🗺️ A program for exploring the Huzita-Hatori axioms for origami, using projective geometric algebra (PGA).
The Huzita-Hatori axioms are a set of 7 rules that describes ways in which one can fold a piece of paper. Every fold
can be described by one of the 7 axioms. The axioms themselves are described in detail in the following Wikipedia
article. As an example, axiom #1 states: "given
two points p0
and p1
, there is a unique fold that passes through both of them." In this case, the desired crease
is simple the line that passes through both points.
This software attempts to turn each axiom into an "interactive sketch," where points and lines can be freely moved around the canvas ("paper").
The main purpose of this project was to explore an emerging field of mathematics known as projective geometric algebra or PGA. At a high-level, PGA is a different / fresh way of dealing with geometric problems that doesn't involve "standard" linear algebra. In this algebra, geometric objects like points, lines, and planes are treated as elements of the algebra. Loosely speaking, this means we can "operate on" these objects. Finding the intersection between two lines, for example, simply amounts to taking the wedge (or outer, exterior) product between the two line elements. The wedge product is one of many products available in geometric algebra, and others will be discussed later on in this document.
As alluded to in the previous paragraph, the primary benefit of using PGA is that computing things like intersections, projections, rotations, reflections, etc. is drastically simplified (of course, after the up-front work of learning a new mathematical framework).
Mathematically, PGA is a graded algebra with signature R*(2,0,1)
. Here, the numbers (2,0,1)
denote the number of
positive, negative, and zero dimensions in the algebra. Most readers are probably familiar with R(3,0,0)
, which
has 3 basis vectors (which we might call e1
, e2
, e3
), each of which squares to 1. In PGA, we have 2 basis
vectors that square to 1, which we will call e1
and e2
, and 1 basis vector that squares to 0, which we will call
. Another familiar example might be the complex numbers, which have signature R(0,1,0)
, with one basis element
that squares to -1. We usually see this element written as i
. From this simple set of rules, we build the entire algebra.
The *
in the signature means that we are working in the dual algebra (more on this later).
The projective part of PGA comes from the fact that we are working in a "one-up" space: 2-dimensional PGA has 3
(total) dimensions, used to represent 2-dimensional objects (points and lines). This is identical to the use of homogeneous
coordinates in computer graphics, where a point in 3-space is actually represented by a 4-element vector (x, y, z, w)
(where w
is often implicitly set to 0 or 1). In projective space, objects that only differ by a scalar multiple
represent the same object. For example, any point λ * (x, y, w)
(for w != 0
) represents the same Euclidean
point (x, y)
. We recover the inhomogeneous coordinates of the point by dividing by w
. When w
is zero, the
point is called an ideal point (or a point at infinity). This makes some mathematical sense, as dividing by zero
produces infinity, suggesting that this point is "infinitely far away." Intuitively, ideal points are analogous to
standard direction vectors in linear algebra. There also exists an ideal line, representing the line at infinity,
along which all ideal points lie.
The purpose of including these ideal elements is to avoid "special cases." For example, including the ideal points allows us to say (without any extra conditions) that two lines intersect at a point. In a non-projective setting, care must be taken to handle the case of parallel lines. However, in projective space, parallel lines actually intersect at an ideal point.
For a more detailed treatment of "points at infinity", see the following blog post.
The basis elements of 2D PGA are: 1, e0, e1, e2, e01, e20, e12, e012
. The particular choice of basis isn't
important (for example, we could use e02
instead of e20
), but we choose this basis so that its dual doesn't
introduce any sign changes (more on duality later) and because it is the same basis used by the Ganja.js code
generator. The basis for 2D PGA is organized as follows:
is the scalar elemente0
, ande2
are the basis vectorse01
, ande12
are the basis bivectorse012
is the basis trivector or pseudoscalar
A general element of 2D PGA is called a multivector and can be written as the sum of each of the basis elements
(multiplied by some scalar coefficient): A + B*e0 + C*e1 + D*e2 + E*e01 + F*e20 + G*e12 + H*e012
. This is
analogous to how we might write a "traditional" vector with components (x, y, z)
as the sum x*e1 + y*e2 + z*e3
(where again, e1
, e2
, and e3
are our 3 basis vectors - the x, y, and z axes). Multivectors are the building
blocks of computation in this program.
We can "select out" just the vector part of a multivector, B*e0 + C*e1 + D*e2
, or perhaps just the bivector part
E*e01 + F*e20 + G*e12
. This is an operation known as grade selection and is often denoted <A>ₙ
for some
multivector A
and grade n
. The previous examples correspond to <A>₁
and <A>₂
, respectively.
