Release 1.46
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1062: iOS fix fill blanks with selects code block is clipped by @ivan-magda in #800
- ALTAPPS-1071: Android notification time on onboarding screen by @XanderZhu in #806
- ALTAPPS-1082, ALTAPPS-1083: Update Gradle & AGP by @XanderZhu in #801
- ALTAPPS-1080: Android fix theme switch by @XanderZhu in #807
- ALTAPPS-1081: Shared open problem of day on daily reminder click by @vladkash in #803
- Shared: Disable Sentry debug logs by @XanderZhu in #808
- GitHub Actions: Bump Xcode version from 15.0.1 to 15.1 by @ivan-magda in #802
- ALTAPPS-1089: Android fix codeEditor toolbar visibility by @XanderZhu in #810
- ALTAPPS-1077: Update Sentry SDK by @ivan-magda in #813
- ALTAPPS-1001: Android fix code autocomplete by @XanderZhu in #809
- ALTAPPS-1088: Android fix toolbar symbols insert into codeEditor by @XanderZhu in #815
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/upload-pages-artifact from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #811
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/deploy-pages from 3.0.1 to 4.0.2 by @dependabot in #816
- Shared: Set state logs severity of Debug by @XanderZhu in #814
- Release 1.46 by @ivan-magda in #799
Full Changelog: v1.45...v1.46