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Merge pull request #34 from openeduhub/umwelt_im_unterricht
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torsten-simon authored Nov 19, 2021
2 parents beb533a + 32dc564 commit 3cce7ab
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Showing 2 changed files with 292 additions and 1 deletion.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion converter/spiders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from converter.constants import Constants
from converter.items import BaseItemLoader, LomBaseItemloader, LomGeneralItemloader, LomTechnicalItemLoader, \
LomLifecycleItemloader, LomEducationalItemLoader, ValuespaceItemLoader, LicenseItemLoader, ResponseItemLoader, \
PermissionItemLoader, LomClassificationItemLoader
from converter.spiders.base_classes import LomBase

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ def parse(self, response: scrapy.http.Response, **kwargs) -> BaseItemLoader:
# - LomTechnicalItem required
# - LomLifeCycleItem required (multiple possible)
# - LomEducationalItem required
# - LomClassificationItem optional

general = LomGeneralItemloader()
# TODO: fill "general"-keys with values for
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,6 +133,15 @@ def parse(self, response: scrapy.http.Response, **kwargs) -> BaseItemLoader:
# - typicalLearningTime optional
lom.add_value('educational', educational.load_item())

classification = LomClassificationItemLoader()
# TODO: fill "classification"-keys with values for
# - cost optional
# - purpose optional
# - taxonPath optional
# - description optional
# - keyword optional
lom.add_value('classification', classification.load_item())

# once you've filled "general", "technical", "lifecycle" and "educational" with values,
# the LomBaseItem is loaded into the "base"-BaseItemLoader
base.add_value('lom', lom.load_item())
Expand Down
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions converter/spiders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
import re

import scrapy
import w3lib.html
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider

from converter.constants import Constants
from converter.items import BaseItemLoader, LomBaseItemloader, LomGeneralItemloader, LomTechnicalItemLoader, \
LomLifecycleItemloader, LomEducationalItemLoader, ValuespaceItemLoader, LicenseItemLoader, \
from converter.spiders.base_classes import LomBase

class UmweltImUnterrichtSpider(CrawlSpider, LomBase):
Crawler for
(Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit)
name = "umwelt_im_unterricht_spider"
friendlyName = "Umwelt im Unterricht"
start_urls = [
# Typ: Thema der Woche
# Typ: Unterrichtsvorschlag
# Typ: Hintergrund (Kontext)
# Typ: Arbeitsmaterial
# Typ: Video
# Typ: Bilderserie
version = "0.0.2" # last update: 2021-10-08
topic_urls = set() # urls that need to be parsed will be added here
topic_urls_parsed = set() # this set is used for 'checking off' already parsed (individual) topic urls
overview_urls_already_parsed = set() # this set is used for 'checking off' already parsed overview_pages

'Sekundarstufe': ['Sekundarstufe I', 'Sekundarstufe II']
'Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Technik': 'Arbeitslehre',
'Ethik, Philosophie, Religion': ['Ethik', 'Philosophie', 'Religion'],
'Fächerübergreifend': 'Allgemein',
'Politik, SoWi, Gesellschaft': ['Politik', 'Sozialkunde', 'Gesellschaftskunde']

def getId(self, response=None) -> str:

def getHash(self, response=None) -> str:

def parse_start_url(self, response, **kwargs):
for url in self.start_urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse_category_overview_for_topics_and_subpages)

def parse_category_overview_for_topics_and_subpages(self, response: scrapy.http.Response):
Crawls an overview page of a "type"-category (e.g. "Hintergrund", "Bilderserie" etc.) for subpages and topics.
If the overview has subpages, it will recursively yield additional scrapy.Requests to the overview-subpages.
Afterwards it yields the (10) individual topic_urls (per overview page) to the parse()-method.
Scrapy Contracts:
@returns requests 10
topic_urls_raw: list = response.xpath('//a[@class="internal-link readmore"]/@href').getall()

for url_ending in topic_urls_raw:

