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Administration Development

Dirk Schäfer edited this page Mar 16, 2016 · 1 revision


Logging into SLIM Log

Within Routes


Within Models

Since every model (should) extend Libs\RESTModel, the following code snippet can be used:


Logging into ILIAS Log

Only within Models

global $ilLog;

Reset Plugin

1. SQL: Delete Tables (<1.4.0)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ui_uihk_rest_client, ui_uihk_rest_user, ui_uihk_rest_perm, ui_uihk_rest_config, ui_uihk_rest_authcode, ui_uihk_rest_refresh, ui_uihk_rest_challenge, ui_uihk_rest_keys, ui_uihk_rest_oauth2, ui_uihk_rest_key2user, ui_uihk_rest_key2ip;

1. SQL: Delete Tables (>=1.4.0)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ui_uihk_rest_access, ui_uihk_rest_authcode, ui_uihk_rest_client, ui_uihk_rest_config, ui_uihk_rest_perm, ui_uihk_rest_refresh;

2. SQL: Reset Plugin Information

DELETE FROM il_plugin WHERE component_type = 'Services' AND component_name = 'UIComponent' AND slot_id = 'uihk' AND name = 'REST';


  • Database table names (in ILIAS) should not exceed 22 characters.