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- Boot camp student wants to take a timed quiz on Javascript fundementals that stores high scores.
- The game will be uses to guage progress compared to other students.
- The quiz starts when the start button is clicked.
- When the quiz starts a timer begins and a question is presented.
- After answering the question anoter one will appear.
- If the answer is incorrect time will be subtracted from the clock.
- When all questions are answered or the time is zero the game is over.
- On game over you can save your initials and score.
- The game has instructions and an option to view highscores
- when you click start the game begins
- a timer will start and the user has 100 seconds to answer 10 questions
- if after the user answers an emoji will appear letting them know if the choice was right or wrong.
- After completing the quiz the user can enter their intials to record their highscore
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