# if there's a "Letzte"-Button in the overview, there's more topic_urls to be gathered than the initially
# displayed 10 elements
last_page_button_url: str = response.xpath('//li[@class="tx-pagebrowse-last last"]/a/@href').get()
# the string last_page_button_url typically looks like this:
# "/suche/?tx_solr%5Bfilter%5D%5B0%5D=type%3Amaterials_images&tx_solr%5Bpage%5D=8"
page_number_regex = re.compile(r'(?P<url_with_parameters>.*&tx_solr%5Bpage%5D=)(?P<nr>\d+)')

overview_urls_parsed: set = set() # temporary set used for checking off already visited URLs
if last_page_button_url is not None:
page_number_dict: dict =
url_without_page_parameter: str = response.urljoin(page_number_dict.get('url_with_parameters'))
last_page_number = int(page_number_dict.get('nr'))
for i in range(2, last_page_number + 1):
# the initial url from start_urls already counts as page 1, therefore we're iterating
# from page 2 to the last page
next_overview_subpage_to_crawl = str(url_without_page_parameter + str(i))
if next_overview_subpage_to_crawl not in self.overview_urls_already_parsed:
yield scrapy.Request(url=next_overview_subpage_to_crawl,
self.overview_urls_already_parsed.update(overview_urls_parsed) # checking off the (10) URLs that we yielded

parsed_urls: set = set() # temporary set used for checking off already visited topics
for url in self.topic_urls:
if url not in self.topic_urls_parsed:
# making sure that we don't accidentally crawl individual pages more than once
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)

def parse(self, response: scrapy.http.Response, **kwargs):
Parses an individual topic url for metadata and yields a BaseItem.
Scrapy Contracts:
@returns item 1
current_url: str = response.url
base = BaseItemLoader()

base.add_value('sourceId', response.url)
date_raw: str = response.xpath('//div[@class="b-cpsuiu-show-info"]/span/text()').get()
date_cleaned_up: str = w3lib.html.strip_html5_whitespace(date_raw)
hash_temp = str(date_cleaned_up + self.version)
base.add_value('hash', hash_temp)
base.add_value('lastModified', date_cleaned_up)
base.add_value('type', Constants.TYPE_MATERIAL)
# base.add_value('thumbnail', thumbnail_url)

lom = LomBaseItemloader()

general = LomGeneralItemloader()
general.add_value('identifier', response.url)
title: str = response.xpath('//div[@class="tx-cps-uiu"]/article/h1/text()').get()
general.add_value('title', title)
keywords: list = response.xpath('//div[@class="b-cpsuiu-show-keywords"]/ul/li/a/text()').getall()
if len(keywords) >= 1:
# only add keywords if the list isn't empty
general.add_value('keyword', keywords)
description: str = response.xpath('/html/head/meta[@name="description"]/@content').get()
general.add_value('description', description)
general.add_value('language', 'de')

lom.add_value('general', general.load_item())

technical = LomTechnicalItemLoader()
technical.add_value('format', 'text/html')
technical.add_value('location', response.url)
lom.add_value('technical', technical.load_item())

lifecycle = LomLifecycleItemloader()
lifecycle.add_value('role', 'publisher')
lifecycle.add_value('date', date_cleaned_up)
lifecycle.add_value('url', "")
lifecycle.add_value('organization', 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)')
lom.add_value('lifecycle', lifecycle.load_item())

educational = LomEducationalItemLoader()
educational.add_value('language', 'de')

# TODO: a didactic comment could fit into either one of these:
# - educational.description
# - classification.description (with classification.purpose set to 'educational objective')
if "/wochenthemen/" in current_url:
# didactic comments are only part of "Thema der Woche"
didactic_comment = response.xpath('//div[@class="c-collapse-content js-collapse-content"]').get()
if didactic_comment is not None:
didactic_comment = w3lib.html.remove_tags(didactic_comment)
# didactic_comment = w3lib.html.replace_escape_chars(didactic_comment, which_ones='\t', replace_by=" ")
# didactic_comment = w3lib.html.replace_escape_chars(didactic_comment)
didactic_comment = " ".join(didactic_comment.split())
if didactic_comment.endswith("mehr lesenweniger lesen"):
# the button-description of the expandable info-box ends up in the string,
# therefore we are manually removing it:
didactic_comment = didactic_comment.replace("mehr lesenweniger lesen", "")
# since there's currently no way to confirm how the string looks in the web-interface:
# ToDo: make sure which string format looks best in edu-sharing (cleaned up <-> with escape chars)
educational.add_value('description', didactic_comment)

lom.add_value('educational', educational.load_item())

classification = LomClassificationItemLoader()
if "/unterrichtsvorschlaege/" in current_url:
classification.add_value('purpose', 'competency')
competency_description: list = response.xpath('//div[@class="b-cpsuiu-show-description"]/*[not('
# the xpath-expression for competency_description will grab the whole div-element,
# but EXCLUDE the "license"-container (if the license-description exists, it's always part of the same div)
if len(competency_description) >= 1:
# only if the list of strings is not empty, we'll try to type-convert it to a string (and clean its
# formatting up)
competency_description: str = " ".join(competency_description)
competency_description = w3lib.html.remove_tags(competency_description)
classification.add_value('description', competency_description)

lom.add_value('classification', classification.load_item())
base.add_value('lom', lom.load_item())

vs = ValuespaceItemLoader()

