What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1180: GitHub Actions integrate detekt into CI workflow by @ivan-magda in #974
- ALTAPPS-1202: Shared, iOS add onboarding flow for code generation with errors by @ivan-magda in #972
- ALTAPPS-1197: Android disable vertical scroll while scroll code blocks horizontally by @XanderZhu in #975
- ALTAPPS-1205: iOS update app description metadata by @ivan-magda in #977
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.219.0 to 2.220.0 in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #978
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.219.0 to 2.220.0 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #979
- ALTAPPS-1206: GitHub Actions bump Xcode version from 15.2 to 15.3 by @ivan-magda in #980
- ALTAPPS-1208: iOS compress image resources by @ivan-magda in #981
- ALTAPPS-1209: iOS optimize Lottie files by @ivan-magda in #982
- ALTAPPS-1181: Integrate detekt and ktlint with GitHub Code Scanning by @ivan-magda in #983
- ALTAPPS-1214: Android add explicit subscription price and duration on paywall screen by @XanderZhu in #985
- ALTAPPS-1203: Android add code generation with errors onboarding by @XanderZhu in #986
- ALTAPPS-1201: Shared Don't deauthorize user on network error during token refresh by @XanderZhu in #984
- ALTAPPS-1204: Support main.int.hyperskill.org for internal testing by @ivan-magda in #976
- ALTAPPS-1211: Android fix crash on request review modal by @XanderZhu in #987
- Release 1.54 by @ivan-magda in #973
Full Changelog: v1.53...v1.54