Statistics can now also be restricted to simulated regions.
Add functionality to create logs for statistics.
Add a button that allows trainers to move the map to any coordinates of their choice.
Log entries are now displayed on the statistics page and can be filtered.
Log entries are being generated for the following actions:
Publishing, accepting and marking radiograms as done.
Accepting or denying resource request radiograms.
Vehicle and Patient addition and deletion
AlarmGroup sent
Addition of elements to transfer
Edit or pause of transfer
All configuration of the simulation
Addition of elements to simulated regions
Connection and disconnection of transfer points and hospitals
Log entries are being generated for the following occurrences:
Completion of transfer
Treatment status changes.
Completion of the transfer of patients of one category
Either in one region or in all regions managed by one behavior
Vehicle transfer, loading, unloading and occupation changes.
Visible status changes of patients.
Treating personnel changes for patients.
By clicking on a log entry or a chart, a marker will be shown in the chart at that time. The log entry list scrolls to that time.
Errors in reduction of the tick actions no longer crash the backend.
You can’t perform that action at this time.