# depending on the website-category, we need to set a specific learningResourceType
# because the value 'website' for all crawled items would not be helpful enough
if "/wochenthemen/" in current_url or "/unterrichtsvorschlaege/" in current_url:
vs.add_value('learningResourceType', 'lesson plan')
if "/hintergrund/" in current_url:
vs.add_value('learningResourceType', 'Text')
if "/medien/dateien/" in current_url:
# topics categorized as "Arbeitsmaterial" offer customizable worksheets to teachers
vs.add_value('learningResourceType', 'worksheet')
if "/medien/videos/" in current_url:
vs.add_value('learningResourceType', 'video')
if "/medien/bilder/" in current_url:
# topics categorized as "Bilderserie" hold several images in a gallery (with individual licenses)
vs.add_value('learningResourceType', 'image')

vs.add_value('price', 'no')
vs.add_value('containsAdvertisement', 'no')
vs.add_value('conditionsOfAccess', 'no login')
vs.add_value('intendedEndUserRole', 'teacher')
# see:
vs.add_value('accessibilitySummary', 'Not tested')
# see:
vs.add_value('dataProtectionConformity', 'Sensible data collection')
# see:

disciplines_raw: list = response.xpath('//div[@class="b-cpsuiu-show-subjects"]/ul/li/a/text()').getall()
if len(disciplines_raw) >= 1:
disciplines = list()
for discipline_value in disciplines_raw:
# self.debug_discipline_values.add(discipline_value)
if discipline_value in self.DISCIPLINE_MAPPING.keys():
discipline_value = self.DISCIPLINE_MAPPING.get(discipline_value)
# since the mapping value can either be a single string OR a list of strings, we need to make sure that
# our 'disciplines'-list is a list of strings (not a list with nested lists):
if type(discipline_value) is list:
if len(disciplines) >= 1:
vs.add_value('discipline', disciplines)

educational_context_raw = response.xpath('//div[@class="b-cpsuiu-show-targets"]/ul/li/a/text()').getall()
if len(educational_context_raw) >= 1:
# the educationalContext-mapping is only done when there's at least one educational_context found
educational_context = list()
for educational_context_value in educational_context_raw:
# self.debug_educational_context_values.add(educational_context_value)
if educational_context_value in self.EDUCATIONAL_CONTEXT_MAPPING.keys():
educational_context_value = self.EDUCATIONAL_CONTEXT_MAPPING.get(educational_context_value)
if type(educational_context_value) is list:
if len(educational_context) >= 1:
vs.add_value('educationalContext', educational_context)

base.add_value('valuespaces', vs.load_item())

lic = LicenseItemLoader()
license_url: str = response.xpath('//div[@class="cc-licence-info"]/p/a[@rel="license"]/@href').get()
if license_url is not None:
if license_url.startswith("http://"):
# the license-mapper expects urls that are in https:// format, but UIU uses http:// links to CC-licenses
license_url = license_url.replace("http://", "https://")
lic.add_value('url', license_url)

license_description_raw: str = response.xpath('//div[@class="cc-licence-info"]').get()
if license_description_raw is not None:
license_description_raw = w3lib.html.remove_tags(license_description_raw)
license_description_raw = w3lib.html.replace_escape_chars(license_description_raw, which_ones="\n",
replace_by=" ")
# if we would replace_escape_chars() straight away, there would be words stuck together that don't belong
# together. just replacing \n with a whitespace is enough to keep the structure of the string intact.
license_description_raw = w3lib.html.replace_escape_chars(license_description_raw)
license_description = " ".join(license_description_raw.split())
# making sure that there's only 1 whitespace between words
lic.add_value('description', license_description)
base.add_value('license', lic.load_item())

permissions = super().getPermissions(response)
base.add_value('permissions', permissions.load_item())

response_loader = super().mapResponse(response)
base.add_value('response', response_loader.load_item())

yield base.load_item()

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