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Thomas Hufschmidt edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 30 revisions

##Installation Current release: v.0.7.3-alpha

  • Create the required folder structure inside your ILIAS installation:
    mkdir -p ${ILIAS_DIR}/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook/
  • Open the newly created directory:
    cd ${ILIAS_DIR}/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook/
  • Download latest release version of the RESTPlugin to this directory:
  • Simply unzip the downloaded zip-file to its current location:
  • Rename the extracted folder, such that it can be loaded by ILIAS:
    mv RESTPlugin-v.0.7.3-alpha REST
  • Copy the actual interface for the RESTController into your ILIAS base folder:
    cp REST/gateways/restplugin.php ${ILIAS_DIR}/
  • Create the ${ILIAS_LOG_DIR}/restplugin.log file
  • You can now update your database and activate the plugin under Administration > Plugins from inside of ILIAS

##Shortcut (Optional) For Apache-Servers, a shortcut to can be setup using the following virtualhost and mod_rewrite settings:

  • Enable mod_rewrite by searching and uncommenting the following line in your apache config. (apache/conf/http.conf)

      LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
  • Make sure the apache virtualhost config is included in your apache config file, by uncommenting:

      Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
  • Add the following line to your apache virtualhost config (apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf):

      <VirtualHost *:80>
          DocumentRoot /path/to/ilias
          RewriteEngine on
          RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /restplugin.php/$1 [PT]

    It it important to use mod_rewrite and the [PT] PathThrough flag, since otherwise $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] might be empty otherwise.

Alternatively add the following just before </IfModule> in the .htaccess file provided by ILIAS:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /restplugin.php/$1 [PT]


  • The variables ${ILIAS_DIR} and ${ILIAS_LOG_DIR} should point to your ILIAS installation directory (eg. /var/www/ilias) and the external logging directory set during ILIAS installation (eg /var/log) respectively.
    The log directory can also be retrieved by looking at the path-variable under the [log] section inside your ${ILIAS_DIR}/ilias.ini.php file.
  • On a unix-like operating-systems make sure the plugin directory ${ILIAS_DIR}/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook/REST is readable and the log-file ${ILIAS_LOG_DIR}/restplugin.log is writeable by the apache process. Normally this means the www-data user/group needs read or write access to those directories accordingly.
  • To use the master-branch instead of a release version just replace all occurances of v.0.7.3-alpha and v.0.7.3 with master.
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