This is the source for in case you’re curious how it was built.
- If needed, install NPM
- If needed, install grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
- If needed, do a
npm install
- If needed, install jekyll
sudo gem install jekyll
- If needed, install pygments
- Build + run test server with
grunt serve
- or build only with
Translation files live in the translations directory. Each file is a 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code and the YAML file extention.
If you’re not familiar with YAML, it’s a very simple human-readable data format. Each line contains a translation code, a colon, and a value in quotes. The translation codes are the same in every language, and the actual translation on the right is in the appropriate language for the file.
To contribute to a translation, start with en.yaml and either email me translated YAML files or make pull requests against this repository if you know how.
To test a translation, change the lang
property in _config.yml before you build. If you choose an RTL language you need to add the line rtl: true
to the config.