Include in your code and begin using the library:
#include <BigInt>
To create a variable
new BigInt:var_name;
This function adds numbers in bigint (max 2147483647/callback)
addBytes32(var_name, 1231231231);
With this function you can add over the limit of 2147483647. It is recommended to use this function only when large numbers are needed.
addBytes64(var_name, #3453453453453525534);
This function formats your bigint variable.
output example:
// 312.123.512.523
This function sets the variable to 0.
This function returns the number as a string.
This function converts from 64 bits to 32 bits.
With this function you can do some operations for the bigint variable.
OPByte(var_name, operator, oper1);
// Operators:
// example:
if(OPByte(var_name, <=, #10000)) return true;
This function checks for string numbers.
isBigInt(const string[]);
This function transforms from a string to bigint. (be careful there are numbers in that string!).
converBytes(var_name, const string[]);
These functions are compatible on mysql r41-4 and r-39-6
cache_get_value_name_bigint(var_name, row, column[]); // r41-4
cache_get_field_content_bigint(var_name, row, column[]); // r39-6
To make it compatible with a money system:
new BigInt:cash[MAX_PLAYERS];
#define GivePlayerCash(%0,%1) addBytes32(cash[%0],%1)
#define GetPlayerCash(%0) bytes32(cash[%0])
// show money
new str[50];
format(str, sizeof str, "%s", formatBytes(cash[playerid]));
// login
// disconect save
public OnPlayerDisconect(playerid) {
new query[128];
mysql_format(handle, query, "UPDATE `users` SET `Money` = '%s' ...", valueBigInt(cash[playerid]));
mysql_tquery(handle, query);
return true;