "<" with one past the last element of an array object - Stack Overflow
- Joe Zbiciak's answer to What happens in memory when you define a pointer of a pointer in C? - Quora
- Mark Gritter's answer to Why are pointers so difficult to work with in C? - Quora
- Joe Zbiciak's answer to What does ' (&arr) [1] - arr' mean in C? - Quora
- 2분이면 알수있는 C 언어 포인터 구구단 #코딩 #coding #c언어 #포인터 #pointer - YouTube
- pointers.py: Bringing the hell of pointers to Python
- fork() is evil; vfork() is goodness; afork() would be better; clone() is stupid
- fork() without exec() is dangerous in large programs (evanjones.ca)
- file
- gettimeofday practice
- longjmp
- memset Mysterious Memset
- mmap
- pipe
- printf
- pthread
- rand You should know: rand() may call malloc()
- scanf
- setjmp
- string
- C string handling@wikipedia
- example
- stpcpy
- strcspn string-indexof-function-in-c
- strscpy strscpy() and the hazards of improved interfaces
- wide char string
- fgetws
- iswspace
- mbstowcs
- setlocale
- wchar_t
- wcscpy
- wcslen
- wcstok
- wcstombs
- wprintf
- strtoul 함수 – 언제나 휴일
- time_t
- mktime
- strftime
- strptime
- union
- Embedded C/C++ Unit Testing Basics | Interrupt
- 문제를 출제할 때 없으면 안 된다는 c assert 함수에 대해 알아봅시다
- C 프로젝트에서 간단하게 유닛 테스트 하기 assert
- checkedc: Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as buffer overruns and out-of-bounds memory accesses. This repo has a wiki for Checked C, sample code, the specification, and test code
- ceedling Unit-testing (embedded) C applications with Ceedling
- Criterion - A KISS, non-intrusive cross-platform C unit testing framework
- MinUnit -- a minimal unit testing framework for C
- Speck is a small and fast unit testing framework for the C programming language
- PAPERS ARE AMAZING: Profiling threaded programs with Coz
- Implementing simple cooperative threads in C
- Sleep Sort – The King of Laziness / Sorting while Sleeping - GeeksforGeeks
- C Programming FAQs
- C Programming FAQs
- “여전히 매력적인 선택지”··· C 언어 주요 강좌 4선 - CIO Korea
- C프로그래밍 - YouTube
- C Lang 이론 카테고리 목록
- The Descent to C
- C언어 기초 CURSE Hello, World 출력하기
- 42_CheatSheet: A comprehensive guide to 50 years of evolution of strict C programming, a tribute to Dennis Ritchie's language
- C Programming Tutorial - YouTube
- Adimission Started For C Basic Languavage#cprogramming #clanguage - YouTube
- CS50x 2024 - Lecture 1 - C - YouTube