In PGA, geometric primitives are represented by vectors of different grades. In particular, lines are 1-vectors
and points are 2-vectors (in 3D PGA, we would also have planes). For example, a line with equation Ax + By + C = 0
is represented by the 1-vector Ae1 + Be2 + Ce0
. A Euclidean point with coordinates (A, B)
is represented by the
2-vector Be01 + Ae20 + e12
The reason why lines are represented this way stems from the following observations: let's say we have two lines
with equations Ax + By + C = 0
and Dx + Ey + F = 0
. Assume that A*A + B*B = 1
and D*D + E*E = 1
. To compute
the angle between the pair of lines, it is easy to show that A*D + B*E = cosα
. It is clear from this example that
the result does not depend on the third coordinate of each line (C
and F
in the example above). This makes
sense: if you plot the pair of lines, changing the last coordinate has the effect of translating the line, which
clearly does not change the result of our angle calculation. Thus, we assign e0
to this third coordinate since it
squares to zero.
In order to perform computation with multivectors, we first need to define the ways in which we can operate on them. For this, geometric algebra defines various types of products. Note that the list below is not exhaustive: rather, it contains the products that were necessary for this project.
The geometric product is derived from the simple set of rules outlined in the introduction. Namely, e0
squares to
0 (known as a degenerate metric), while e1
and e2
square to 1. We can multiply the basis vectors together to
produce the basis bivectors: for example, the product e0 * e1 = e01
cannot be further simplified. Note that we can
"shuffle" the result at the cost of a sign change per move. Using the previous example, e10 = -e01
. Using these
rules, we can simplify more complicated products: e01 * e12 = e0112 = e02 = -e20
, where in the third step, we have
used the fact that e1
squares to 1 to simplify the expression.
To compute the geometric product between two multivectors, we simply distribute the geometric product across each of
the basis elements and simplify as necessary using the "rules" of our algebra. The geometric product is closed in the
sense that the geometric product between any two multivectors A
and B
will also be an element of 2D PGA.
The geometric product between two k-vectors will be, in general, some mixed-grade object. For example, the geometric product between a point (grade-2) and a line (grade-1) is a multivector with a vector (grade-1) part and a trivector (grade-3) part.
The geometric product is the "main" product of geometric algebra, in the sense that the other products below are defined with respect to the geometric product.
The (symmetric) inner product of a k-vector and an s-vector is the grade-|k - s|
part of their geometric product.
For example, the inner product between a point (grade-2) and a line (grade-1) is another line (grade-1). There are
other types of inner products (the left and right contractions, for example), but they are not used in this codebase.
To calculate the inner product between two multivectors, we simply distribute the inner product across each of the
k-vector / s-vector components of the operands. For example, in 2D PGA a multivector has a grade-0 part, a grade-1 part,
a grade-2 part, and a grade-3 part. We compute the inner product between the first multivector's grade-0 part and each
grade of the second multivector. We repeat this process for all parts of the first multivector. In the end, we are left
with a handful of intermediate results, each of which will be, in general, some sort of multivector. We add these
together and simplify to obtain the final inner product.
The outer (wedge, exterior) product of a k-vector and an s-vector is the grade-|k + s|
part of their geometric
product (or zero if it does not exist). For example, the outer product between two lines (grade-1) is a point
(grade-2). The outer product between two points (grade-2) is zero (since grade |2 + 2| = 4
elements do not exist
in this 3-dimensional algebra). To calculate the outer product between two multivectors, we follow the same
procedure outlined above for the inner product, except we use the outer product instead.
Aside: in many introductory texts, the geometric product is written as the sum of the inner and outer products. For
example, for two vectors u
and v
, you might see: uv = u•v + u^v
. However, for general k-vectors, the geometric
product may contain other terms, so the formula does not necessarily apply.
The "meet" between two elements is defined as their outer product. This operator is primarily used to compute incidence relations (i.e. the point of intersection between two lines).
In this codebase, the "join" operator (or regressive product) of two multivectors is given by the dual of the outer
product of their duals. For example, "joining" two points p1 & p2
involves the following operations:
- Compute the dual of each point, which results in two lines (or projective planes)
- Intersect these lines via the "meet" operator
- Compute the dual of the point of intersection, which results in a line
Intuitively, "joining" two points results in the line that connects them. There is a bit of nuance here with regard
to orientation. To join A
and B
, we actually compute !(!B ^ !A)
, i.e. the order of A
and B
appears to be
swapped. This is the "fully oriented" approach presented in PGA4CS by Dorst (see links below). In 3D, there is
actually both an "undual" and dual operator, and so the formula becomes undual(dual(B) ^ dual(A))
, but in 2D, this
isn't necessary: Poincaré duality works just fine (the "undual" and dual operators are equivalent). This is still a
bit confusing to me and probably requires closer investigation, but for now, the math works.
