This repository contains Matlab codes for paper, "SweepNet:Wide-baseline Omnidirectional Depth Estimation" (ICRA 2019). [arxiv]
Contact: Changhee Won ([email protected])
- MATLAB R2017b, 2018a, 2018b, 2019a
- CUDA 9.0, 10.0
- MatConvNet 1.0-beta25
>> compile
Pretrained weights: [sweepnet_sunny_14.mat]
Set arguments in the script
- "matconvnet_path": path to matconvnet
- "pretrained_model": path to pretrained_weights
- "data_opts.db_path": path to dataset
>> run_test_sweepnet
You can download the synthetic datasets in the project page.
The directory structure should be like this:
Will be updated soon