This codebase implements Poincaré duality. The dual of a basis element is simply whatever must be multiplied on the
right in order to recover the unit pseudoscalar e012
. For example, the dual of e0
is e12
, since e0 * e12 = e012
. The dual of e01
is e2
, since e01 * e2 = e012
. The dual of e012
is 1, and the dual of 1 is e012
. In
2D PGA, lines and points are dual to one another.
Any operation that multiplies each grade of a multivector by +/-1 is called a conjugation. Conjugations are involutions, since applying the operation twice will result in the original multivector. There are three classical operations of conjugation that are implemented in this codebase:
- Reversion
- Grade involution (or the main involution)
- Clifford conjugation
These are explained in detail in the following paper, but basically, they are used for computing things like the inverse of a multivector under the geometric product and the sandwich product, which is needed when working with rotors and translators.
The inverse of a multivector A
is the multivector A^-1
such that A * A^-1 = 1
. General multivector inverses
are difficult to calculate, but for dimensions <=5, there are relatively simple formulas for doing so. The following
paper explains this process, but basically, inverses
are computed by repeatedly applying involutions to the multivector.
- Windows 10
- Rust compiler version
- Chrome browser
- Clone this repo.
- Make sure 🦀 Rust is installed and
is in yourPATH
. - Make sure wasm-pack is installed.
- Inside the repo, run:
wasm-pack build
. cd
into thesite
subdirectory and runnpm install
.- Run
npm run serve
and go tolocalhost:8080
to view the site.
Once the site is loaded, press 1-7 to switch between the 7 axioms. Points and lines can be dragged around the canvas, and the fold should update in real-time.
Currently, the software does not check whether the calculated crease actually lies within the bounds of the
paper. Similarly, it doesn't check whether any of the "output geometry" lies within the bounds of the paper. For
example, axiom #7 states: "given one point p
and two lines l0
and l1
, there is a fold that places p
and is perpendicular to l1
." The software (in its current form) only checks that the reflected point p'
lies somewhere along the line l0
(even if it is "off the page"). In a sense, we assume that the sheet of paper
is infinitely large. This is the first issue I would like to address, as I believe it would be relatively simple to
Working with full multivectors is convenient and expressive, but at the user-level, it can be a bit cumbersome and
confusing. Originally, I set out to replicate Klein's API (see the links below), where we instead represent points
and lines at the struct level, rather than full multivectors. This introduces some additional type-safety, at the
cost of flexibility and code unification: for example, the formula for reflecting a point across a line is the same
as the formula for reflecting a line across a point (with the arguments swapped). Thus, by using full multivectors,
we only have to write one function reflect
that works in both cases. If, however, we use Point
and Line
structs, we would have to write two different functions that basically do the same thing: reflect_point_line
. There is probably some middle ground here, which requires further investigation.
- Finish axiom #6
- Combine and/or refactor functions in the
module, as necessary - Explore a more "type-safe" approach to PGA
I am very much at the beginning stages of my PGA journey, but I would not have been able to learn this topic without the generous guidance of various members of the Bivector community.
In particular, I would like to thank @enki, @mewertX0rz, @bellinterlab, and @ninepoints for answering so many of my questions on Discord. If you are at all interested in geometric algebra, I encourage you to check out the Bivector Discord channel.
Other notes and papers I found useful throughout the creation of this process include:
- Charles Gunn's SIGGRAPH notes on PGA: along with PGA4CS, one of the most extensive PGA resources available right now. This paper also contains the "PGA cheatsheet": a super helpful list of formulas for operating on Euclidean geometry with PGA. All of Gunn's publications were very helpful to me while learning about PGA.
- PGA4CS: an extension to Dorst's original text, "Geometric Algebra for Computer Science" that is entirely focused on PGA.
- Ganja.js: my initial multivector implementation was based on the Ganja.js code generator. Additionally, I was able to verify most of my implementation against Ganja.js, which was super useful. I recommend Ganja.js (and Coffeeshop) to anyone who is interested in getting started with GA.
- Klein: an amazing, type-safe C++ library for 3D PGA.